WEBVTT 00:00:00.280 --> 00:00:05.352 position:50% align:middle - [Woman 1] Malinda Whitlow is a triple 'Hoo University of Virginia graduate from the RN BSN, 00:00:05.352 --> 00:00:11.857 position:50% align:middle FNP-BC, and DNP programs, and a current DNP to PhD student at the 00:00:11.857 --> 00:00:13.945 position:50% align:middle Indiana University of Pennsylvania. 00:00:13.945 --> 00:00:20.240 position:50% align:middle She is an associate professor and DNP program director at UVA School of Nursing. 00:00:20.240 --> 00:00:26.607 position:50% align:middle She works as an FMP assisting with COVID triage and testing, and was also named one of the top 40 00:00:26.607 --> 00:00:28.622 position:50% align:middle nurses under 40 in Virginia. 00:00:29.753 --> 00:00:34.568 position:50% align:middle Kathleen de Leon is a nursing health policy doctoral student at the University of 00:00:34.568 --> 00:00:36.176 position:50% align:middle California, San Francisco. 00:00:36.176 --> 00:00:42.095 position:50% align:middle As a recipient of the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program's predoctoral award, 00:00:42.095 --> 00:00:48.184 position:50% align:middle she's conducting her doctoral research on endgame tobacco control policy in the Philippines. 00:00:48.184 --> 00:00:52.388 position:50% align:middle In 2018, she was awarded the Earle C. Anthony scholarship 00:00:52.388 --> 00:00:57.785 position:50% align:middle and in 2015, she was the recipient of the UCSF School of Nursing 00:00:57.785 --> 00:00:59.175 position:50% align:middle and Clovis Award. 00:01:05.218 --> 00:01:06.799 position:50% align:middle - [Dr. Whitlow] Hi, everyone. 00:01:06.799 --> 00:01:13.749 position:50% align:middle I would like to welcome you to our presentation that is international clinical experiences for required 00:01:13.749 --> 00:01:20.319 position:50% align:middle clinical hours, a national survey of registered nurse prelicensure programs. 00:01:20.319 --> 00:01:29.159 position:50% align:middle Here, you see our research team that consist of Tamara, Angie or Angela, Kathleen, myself, 00:01:29.159 --> 00:01:32.951 position:50% align:middle Malinda Whitlow, and Joyce. 00:01:32.951 --> 00:01:40.563 position:50% align:middle This research team here, as you can see, has worked on this particular study, and we hope to 00:01:40.563 --> 00:01:47.448 position:50% align:middle bring you valuable information as we explain more about the international clinical experiences to help 00:01:47.448 --> 00:01:55.971 position:50% align:middle make the future nursing students global leaders in international clinical. 00:01:55.971 --> 00:02:01.081 position:50% align:middle Our research team, a little background, kind of go through the publications and presentations 00:02:01.081 --> 00:02:03.331 position:50% align:middle that we've presented in the past. 00:02:03.331 --> 00:02:11.314 position:50% align:middle As you can see here that we have worked a lot with global education experiences and become 00:02:11.314 --> 00:02:15.641 position:50% align:middle somewhat a little bit of experts in this field. 00:02:15.641 --> 00:02:21.641 position:50% align:middle On the right-hand side here, you can also see other examples of presentations done 00:02:21.641 --> 00:02:30.971 position:50% align:middle with NCSBN, International Council of Nurses, consortium of university of global health, 00:02:30.971 --> 00:02:36.851 position:50% align:middle and with Sigma Theta Tau as well. 00:02:36.851 --> 00:02:43.441 position:50% align:middle So to prepare nurses as global citizens, it is an innovative teaching method that prepares the 00:02:43.441 --> 00:02:48.856 position:50% align:middle nurses to be global citizens equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to 00:02:48.856 --> 00:02:53.881 position:50% align:middle improve the health of individuals and community both locally and globally. 00:02:53.881 --> 00:02:58.938 position:50% align:middle So this kind of explains a little bit of our purpose behind doing this particular study. 00:02:59.911 --> 00:03:03.645 position:50% align:middle So why is global citizenship critical for nursing education? 00:03:03.645 --> 00:03:08.535 position:50% align:middle You may be wondering, you know, that why or so what question. 00:03:08.535 --> 00:03:13.645 position:50% align:middle Well, nursing workforce, we represent 50% or more of the 00:03:13.645 --> 00:03:16.065 position:50% align:middle healthcare workforce globally. 