Latest News News See All News /about/news/ ncsbn news [x-request-id] = [580038cc80b5fec4c36b11cb3d64c8df] [referer] = [] [cookie] = [JSESSIONID=8C4D42DCE38DB798C680531382619CCB] [x-forwarded-for] = [] [accept] = [*/*] [via] = [1.1 google] [x-real-ip] = [] [x-forwarded-scheme] = [https] [x-original-forwarded-for] = [,] [x-cloud-trace-context] = [e63cc40a3bbf9a292d94345a1c2f3e5f/2336570176799096315] [host] = [lsds] [connection] = [close] [x-scheme] = [https] [accept-encoding] = [gzip, br, zstd, deflate] [user-agent] = [Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;] about/news 4 en_US m6gsfqsj /default/main/NCSBN true ncsbn/News manual 2025-03-11 11:41:00 /default/main/NCSBN/STAGING 2025-03-11 11:38:03 en_US templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/nurse-licensure-compact-commission-annual-report-now-available.xml templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/nurse-licensure-compact-commission-annual-report-now-available.xml /default/main/NCSBN/WORKAREA/default m6gsfqsj 2025-03-11 11:38:03 m6gsfqsj m6gsfqsj templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/nurse-licensure-compact-commission-annual-report-now-available.xml m6gsfqsj 2025-03-11 11:31:00 /default/main/NCSBN News Release m6gsfqsj m6gsfqsj 2025-03-11 11:41:00 /default/main/NCSBN/WORKAREA/default/templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/nurse-licensure-compact-commission-annual-report-now-available.xml nurse-licensure-compact-commission-2024-annual-report-now-available m6gsfqsj m6gsfqsj 1 Nurse Licensure Compact Commission Annual Report Now Available News Release 2025-03-11 11:31:00 /sites/ncsbn/news/ /templatedata/ncsbn/Vertical-Navigation/data/news.xml <p>The Nurse Licensure Compact Commission Annual Report for fiscal year 2024, the period from Oct. 1, 2023 to Sept. 30, 2024, is now available on NCSBN&rsquo;s website.</p> /images/annual-report-img-news.png yes yes <p>CHICAGO &ndash; The Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) Commission Annual Report for fiscal year 2024 (FY24), the period from Oct. 1, 2023 to Sept. 30, 2024, is <a href="">now available on NCSBN&rsquo;s website</a>. It provides a comprehensive overview of the activities, achievements and financial performance of the Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators (ICNLCA) throughout the report period. It also comprises a snapshot of recent accomplishments and a preview of NLC Commission goals in FY25.</p> <p>&ldquo;Now in its 25th year, the NLC continues to assist the nursing profession by streamlining licensure and facilitating nurse mobility,&rdquo; says NLC Commission Chair Pamela C. Zickafoose, EdD, MSN, RN, NE-BC, CNE, FRE. &ldquo;At the end of fiscal year 2024, the NLC welcomed Connecticut as the 42nd jurisdiction to join the compact. Significant progress with advocacy initiatives was made in Alaska and Massachusetts. We also look forward to the full implementation of the NLC in Pennsylvania, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Connecticut, as well as celebrating additional states enacting the compact.&rdquo;</p> <p>For more information, contact <a href=""></a> or visit <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>About the ICNLCA<br /></strong>The ICNLCA facilitates cross border nursing practice through the implementation of the nationally recognized, multistate license, the NLC. The ICNLCA enhances nurse mobility and public protection through maintaining uniform licensure standards among party state boards of nursing; promoting cooperation and collaboration between party states, facilitating the exchange of data and information between party states; and educating stakeholders. The ICNLCA is a quasi-governmental and joint public agency of the party states created and established on July 20, 2017. The Executive Committee is the seven-member elected leadership of the ICNLCA.</p> <p><strong>About the NLC<br /></strong>The NLC allows for RNs and LPN/VNs to have one multistate license, with the ability to practice in person or via telehealth in both their home state and other NLC states. There are 43 jurisdictions that are members of the NLC. Licensing standards are aligned in NLC states, so all nurses applying for a multistate license are required to meet the same standards, which include a federal and state criminal background check that will be conducted for all applicants for multistate licensure.