WEBVTT 00:00:00.300 --> 00:00:03.300 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪ 00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:07.071 position:50% align:middle Hello, everyone. 00:00:07.071 --> 00:00:10.535 position:50% align:middle My name is Brendan Martin, and I'm the Director of Research here at NCSBN. 00:00:10.535 --> 00:00:13.581 position:50% align:middle It was wonderful seeing many of you at Delegate Assembly. 00:00:13.581 --> 00:00:19.259 position:50% align:middle Unfortunately, time didn't allow us to share the preliminary work we've done on NCSBN's 2020/2022 00:00:19.259 --> 00:00:21.241 position:50% align:middle Strategic Initiative B. 00:00:21.241 --> 00:00:26.581 position:50% align:middle That initiative champions regulatory solutions to address borderless healthcare delivery. 00:00:26.581 --> 00:00:30.235 position:50% align:middle Today, I'm going to provide a brief overview of the work we've accomplished, 00:00:30.235 --> 00:00:35.700 position:50% align:middle explain the substantial work that lies ahead, and invite you to attend the 2023 mid-year meeting, 00:00:35.700 --> 00:00:38.433 position:50% align:middle where this project will be covered in greater detail. 00:00:38.433 --> 00:00:40.240 position:50% align:middle So let's get started. 00:00:40.240 --> 00:00:42.800 position:50% align:middle Objective 6 has some ambitious goals. 00:00:42.800 --> 00:00:47.754 position:50% align:middle First, we wanted to generate an agreed-upon set of telehealth practice principles that augment public 00:00:47.754 --> 00:00:51.070 position:50% align:middle protection and provide a basis for increased communication. 00:00:51.070 --> 00:00:55.900 position:50% align:middle And second, we wanted to enhance understanding and shared research across jurisdictions. 00:00:55.900 --> 00:01:00.436 position:50% align:middle To accomplish that, we set out on a four-phase research initiative. 00:01:00.436 --> 00:01:05.550 position:50% align:middle A robust body of evidence shows telehealth usage has expanded significantly across the globe since the onset 00:01:05.550 --> 00:01:06.880 position:50% align:middle of the pandemic. 00:01:06.880 --> 00:01:11.710 position:50% align:middle Yet what remains less clear is how telehealth, if at all, is utilized to deliver care 00:01:11.710 --> 00:01:13.760 position:50% align:middle across international borders. 00:01:13.760 --> 00:01:19.660 position:50% align:middle It's also hard to say how providers and companies ensure regulatory compliance for international care. 00:01:19.660 --> 00:01:24.270 position:50% align:middle To address these aims, we conducted a multistage, mixed-methods observational study. 00:01:24.270 --> 00:01:29.740 position:50% align:middle First, we conducted a document analysis in which the team reviewed a sample of 32 nursing telehealth job 00:01:29.740 --> 00:01:36.319 position:50% align:middle advertisements from 25 different employers that were posted between May 2021 and February 2022. 00:01:36.319 --> 00:01:41.083 position:50% align:middle These job listings were analyzed systematically with targeted searches for references to licensure 00:01:41.083 --> 00:01:44.563 position:50% align:middle or registration, education, and certification requirements, 00:01:44.563 --> 00:01:48.443 position:50% align:middle as well as discussion of discipline, clinical practice details, work setting, 00:01:48.443 --> 00:01:50.873 position:50% align:middle and descriptions of select soft skills. 00:01:50.873 --> 00:01:54.743 position:50% align:middle This initial content analysis then informed the second stage of the research, 00:01:54.743 --> 00:01:59.141 position:50% align:middle which took the form of direct survey outreach to representatives of telehealth companies about the 00:01:59.141 --> 00:02:05.256 position:50% align:middle services they provide and the regulatory requirements to which they adhere to ensure patient safety. 00:02:05.256 --> 00:02:10.686 position:50% align:middle The 23 items that comprised the instrument were organized into four domains: hiring practices, 00:02:10.686 --> 00:02:15.046 position:50% align:middle regulatory requirements or compliance, telehealth nursing practices, 00:02:15.046 --> 00:02:16.800 position:50% align:middle and the future of telehealth. 00:02:16.800 --> 00:02:21.779 position:50% align:middle Our outreach strategy primarily targeted legal counsel, human resource, compliance, 00:02:21.779 --> 00:02:23.636 position:50% align:middle and administrative personnel. 00:02:23.636 --> 00:02:28.466 position:50% align:middle In total, our strategy was reflected by the international makeup of the survey sample, 00:02:28.466 --> 00:02:33.485 position:50% align:middle including 15 unique countries in which providers are located, as well as over 30 countries in which 00:02:33.485 --> 00:02:34.686 position:50% align:middle care is provided. 00:02:34.686 --> 00:02:40.075 position:50% align:middle The key findings from Phase 2 confirmed telehealth practice over the past few years has likely outpaced 00:02:40.075 --> 00:02:45.300 position:50% align:middle existing patient safety and privacy safeguards, highlighting areas that lack uniformity and 00:02:45.300 --> 00:02:47.583 position:50% align:middle remain unevenly developed. 00:02:47.583 --> 00:02:52.787 position:50% align:middle The results laid the groundwork for Phase 3, an international telehealth think-tank. 00:02:52.787 --> 00:02:58.219 position:50% align:middle Six countries, 6 Canadian provinces, and 17 states joined the discussions to develop and 00:02:58.219 --> 00:03:01.791 position:50% align:middle refine a list of recommended principles. 00:03:01.791 --> 00:03:07.011 position:50% align:middle In Phase 4, the participants' recommendations were compiled into a list and the results were validated 00:03:07.011 --> 00:03:09.868 position:50% align:middle via survey to all participants and invitees. 00:03:09.868 --> 00:03:16.571 position:50% align:middle A minimum of two-thirds of the respondents approved of each of the final eight guiding principles. 00:03:16.571 --> 00:03:17.346 position:50% align:middle So what's next? 00:03:17.346 --> 00:03:18.421 position:50% align:middle You might ask. 00:03:18.421 --> 00:03:22.451 position:50% align:middle Please join us for the 2023 midyear meeting, where we will be discussing the full results of this 00:03:22.451 --> 00:03:26.681 position:50% align:middle preliminary work, as well as how the work to date will inform continued outreach and discussion 00:03:26.681 --> 00:03:29.061 position:50% align:middle among all interested stakeholders. 00:03:29.061 --> 00:03:31.126 position:50% align:middle Feel free to reach out to us before the mid-year meeting 00:03:31.126 --> 00:03:35.997 position:50% align:middle if you have any questions or have any new or ongoing business or activities related to international nursing 00:03:35.997 --> 00:03:39.774 position:50% align:middle telehealth to see how our work can support your efforts. 00:03:39.774 --> 00:03:44.400 position:50% align:middle Thank you for your interest and support of this important work and I will see you in March. 00:03:44.400 --> 00:03:47.400 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