00:03:16.065 --> 00:03:23.490 position:50% align:middle Professional organizations' statements and mission and values, so ICN's strategic plan of 2019 to '23, 00:03:23.490 --> 00:03:30.422 position:50% align:middle there is a global impact to inform and influence the design and implementation of health, social, 00:03:30.422 --> 00:03:36.662 position:50% align:middle educational, and economic policies at a global and regional level to promote health for all. 00:03:36.662 --> 00:03:41.492 position:50% align:middle We also consider your organization's mission and values as well. 00:03:41.492 --> 00:03:48.427 position:50% align:middle And this also holds true with everything going on in the world with the pandemic to get more of our 00:03:48.427 --> 00:03:51.732 position:50% align:middle global citizens out there into practice. 00:03:51.732 --> 00:03:57.963 position:50% align:middle So with evidence advancing global citizenship through nursing education which helps emerge 00:03:57.963 --> 00:04:02.906 position:50% align:middle evidence indicating innovative and nontraditional methods such as an immersive global 00:04:02.906 --> 00:04:05.033 position:50% align:middle service learning experiences. 00:04:05.033 --> 00:04:10.273 position:50% align:middle And when we think about global citizens, particularly within nursing programs, 00:04:10.273 --> 00:04:15.449 position:50% align:middle this does help make students very culturally aware, there's a civic engagement, 00:04:15.449 --> 00:04:21.633 position:50% align:middle self-efficacy also arises from this, international nursing perspective. 00:04:21.633 --> 00:04:28.523 position:50% align:middle So it gives the nurse or nursing student that perspective beyond the regional and national level, 00:04:28.523 --> 00:04:33.461 position:50% align:middle and in practice, you know, within other countries. 00:04:33.461 --> 00:04:38.681 position:50% align:middle So global service-learning shares several qualities of high-impact practices described in prior 00:04:38.681 --> 00:04:44.281 position:50% align:middle research including, but not limited to, just want to point out diversity in global learning, 00:04:44.281 --> 00:04:51.466 position:50% align:middle making our nursing students very diverse with their experiences with patients because they may not 00:04:51.466 --> 00:04:58.221 position:50% align:middle see a particular case within their local hospital or outpatient setting. 00:04:58.221 --> 00:05:05.703 position:50% align:middle And so it really helps align them to see other experiences that are happening in the world if they 00:05:05.703 --> 00:05:10.403 position:50% align:middle decide to also work within a global setting. 00:05:10.403 --> 00:05:15.503 position:50% align:middle So the purpose and aim of this study, this project was to describe the nature 00:05:15.503 --> 00:05:22.345 position:50% align:middle of international clinical experiences for credit toward major United States schools of nursing and to 00:05:22.345 --> 00:05:27.314 position:50% align:middle describe schools' understanding of their state board of nursing regulations related to these programs. 00:05:27.314 --> 00:05:33.012 position:50% align:middle So the first aim was describe the nature of international clinical experiences for credit 00:05:33.012 --> 00:05:39.561 position:50% align:middle toward majors in U.S. schools of nursing and the second aim, obtained information from U.S. 00:05:39.561 --> 00:05:44.372 position:50% align:middle schools of nursing faculty understanding of their state board of nursing regulations 00:05:44.372 --> 00:05:47.822 position:50% align:middle regarding international clinical experiences. 00:05:47.822 --> 00:05:57.829 position:50% align:middle So this particular survey was sent out to 2,015 deans or directors, and we had 900 responses or 00:05:57.829 --> 00:06:09.883 position:50% align:middle 44.6% response rate, 241 or 26.8% indicated that their prelicensure programs allow for ICE applied 00:06:09.883 --> 00:06:11.899 position:50% align:middle toward required clinical hours. 00:06:15.123 --> 00:06:22.713 position:50% align:middle As you can see here in the pie chart, programs offering ICE particularly what I wanted to point 00:06:22.713 --> 00:06:27.305 position:50% align:middle out too, which you can see, the prelicensure BSN or generic traditional-entry level 00:06:27.305 --> 00:06:32.866 position:50% align:middle made up 47% of those that did offer ICE. 00:06:32.866 --> 00:06:39.038 position:50% align:middle And then you can see the 26.8% indicated that prelicensure programs allowed for ICE to be applied 00:06:39.038 --> 00:06:40.938 position:50% align:middle towards the required clinical hours. 