</p> <p>The NLC also enables nurses to provide telehealth nursing services to patients located across the country without having to obtain additional licenses. In the event of a disaster, nurses from multiple states can easily respond to supply vital services. Additionally, almost every nurse, including primary care nurses, case managers, transport nurses, school and hospice nurses, among many others, needs to routinely cross state boundaries to provide the public with access to nursing services, and a multistate license facilitates this process.</p> Nurse Licensure Compact Commission Annual Report Now Available The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. nlc, nurse compact, nurse licensure compact, annual report Compacts, NCSBN Organization, Nurse Licensure Compact FALSE yes en_US m6gsfq5a /default/main/NCSBN true ncsbn/News manual 2025-02-27 09:41:16 /default/main/NCSBN/STAGING 2025-02-27 09:29:30 en_US templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/ncsbn-is-stateramp-authorized.xml templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/ncsbn-is-stateramp-authorized.xml /default/main/NCSBN/WORKAREA/default m6gsfq5a 2025-02-27 09:29:30 m6gsfq5a m6gsfq5a templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/ncsbn-is-stateramp-authorized.xml m6gsfq5a 2025-02-27 09:24:00 /default/main/NCSBN News Release m6gsfq5a m6gsfq5a 2025-02-27 09:41:16 /default/main/NCSBN/WORKAREA/default/templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/ncsbn-is-stateramp-authorized.xml ncsbn-is-stateramp-authorized m6gsfq5a m6gsfq5a 1 NCSBN is StateRAMP Authorized News Release 2025-02-27 09:24:00 /sites/ncsbn/news/ /templatedata/ncsbn/Vertical-Navigation/data/news.xml <p>NCSBN has achieved StateRAMP certification for its Nursys database, and ORBS and Passport products. NCSBN achieved StateRAMP authorization on Jan. 13, 2025, based on an independent assessment of cybersecurity and privacy standards.</p> /images/StateRAMP-New-Img.png yes yes <p>CHICAGO &ndash;&nbsp;NCSBN has achieved&nbsp;<a href="">StateRAMP</a>&nbsp;certification for its Nursys database, and ORBS and Passport products. NCSBN provides these essential services to U.S. boards of nursing (BONs) to enhance public protection.<br /><br />StateRAMP&rsquo;s mission is to promote cybersecurity best practices through education, advocacy, and policy development to support its members and improve the cyber posture of state and local governments and the citizens they serve. StateRAMP offers a standardized approach that allows cloud providers serving state and local governments to verify their security posture and prove their cybersecurity compliance to their government clients. Currently&nbsp;<a href="">28 states are participating in StateRAMP</a>.<br /><br />NCSBN achieved StateRAMP authorization on Jan. 13, 2025, based on an independent assessment of cybersecurity and privacy standards, including NIST 800-53, and is required to participate in StateRAMP&rsquo;s continuous monitoring process. This authorization program provides assurances to BONs that these systems and data have a high level of protection.<br /><br />&ldquo;We are extremely pleased to receive this designation from StateRAMP,&rdquo; remarks NCSBN CEO Philip Dickison, PhD, RN. &ldquo;Being granted this authorization means that we have undergone a rigorous evaluation process to validate our commitment to protect the data of our state customers. This achievement is a testimony to the high level of security of our services.&rdquo;<br /><br />The public can&nbsp;<a href="">verify NCSBN&rsquo;s StateRAMP authorization here</a>.</p> <p><strong>About NCSBN</strong><br />Empowering and supporting nursing regulators across the world in their mandate to protect the public, NCSBN is an independent, not-for-profit organization. As a global leader in regulatory excellence, NCSBN champions regulatory solutions to borderless health care delivery, agile regulatory systems and nurses practicing to the full scope of their education, experience and expertise. A world leader in test development and administration, NCSBN&rsquo;s NCLEX&nbsp;Exams are internationally recognized as preeminent nursing examinations.&nbsp;<br /><br />NCSBN&rsquo;s membership is comprised of the nursing regulatory bodies (NRBs) in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and four U.S. territories. There are nine exam user members and 21 associate members that are either NRBs or empowered regulatory authorities from other countries or territories.