00:06:40.938 --> 00:06:48.828 position:50% align:middle So 53% of the 241 respondents reported students receive credit towards their major for their 00:06:48.828 --> 00:06:51.138 position:50% align:middle international clinical experiences. 00:06:51.138 --> 00:06:59.588 position:50% align:middle And here, also in this pie chart, it shows the credit toward required clinical hours, and 00:06:59.588 --> 00:07:05.939 position:50% align:middle here again, 55% said, yes, that students did receive credit towards their clinical hours 00:07:05.939 --> 00:07:09.919 position:50% align:middle with their ICE experience. 00:07:09.919 --> 00:07:14.849 position:50% align:middle This chart here shows the result of where in the curriculum do ICEs occur. 00:07:14.849 --> 00:07:20.509 position:50% align:middle And so I wanted to point out, as you can see, community help, particularly within the BSN 00:07:20.509 --> 00:07:28.793 position:50% align:middle programs, is where you see a lot of the clinical hours being obtained, and the other accounts or 00:07:28.793 --> 00:07:38.335 position:50% align:middle other areas where the ICE hours were also used as an elective, under that BSN, under other also 00:07:38.335 --> 00:07:45.363 position:50% align:middle includes electives as well, maybe capstone experiences, or life span residency, and practicums. 00:07:45.363 --> 00:07:51.713 position:50% align:middle But particularly the responses pointed out the community health total the most of where 00:07:51.713 --> 00:07:55.023 position:50% align:middle we see these hours occur. 00:07:55.023 --> 00:07:59.733 position:50% align:middle And so now I'm going to turn it over to Kathleen to talk about the board of nursing 00:07:59.733 --> 00:08:01.245 position:50% align:middle related-outcome results. 00:08:01.245 --> 00:08:03.475 position:50% align:middle - [Kathleen] Thank you. 00:08:03.475 --> 00:08:07.125 position:50% align:middle And as Melinda said, next I'll be talking about board of nursing related 00:08:07.125 --> 00:08:10.255 position:50% align:middle outcomes from our study. 00:08:10.255 --> 00:08:14.765 position:50% align:middle So we asked our respondents to tell us about their understanding about their board's regulations 00:08:14.765 --> 00:08:18.755 position:50% align:middle for international clinical experiences for required clinical hours. 00:08:18.755 --> 00:08:23.005 position:50% align:middle Most respondents, 71%, didn't know and never asked the question. 00:08:23.005 --> 00:08:29.470 position:50% align:middle Of the 15 schools that did inquire with their boards, 2 didn't receive a response, and 13 were told that 00:08:29.470 --> 00:08:31.638 position:50% align:middle their boards did not approve. 00:08:31.638 --> 00:08:38.438 position:50% align:middle Almost 18% or 114 never checked with their boards and of these, 44 schools believe their boards 00:08:38.438 --> 00:08:42.870 position:50% align:middle would approve, while 70 reported that they believe that their boards would not approve. 00:08:44.588 --> 00:08:49.708 position:50% align:middle Next, we asked respondents if preceptors from other countries were used, 00:08:49.708 --> 00:08:53.708 position:50% align:middle did their boards regulate requirements for these preceptors? 00:08:53.708 --> 00:09:02.080 position:50% align:middle Fifty-six percent stated they were not sure and 35.2% stated that they were not regulated. 00:09:02.080 --> 00:09:07.180 position:50% align:middle Next, I'll review some program and curricular outcomes. 00:09:07.180 --> 00:09:12.293 position:50% align:middle We asked the schools that were offering these programs, what factors led them to 00:09:12.293 --> 00:09:13.651 position:50% align:middle initiate these programs? 00:09:13.651 --> 00:09:20.650 position:50% align:middle Most replied that this was driven largely by the school's mission and vision, and/or global initiatives. 00:09:20.650 --> 00:09:27.140 position:50% align:middle Luckily, in the survey, we were able to offer respondents the opportunity 00:09:27.140 --> 00:09:29.580 position:50% align:middle to give us free text answers. 00:09:29.580 --> 00:09:35.741 position:50% align:middle One respondent stated that it was their school's belief in service and going beyond their borders that 00:09:35.741 --> 00:09:39.916 position:50% align:middle permitted them to have this program, while another respondent stated, 00:09:39.916 --> 00:09:43.021 position:50% align:middle "They're not part of our written mission and vision. 