&nbsp;<br /><br />The statements and opinions expressed are those of NCSBN and not individual members.</p> NCSBN is StateRAMP Authorized The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. StateRAMP, Nursys, ORBS, NCSBN NCSBN Organization, Nursys, ORBS FALSE yes en_US m4f7hl59 /default/main/NCSBN true ncsbn/News manual 2025-01-16 10:27:28 /default/main/NCSBN/STAGING 2025-01-16 10:26:12 en_US templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/the-nurse-licensure-compact-nlc-celebrates-milestone-anniversary-in-2025.xml templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/the-nurse-licensure-compact-nlc-celebrates-milestone-anniversary-in-2025.xml /default/main/NCSBN/WORKAREA/default m4f7hl59 2025-01-16 10:26:12 m4f7hl59 m4f7hl59 templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/the-nurse-licensure-compact-nlc-celebrates-milestone-anniversary-in-2025.xml m4f7hl59 2025-01-16 10:23:00 /default/main/NCSBN News Release m4f7hl59 m4f7hl59 2025-01-16 10:27:28 /default/main/NCSBN/WORKAREA/default/templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2025/the-nurse-licensure-compact-nlc-celebrates-milestone-anniversary-in-2025.xml the-nlc-celebrates-milestone-anniversary-in-2025 m4f7hl59 m4f7hl59 1 The Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) Celebrates Milestone Anniversary in 2025 News Release 2025-01-16 10:23:00 /sites/ncsbn/about/ /templatedata/ncsbn/Vertical-Navigation/data/about-ncsbn.xml <p>The NLC is celebrating 25 years of multistate mobility and greater access to care. Implemented in 2000, the NLC has successfully reduced regulatory barriers to cross-border nursing practice.</p> /images/news/25NLCanniversary-NewsUpdate.png yes yes <p>The NLC is celebrating 25 years of multistate mobility and greater access to care. Implemented in 2000, the NLC has successfully reduced regulatory barriers to cross-border nursing practice.</p> <p>The NLC allows registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPN/VNs) to have one multistate license, with the ability to practice in person or electronically in both their home state and other NLC states.&nbsp;Licensure requirements are aligned in NLC states for those nurses applying for a multistate license. Requirements include submitting to a federal and state fingerprint-based criminal background check, passing the NCLEX Examination, and having no encumbrances.</p> <p>Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators (ICNLCA) Chair Pamela C. Zickafoose, EdD, MSN, RN, NE-BC, CNE, FRE, executive director, Delaware Board of Nursing, said, &ldquo;This is a momentous historic occasion as we celebrate the first 25 years of the NLC! As the first professional license compact, the NLC has repeatedly demonstrated its value. The compact works well because of the collaboration between the member states, the support of NCSBN and the leadership of the Commission.&rdquo;</p> <p>There are currently <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">43 NLC members</a>. Alaska, American Samoa, California, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Northern Mariana Island and Oregon have yet to join the NLC.</p> <p>&ldquo;The NLC is the multistate model of licensure that has informed and inspired the health care compacts that have followed. It has been of great assistance to regulators, nurses, patients, and to military families, earning the formal support of the U.S. Department of Defense,&rdquo; notes NCSBN CEO Phil Dickison,&nbsp;PhD, RN. &ldquo;The NLC also provides the best possible preparation in the event of emergencies, natural disasters and national events because a workforce that is already vetted and immediately available can be called upon.&rdquo;</p> <p><strong>About the Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators (ICNLCA)<br /></strong>The ICNLCA facilitates cross border nursing practice through the implementation of the nationally recognized, multistate license, the NLC. The ICNLCA enhances nurse mobility and public protection through maintaining uniform licensure standards among party state boards of nursing; promoting cooperation and collaboration between party states, facilitating the exchange of data and information between party states; and educating stakeholders. The ICNLCA is a quasi-governmental and joint public agency of the party states created and established on July 20, 2017. The Executive Committee is the seven-member elected leadership of the ICNLCA.