00:09:43.021 --> 00:09:47.791 position:50% align:middle The school as a whole supports helping students develop a global perspective." 00:09:47.791 --> 00:09:52.857 position:50% align:middle Many other respondents also replied that these offerings were driven by motivated faculty who 00:09:52.857 --> 00:09:59.046 position:50% align:middle really wanted to have this program at their school, and I think it's also very notable that 48 00:09:59.046 --> 00:10:05.201 position:50% align:middle respondents cited that there was a strong demand from their own students to have these programs. 00:10:07.208 --> 00:10:11.668 position:50% align:middle On the flip side, we asked schools of nursing that did not have these programs, 00:10:11.668 --> 00:10:15.928 position:50% align:middle what were the barriers to having international clinical experiences? 00:10:15.928 --> 00:10:22.404 position:50% align:middle A majority cited a lack of support from administration, 289 stated that there were financial 00:10:22.404 --> 00:10:28.015 position:50% align:middle constraints on the part of the school, and 165 stated that they didn't have international content in their 00:10:28.015 --> 00:10:34.661 position:50% align:middle curriculum, 252 stated that they never considered this to be an option for their students. 00:10:34.661 --> 00:10:40.601 position:50% align:middle And this is an interesting follow up to the previous slide regarding student interest in these programs, 00:10:40.601 --> 00:10:45.021 position:50% align:middle 42 of these respondents, of these respondents from schools that did not have 00:10:45.021 --> 00:10:51.331 position:50% align:middle their programs, stated that their students were not interested and/or could not afford to go 00:10:51.331 --> 00:10:54.201 position:50% align:middle abroad to participate. 00:10:54.201 --> 00:10:59.121 position:50% align:middle It was interesting to see this theme of financial constraints or perceived financial constraints 00:10:59.121 --> 00:11:03.550 position:50% align:middle for students and schools of nursing alike. 00:11:03.550 --> 00:11:09.447 position:50% align:middle This might hint at a possible disparity that might be occurring between those schools and students with 00:11:09.447 --> 00:11:14.308 position:50% align:middle and without the resources to have these experiences and to prepare nurses 00:11:14.308 --> 00:11:15.640 position:50% align:middle as global citizens. 00:11:15.640 --> 00:11:22.075 position:50% align:middle Now earlier, you might remember that Malinda talked about where these programs are being 00:11:22.075 --> 00:11:27.564 position:50% align:middle offered, you know, and that some of these programs are being offered with other schools or 00:11:27.564 --> 00:11:29.523 position:50% align:middle departments, and/or capstone courses. 00:11:29.523 --> 00:11:34.056 position:50% align:middle We found that for some, these workarounds are just not an option. 00:11:34.056 --> 00:11:41.206 position:50% align:middle Eight hundred and twelve schools reported that their programs did not allow participation in international 00:11:41.206 --> 00:11:45.396 position:50% align:middle clinic experiences in collaboration with other schools or departments. 00:11:45.396 --> 00:11:50.546 position:50% align:middle And 123 reported that their schools did not have a capstone course that permitted 00:11:50.546 --> 00:11:52.718 position:50% align:middle international clinical experiences. 00:11:54.285 --> 00:11:59.236 position:50% align:middle And next, I'll go over some faculty-related outcomes. 00:11:59.236 --> 00:12:03.383 position:50% align:middle We asked respondents, "Who teaches these programs?" 00:12:03.383 --> 00:12:13.362 position:50% align:middle And largely they were being taught by faculty from the home school, and 18.9% reported that it was a 00:12:13.362 --> 00:12:16.752 position:50% align:middle mix of both home institution and partner school faculty. 00:12:18.883 --> 00:12:24.333 position:50% align:middle We also asked respondents what was required of the faculty teaching these international clinical 00:12:24.333 --> 00:12:29.023 position:50% align:middle experiences, and most required that they would be faculty of the school, 00:12:29.023 --> 00:12:34.565 position:50% align:middle and also majority required that these faculty would have a master's degree in nursing. 00:12:34.565 --> 00:12:40.635 position:50% align:middle It's notable the only 28 schools required training in international program leadership. 