</p> <p><strong>About the NLC<br /></strong>The NLC allows for RNs and LPN/VNs to have one multistate license, with the ability to practice in person or via telehealth in both their home state and other NLC states. There are 43 jurisdictions that are members of the NLC. Licensing standards are aligned in NLC states, so all nurses applying for a multistate license are required to meet the same standards, which include a federal and state criminal background check that will be conducted for all applicants for multistate licensure.</p> <p>The NLC also enables nurses to provide telehealth nursing services to patients located across the country without having to obtain additional licenses. In the event of a disaster, nurses from multiple states can easily respond to supply vital services. Additionally, almost every nurse, including primary care nurses, case managers, transport nurses, school and hospice nurses, among many others, needs to routinely cross state boundaries to provide the public with access to nursing services, and a multistate license facilitates this process.</p> The Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) Celebrates Milestone Anniversary in 2025 The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. Compacts FALSE yes SearchSection_News, SearchSection_Policy /images/news/25NLCanniversary-NewsUpdate.png en_US lxcgk89f /default/main/NCSBN true ncsbn/News manual 2024-12-05 15:29:34 /default/main/NCSBN/STAGING 2024-12-05 15:21:10 en_US templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2024/interstate-commission-of-nurse-licensure-compact-administrators-elects-2025-executive-committee-members-in-special-elections.xml templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2024/interstate-commission-of-nurse-licensure-compact-administrators-elects-2025-executive-committee-members-in-special-elections.xml /default/main/NCSBN/WORKAREA/default lxcgk89f 2024-12-05 15:21:10 lxcgk89f lxcgk89f templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2024/interstate-commission-of-nurse-licensure-compact-administrators-elects-2025-executive-committee-members-in-special-elections.xml lxcgk89f 2024-12-05 15:13:00 /default/main/NCSBN News Release lxcgk89f lxcgk89f 2024-12-05 15:29:34 /default/main/NCSBN/WORKAREA/default/templatedata/ncsbn/News/data/2024/interstate-commission-of-nurse-licensure-compact-administrators-elects-2025-executive-committee-members-in-special-elections.xml interstate-commission-of-nurse-licensure-compact-administrators-elects-2025-executive-committee-members-in-special-elections lxcgk89f lxcgk89f 1 Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators Elects 2025 Executive Committee Members in Special Elections News Release 2024-12-05 15:13:00 /sites/ncsbn/news/ /templatedata/ncsbn/Vertical-Navigation/data/news.xml <p>The Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators (ICNLCA), the governing body of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), announces new members of its&nbsp;Executive Committee, elected to two-year terms in two separate special elections.</p> /images/news-nlc-special-election.png yes yes <p>CHICAGO &ndash; The Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators (ICNLCA), the governing body of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), announces new members of its <a href="">Executive Committee</a>, elected to two-year terms in two separate special elections:</p> <p><strong>Elected Dec. 5, 2024:</strong></p> <p><strong>Member-at-Large&nbsp;</strong><br />Kelly Jenkins, MSN, RN, NE-BC, NLC Commissioner, Kentucky, and executive director, Kentucky Board of Nursing<br />Term expires: Sept. 30, 2026</p> <p><strong>Elected Nov. 5, 2024:</strong></p> <p><strong>Vice Chair</strong><br />Sherry Richardson, MSN, RN, NLC Commissioner, Tennessee, and executive director, Tennessee Board of Nursing<br />Term expires: Sept. 30, 2026</p> <p><strong>Member-at-Large&nbsp;</strong><br />Crystal Tillman, DNP, RN, CNP, FRE, NLC Commissioner, North Carolina, and chief executive officer, North Carolina Board of Nursing<br />Term expires: Sept. 30, 2026</p> <p>Other current members of the NLC Executive Committee include:</p> <p><strong>Chair</strong><br />Pamela