00:12:40.635 --> 00:12:46.745 position:50% align:middle Moreover, through this study we found that 86% of respondents reported that the qualifications 00:12:46.745 --> 00:12:52.115 position:50% align:middle for teaching these programs were the same as for those in non-international courses. 00:12:52.115 --> 00:12:56.685 position:50% align:middle We also found that 73% of respondents stated that faculty were not required to take any additional 00:12:56.685 --> 00:13:00.196 position:50% align:middle coursework before teaching international clinical experiences. 00:13:02.562 --> 00:13:08.822 position:50% align:middle And finally, we would like to report a little bit on some student-related outcomes. 00:13:08.822 --> 00:13:15.347 position:50% align:middle We asked these respondents at the schools of nursing, at what level do their students 00:13:15.347 --> 00:13:17.602 position:50% align:middle engage in international clinical experiences. 00:13:17.602 --> 00:13:21.892 position:50% align:middle And as you can see here, a majority of the students participated during their 00:13:21.892 --> 00:13:23.625 position:50% align:middle junior and senior years. 00:13:25.092 --> 00:13:28.432 position:50% align:middle And finally, I'd like to review some lessons learned. 00:13:28.432 --> 00:13:33.921 position:50% align:middle Based on the knowledge gained from this study regarding the extent and nature of the inclusion of 00:13:33.921 --> 00:13:38.581 position:50% align:middle international clinical experiences, there's a need to continue to assess and disseminate 00:13:38.581 --> 00:13:42.581 position:50% align:middle best practices in implementing international clinical experiences. 00:13:42.581 --> 00:13:49.091 position:50% align:middle It's undeniable that these experiences in schools of nursing have a direct impact on global health, and if 00:13:49.091 --> 00:13:53.444 position:50% align:middle there's one lesson that we've learned during the COVID pandemic, it's that healthcare is not the 00:13:53.444 --> 00:13:56.401 position:50% align:middle result of isolated actions or practices. 00:13:56.401 --> 00:14:01.561 position:50% align:middle We must educate our students, our nurses, to think and act as global citizens 00:14:01.561 --> 00:14:03.631 position:50% align:middle in the real world. 00:14:03.631 --> 00:14:09.980 position:50% align:middle We also gleaned many lessons from our outreach which permitted us to reach a response 00:14:09.980 --> 00:14:11.276 position:50% align:middle rate of 45%. 00:14:11.276 --> 00:14:15.301 position:50% align:middle A big part of this was our persistence. 00:14:15.301 --> 00:14:20.281 position:50% align:middle For example, to reach out to these, to every school of nursing in the country, 00:14:20.281 --> 00:14:27.704 position:50% align:middle we emailed every contact that was listed on every website, and sometimes resorted to cold calling 00:14:27.704 --> 00:14:32.066 position:50% align:middle these schools of nursing trying to get contact information. 00:14:32.066 --> 00:14:38.566 position:50% align:middle We also give a lot of credit not only to the research team that you were introduced to earlier, 00:14:38.566 --> 00:14:44.476 position:50% align:middle but also to the team at Indiana University for helping us, again, reach out to these schools, 00:14:44.476 --> 00:14:51.216 position:50% align:middle get contact information, and to follow up, send, and review recruitment emails 00:14:51.216 --> 00:14:52.786 position:50% align:middle and the responses that we received. 00:14:52.786 --> 00:15:02.440 position:50% align:middle A lot of this was also, we credit to NCSBN itself and for them allowing us not only to do the study, 00:15:02.440 --> 00:15:08.220 position:50% align:middle but also to use their name, to reference them in our PR materials and the handouts that we use, 00:15:08.220 --> 00:15:09.270 position:50% align:middle and recruitment emails. 00:15:09.270 --> 00:15:15.300 position:50% align:middle A lot of that we believe generated a lot of enthusiasm for this study among the 00:15:15.300 --> 00:15:16.306 position:50% align:middle schools of nursing. 00:15:17.060 --> 00:15:23.136 position:50% align:middle We need to reconsider assumptions around student interest, so we can provide access to these 00:15:23.136 --> 00:15:25.053 position:50% align:middle programs in an equitable manner. 00:15:25.053 --> 00:15:31.318 position:50% align:middle Again, 17% of respondents assumed that their students wouldn't even be interested in these 00:15:31.318 --> 00:15:38.217 position:50% align:middle programs, and before we make these assumptions, we need to assess how we can get students 00:15:38.217 --> 00:15:42.031 position:50% align:middle involved and to ask them directly, are they interested. 00:15:42.031 --> 00:15:46.460 position:50% align:middle Sometimes we found in some of the pretext answers, it was assumed they weren't interested 00:15:46.460 --> 00:15:51.531 position:50% align:middle just because the students were, for example, immigrants from other countries. 00:15:51.531 --> 00:15:57.541 position:50% align:middle Another big lesson learned was that we need to clarify policies and regulations, 00:15:57.541 --> 00:16:02.103 position:50% align:middle and best practices around credit toward major for international clinical experiences. 00:16:02.103 --> 00:16:06.623 position:50% align:middle As we found in this study, many schools of nursing never asked, didn't know, 00:16:06.623 --> 00:16:11.983 position:50% align:middle never considered, and sometimes made educated guesses around their board's policies related to 00:16:11.983 --> 00:16:14.723 position:50% align:middle credit toward major for these experiences. 00:16:14.723 --> 00:16:20.275 position:50% align:middle And this suggests a strong need for clarification as well as better assessment and implementation of 00:16:20.275 --> 00:16:24.143 position:50% align:middle best practices around international clinical experiences. 00:16:24.143 --> 00:16:29.913 position:50% align:middle And finally, we'd like to share a brief yet powerful video of a former student of Dr. McKinnon's as she 00:16:29.913 --> 00:16:32.586 position:50% align:middle reflects on her experiences in Grenada. 00:16:32.586 --> 00:16:39.827 position:50% align:middle - [Woman 2] It also made me feel like I know I'm doing a lot here, but, then, I keep questioning 00:16:39.827 --> 00:16:45.526 position:50% align:middle myself, can I do more than what I'm doing? 00:16:45.526 --> 00:16:52.146 position:50% align:middle You know, whether if it's here, if it's in the U.S. where I reside right now, or anywhere. 00:16:52.146 --> 00:17:00.421 position:50% align:middle What I can start doing is education because I think that's the most I can give anyone right now, 00:17:00.421 --> 00:17:06.041 position:50% align:middle this is what's going on, this is what you can know, this is what you can do about the situation. 00:17:06.041 --> 00:17:09.821 position:50% align:middle It might be little, but it's a drop, you know. 00:17:09.821 --> 00:17:17.909 position:50% align:middle And the more I feel that you are, educate the world situation, the more equipped or the more 00:17:17.909 --> 00:17:21.201 position:50% align:middle in power you are to try to make things change for yourself. 00:17:21.201 --> 00:17:26.679 position:50% align:middle And it don't matter where we all come and teach or what we do, the change is going to 00:17:26.679 --> 00:17:27.735 position:50% align:middle come from within. 00:17:27.735 --> 00:17:30.030 position:50% align:middle - This concludes our presentation. 00:17:30.030 --> 00:17:34.740 position:50% align:middle On behalf of our research team, thank you so much for your time and interest. 00:17:34.740 --> 00:17:36.607 position:50% align:middle We will now take your questions. 00:17:58.584 --> 00:17:59.644 position:50% align:middle - Hello, everyone. 00:17:59.644 --> 00:18:03.195 position:50% align:middle My name is Kathleen de Leon and I'm here with Dr. Malinda Whitlow. 00:18:03.195 --> 00:18:06.705 position:50% align:middle Thank you so much for joining us for our presentation today. 00:18:06.705 --> 00:18:08.955 position:50% align:middle We appreciate any questions that you may have. 00:18:08.955 --> 00:18:15.055 position:50% align:middle It looks like we already have a couple. I'll take the first one, Malinda. 00:18:15.055 --> 00:18:16.965 position:50% align:middle So let's see here. 00:18:16.965 --> 00:18:19.005 position:50% align:middle All right. 00:18:19.005 --> 00:18:25.575 position:50% align:middle So the first question is, "Will you discuss some of the clinical objectives for global clinical experiences?" 00:18:25.575 --> 00:18:29.355 position:50% align:middle So actually we didn't ask this question, you know. 00:18:29.355 --> 00:18:33.147 position:50% align:middle We didn't ask the schools of nursing what their objectives were for these programs, 00:18:33.147 --> 00:18:41.046 position:50% align:middle but I think that, that would be an excellent follow-up question for a future study, for a follow-up study. 