C. Zickafoose, EdD, MSN, RN, NE-BC, CNE, FRE, NLC Commissioner, Delaware, and executive director, Delaware Board of Nursing<br />Term expires: Sept. 30, 2025</p> <p><strong>Treasurer</strong><br />Samuel Delp, PhD, MPA, NLC Commissioner, Colorado, and division director, DORA/Colorado Board of Nursing<br />Term expires: Sept. 30, 2026</p> <p><strong>Member-at-Large&nbsp;</strong><br />Mary E. Fortier, EdD, RN, CNL, NLC Commissioner, New Jersey, and executive director, New Jersey Board of Nursing<br />Term expires: Sept. 30, 2026<br /><br /><strong>Member-at-Large</strong><br />Linda Young, MS, RN, FRE, NLC Commissioner, South Dakota, and executive director, South Dakota Board of Nursing<br />Term expires: Sept. 30, 2025</p> <p><strong>About the ICNLCA</strong><br />The ICNLCA facilitates cross border nursing practice through the implementation of the nationally recognized, multistate license, the NLC. The ICNLCA enhances nurse mobility and public protection through maintaining uniform licensure standards among party state boards of nursing; promoting cooperation and collaboration between party states; facilitating the exchange of data and information between party states; and educating stakeholders. The ICNLCA is a governmental and joint public agency of the party states created and established on July 20, 2017. The Executive Committee is the seven-member elected leadership of the ICNLCA.<br />&nbsp;<br /><strong>About the NLC</strong><br />The NLC allows for registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPN/VNs) to have one multistate license, with the ability to practice in person or via telehealth in both their home state and other NLC states. There are 43 members of the NLC. Licensing standards are aligned in NLC states, so all nurses applying for a multistate license are required to meet the same standards, which include a federal and state criminal background check that will be conducted for all applicants for multistate licensure.<br />&nbsp;<br />The NLC also enables nurses to provide telehealth nursing services to patients located across the country without having to obtain additional licenses. In the event of a disaster, nurses from multiple states can easily respond to supply vital services. Additionally, almost every nurse, including primary care nurses, case managers, transport nurses, school and hospice nurses, among many others, needs to routinely cross state boundaries to provide the public with access to nursing services, and a multistate license facilitates this process.<br />&nbsp;<br />For more information, contact&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;or visit&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</p> Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators Elects 2025 Executive Committee Members in Special Elections The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. Compacts, NCSBN Organization, Nurse Licensure Compact FALSE yes

Nurse Licensure Compact Commission Annual Report Now Available

The Nurse Licensure Compact Commission Annual Report for fiscal year 2024, the period from Oct. 1, 2023 to Sept. 30, 2024, is now available on NCSBN’s website.

Posted 03/11/2025

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NCSBN is StateRAMP Authorized

NCSBN has achieved StateRAMP certification for its Nursys database, and ORBS and Passport products. NCSBN achieved StateRAMP authorization on Jan. 13, 2025, based on an independent assessment of cybersecurity and privacy standards.

Posted 02/27/2025

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The Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) Celebrates Milestone Anniversary in 2025

The NLC is celebrating 25 years of multistate mobility and greater access to care. Implemented in 2000, the NLC has successfully reduced regulatory barriers to cross-border nursing practice.

Posted 01/16/2025

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Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators Elects 2025 Executive Committee Members in Special Elections

The Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators (ICNLCA), the governing body of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), announces new members of its Executive Committee, elected to two-year terms in two separate special elections.

Posted 12/05/2024

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