00:18:45.827 --> 00:18:49.547 position:50% align:middle And it looks like our second question is from Mark. 00:18:49.547 --> 00:18:54.097 position:50% align:middle "For the international students in your study, do you track or ask about the success rate 00:18:54.097 --> 00:18:55.182 position:50% align:middle on the NCLEX?" 00:18:58.927 --> 00:19:00.029 position:50% align:middle - Hi. 00:19:00.029 --> 00:19:02.068 position:50% align:middle That is a great question. 00:19:02.068 --> 00:19:10.338 position:50% align:middle And as far as with this study, we did not ask about the NCLEX pass rates, 00:19:10.338 --> 00:19:14.578 position:50% align:middle but that is definitely something to be considered in our future studies as well. 00:19:14.578 --> 00:19:15.868 position:50% align:middle But that is a great question. 00:19:24.283 --> 00:19:25.043 position:50% align:middle - All right. 00:19:25.043 --> 00:19:27.508 position:50% align:middle And it looks like we have another question from Carrie. 00:19:27.508 --> 00:19:33.280 position:50% align:middle Do any of the schools do interprofessional education internationally? 00:19:33.280 --> 00:19:39.750 position:50% align:middle I believe we touched on this a little bit in that some of the schools of nursing did report that they were 00:19:39.750 --> 00:19:46.480 position:50% align:middle able to have these programs by having nursing students go on the trips, have these experiences 00:19:46.480 --> 00:19:49.220 position:50% align:middle with other schools. 00:19:49.220 --> 00:19:53.910 position:50% align:middle You know, for example, medicine, occupational therapy, schools like that. 00:20:11.100 --> 00:20:12.372 position:50% align:middle - While we're waiting... 00:20:12.372 --> 00:20:13.252 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:20:13.252 --> 00:20:18.142 position:50% align:middle While we're waiting on the next question, I wanted to add to Kathleen's response 00:20:18.142 --> 00:20:21.852 position:50% align:middle to the interprofessional experiences. 00:20:21.852 --> 00:20:28.932 position:50% align:middle I know that there are some universities that do clinical experiences not only with the med school, 00:20:28.932 --> 00:20:32.198 position:50% align:middle but also with pharmacists, social workers. 00:20:32.198 --> 00:20:39.638 position:50% align:middle And so they team up as part of the initiative per that university and they go with one of the...each school 00:20:39.638 --> 00:20:42.878 position:50% align:middle has their faculty join on the trip as well. 00:20:42.878 --> 00:20:50.788 position:50% align:middle But it's a collaborative effort and a lot of meetings, you know, with the other disciplines. 00:20:50.788 --> 00:20:51.198 position:50% align:middle Okay. 00:20:57.472 --> 00:20:58.058 position:50% align:middle - All right. 00:20:58.058 --> 00:21:00.430 position:50% align:middle So it looks like we have a question from Jacqueline. 00:21:00.430 --> 00:21:06.270 position:50% align:middle "I find it interesting that many schools of nursing did not know if their board would approve of ICE. 00:21:06.270 --> 00:21:11.330 position:50% align:middle Did you reach out to boards of nursing regarding regulations for ICE?" 00:21:11.330 --> 00:21:18.579 position:50% align:middle So this study actually focused on reaching out to the schools of nursing rather than the boards, but 00:21:18.579 --> 00:21:24.870 position:50% align:middle again, that would be, you know, an excellent follow-up study for us just to kind of see 00:21:24.870 --> 00:21:29.885 position:50% align:middle what the boards would have to say and what their policies are state by state. 00:21:36.297 --> 00:21:36.848 position:50% align:middle All right. 00:21:36.848 --> 00:21:39.008 position:50% align:middle And then the next question looks like... 00:21:39.008 --> 00:21:44.818 position:50% align:middle It says, "Most state boards of nursing use credential evaluation services 00:21:44.818 --> 00:21:46.648 position:50% align:middle to evaluate clinical hours. 00:21:46.648 --> 00:21:52.594 position:50% align:middle Did your study look at any correlation between what the credential evaluation services review versus 00:21:52.594 --> 00:21:54.869 position:50% align:middle what a school of nursing uses?" 00:21:57.888 --> 00:22:03.976 position:50% align:middle - In this particular study, we did not look at the credentialing, but, you know, 00:22:03.976 --> 00:22:11.076 position:50% align:middle you are right to say that there are some programs, you know, if it's CCNE credentialing, 00:22:11.076 --> 00:22:14.516 position:50% align:middle then, they do approve the international clinical experiences. 00:22:14.516 --> 00:22:20.786 position:50% align:middle But for this particular study when we were asking the schools and the universities about their international 00:22:20.786 --> 00:22:25.353 position:50% align:middle clinical experiences, we didn't tie in the credentialing at that time. 00:22:27.839 --> 00:22:29.696 position:50% align:middle - All right. 00:22:29.696 --> 00:22:31.593 position:50% align:middle And it looks like we have another question. 00:22:31.593 --> 00:22:36.353 position:50% align:middle "Why do you think there's so much resistance with many of the schools not wanting to integrate 00:22:36.353 --> 00:22:38.633 position:50% align:middle international clinical experiences?" 00:22:38.633 --> 00:22:43.213 position:50% align:middle You know, our study did pick up a little bit on the barriers to these programs. 00:22:43.213 --> 00:22:50.983 position:50% align:middle This included, lack of administrative support, financial constraints, you know, 00:22:50.983 --> 00:22:55.901 position:50% align:middle just the schools not considering it as an option, you know. 00:22:55.901 --> 00:22:58.663 position:50% align:middle And there may be resistance just because if... 00:22:58.663 --> 00:23:03.183 position:50% align:middle You know, it seems as though our study suggested that there was not a lot of clarity as to whether or 00:23:03.183 --> 00:23:04.416 position:50% align:middle not it would even be allowed. 00:23:04.416 --> 00:23:11.236 position:50% align:middle So, you know, and, you know, it could be also possible that this lack of clarity 00:23:11.236 --> 00:23:16.714 position:50% align:middle makes it difficult for the schools to initiate programs like this. 00:23:19.206 --> 00:23:19.556 position:50% align:middle All right. 00:23:19.556 --> 00:23:20.816 position:50% align:middle And it looks like we have another question. 00:23:20.816 --> 00:23:27.316 position:50% align:middle Did you require the program faculty to accompany the students in order for the clinical hours to count 00:23:27.316 --> 00:23:28.786 position:50% align:middle toward course credit? 00:23:28.786 --> 00:23:33.680 position:50% align:middle Can students be educated by faculty in another country if their credentials have been verified? 00:23:36.010 --> 00:23:38.270 position:50% align:middle - That is a great question. 00:23:38.270 --> 00:23:45.370 position:50% align:middle And it kind of varies because some universities do require their own faculty to join in on the 00:23:45.370 --> 00:23:51.790 position:50% align:middle international clinical experiences, and then other universities have students go to that country, 00:23:51.790 --> 00:23:56.880 position:50% align:middle and then they're there with the partnering relationships that they have 00:23:56.880 --> 00:23:58.080 position:50% align:middle with the individuals there. 00:23:58.080 --> 00:24:04.849 position:50% align:middle So they, kind of, report back to the schools as far as their hours. 00:24:04.849 --> 00:24:10.588 position:50% align:middle And so it just really varies by the university what they'll count and what they won't count. 00:24:17.800 --> 00:24:18.339 position:50% align:middle - Right. 00:24:18.339 --> 00:24:25.539 position:50% align:middle And the next question is, "Are there any plans to follow-up after this study?" 00:24:25.539 --> 00:24:32.501 position:50% align:middle At this time, we don't have a follow-up study lined up yet, but 00:24:32.501 --> 00:24:35.781 position:50% align:middle I think that based on a couple of the questions that we've had 00:24:35.781 --> 00:24:41.531 position:50% align:middle you guys are really helpful in providing some good ideas for follow-up studies. 00:24:41.531 --> 00:24:42.311 position:50% align:middle So we appreciate that. 00:24:42.311 --> 00:24:43.036 position:50% align:middle Thank you. 00:24:51.200 --> 00:24:51.744 position:50% align:middle - All right. 00:24:51.744 --> 00:24:53.959 position:50% align:middle So it looks like that's about it. 00:24:53.959 --> 00:24:58.927 position:50% align:middle Again, thank you so much, everybody, for joining us this morning, and thank you so much 00:24:58.927 --> 00:24:59.964 position:50% align:middle for your questions. 00:24:59.964 --> 00:25:05.397 position:50% align:middle If you have any questions, you know, feel free to email us. 00:25:05.397 --> 00:25:09.944 position:50% align:middle Again, I'm Kathleen de Leon and also Dr. Malinda Whitlow.