WEBVTT 00:00:04.920 --> 00:00:13.210 position:50% align:middle - [Crystal] So, I'd like to welcome you to the "2023 NCLEX Test Plan Summary of Proposed Changes Session." 00:00:13.210 --> 00:00:14.680 position:50% align:middle I am Crystal Tillman. 00:00:14.680 --> 00:00:22.390 position:50% align:middle I am the chair of the NCLEX Examination Committee, actually, we refer to it as NEC. 00:00:22.390 --> 00:00:30.100 position:50% align:middle My other job, I have the pleasure of serving as a CEO of the North Carolina Board of Nursing. 00:00:35.220 --> 00:00:41.340 position:50% align:middle Now, is Jan Hooper in the room from Texas? 00:00:41.340 --> 00:00:42.290 position:50% align:middle Okay, great. 00:00:42.290 --> 00:00:43.610 position:50% align:middle Great. 00:00:43.610 --> 00:00:50.160 position:50% align:middle I'm glad you're here, Jan, because I started with the NEC in 2014 and 00:00:50.160 --> 00:00:56.510 position:50% align:middle at that time, Jan Hooper was the chair and certainly a great mentor for me. 00:00:56.510 --> 00:01:05.480 position:50% align:middle Jan asked a very important question during NEC, are we measuring what we need to measure? 00:01:05.480 --> 00:01:07.660 position:50% align:middle Critical thinking, clinical judgment. 00:01:07.660 --> 00:01:11.590 position:50% align:middle Yes, we're measuring it, but could we do it better? 00:01:11.590 --> 00:01:14.720 position:50% align:middle And so, thank you, Jan, for taking us down this road. 00:01:14.720 --> 00:01:23.745 position:50% align:middle And now we're about to have the NGN I guess we can say birthed next year, correct? 00:01:27.150 --> 00:01:33.430 position:50% align:middle So, the NEC has worked extremely hard this year on meeting the charges set before us. 00:01:33.430 --> 00:01:39.780 position:50% align:middle And today we're just going to look at some highlights of some of the impactful projects of the committee has 00:01:39.780 --> 00:01:41.440 position:50% align:middle been working on. 00:01:41.440 --> 00:01:47.490 position:50% align:middle We're also going to review the mission and the NEC charge, accomplishments, 00:01:47.490 --> 00:01:54.700 position:50% align:middle and an overview of the practice analysis, clinical judgment, and NCLEX test plans, 00:01:54.700 --> 00:02:01.560 position:50% align:middle along with the proposed 2023 NCLEX-PN and RN test plans. 00:02:01.560 --> 00:02:07.520 position:50% align:middle First, I'd like to introduce to you the committee. 00:02:07.520 --> 00:02:09.980 position:50% align:middle So, when your name is called, please stand. 00:02:09.980 --> 00:02:14.150 position:50% align:middle And once you stand, feel free to sit back down. 00:02:14.150 --> 00:02:23.000 position:50% align:middle So this committee is made up of educators, board members, EOs, who are all familiar with education 00:02:23.000 --> 00:02:30.100 position:50% align:middle and nursing regulation, and they are dedicated to the work of the NEC. 00:02:30.100 --> 00:02:34.440 position:50% align:middle So, as I call your name, please stand. 00:02:34.440 --> 00:02:39.390 position:50% align:middle Kristin Benton, from Texas. 00:02:39.390 --> 00:02:47.840 position:50% align:middle And some folks may be virtual, Barbara Blozen, from New Jersey. 00:02:47.840 --> 00:03:04.110 position:50% align:middle Gary Hicks, from Maryland, Vicki Hill, from Alabama, Karen Lyon, from Louisiana, Claire MacDonald, 00:03:04.110 --> 00:03:16.270 position:50% align:middle Massachusetts, Danette Schloeder, Alaska, and Carol Timmings, Ontario. 00:03:16.270 --> 00:03:20.150 position:50% align:middle And thank you, Karen, for being our board liaison for the committee. 00:03:20.150 --> 00:03:22.400 position:50% align:middle We appreciate your hard work. 00:03:26.330 --> 00:03:28.290 position:50% align:middle And we like to use acronyms a lot. 00:03:28.290 --> 00:03:41.580 position:50% align:middle So NIRSC or rather the NCLEX Item Review Subcommittee is just that, NIRSC is a subcommittee of the NEC. 00:03:41.580 --> 00:03:43.620 position:50% align:middle These folks work especially hard. 00:03:43.620 --> 00:03:45.270 position:50% align:middle There's 19 members. 00:03:45.270 --> 00:03:47.010 position:50% align:middle They do three days at a time. 00:03:47.010 --> 00:03:52.700 position:50% align:middle They do these intense reviews of looking at pretest items for the NCLEX. 00:03:52.700 --> 00:03:59.740 position:50% align:middle They've also just been going through reviewing the NGN items. 00:03:59.740 --> 00:04:06.810 position:50% align:middle So, since June '22, this committee has been meeting hybrid and it's been working well. 00:04:06.810 --> 00:04:11.880 position:50% align:middle So, please stand as I call your name, then you can be seated. 00:04:11.880 --> 00:04:16.140 position:50% align:middle Meedie Bardonille, I'm sorry. 00:04:16.140 --> 00:04:17.970 position:50% align:middle I knew I'd massacre someone's name. 00:04:17.970 --> 00:04:19.420 position:50% align:middle I apologize. 00:04:19.420 --> 00:04:38.970 position:50% align:middle Tammy Bryant, Sandra Culpepper, Allison Edwards, Mariclaire England, Cindy Fairchild, 00:04:38.970 --> 00:04:58.200 position:50% align:middle Camille Forbes-Scott, Anne Hardee, Anne Heyen, Georgina Howard, Brandon Jones, Linda Kmetz, 00:04:58.200 --> 00:05:16.640 position:50% align:middle Elise McDermott, Kathleen McManus, Patricia Motl, Jennifer Pelletier, Jacci Reznicek, Sheron Russell, 00:05:16.640 --> 00:05:18.610 position:50% align:middle and Maceo Tanner. 00:05:18.610 --> 00:05:23.600 position:50% align:middle So, please join me in welcoming and thanking them for all the hard work that they've done. 00:05:31.980 --> 00:05:32.480 position:50% align:middle Wow. 00:05:32.480 --> 00:05:39.320 position:50% align:middle I cannot thank the examination staff enough, these folks are phenomenal, 00:05:39.320 --> 00:05:46.940 position:50% align:middle and they make our life so much easier when we come for these intensive meetings, whether it'd be NEC or NIRSC. 00:05:46.940 --> 00:05:54.870 position:50% align:middle So, thank you for your hard work, your dedication, and mostly for your commitment to NCSBN. 00:05:54.870 --> 00:05:58.590 position:50% align:middle And there has been a tremendous amount of work on the NGN. 00:05:58.590 --> 00:06:01.320 position:50% align:middle And so, thank you so much for that. 00:06:01.320 --> 00:06:06.770 position:50% align:middle Many of the staff are in the office today, but for those, with the examination staff, 00:06:06.770 --> 00:06:10.400 position:50% align:middle if you will please stand so we can recognize you. 00:06:22.860 --> 00:06:30.585 position:50% align:middle So, NEC monitors all aspects of the NCLEX examination ensuring two things, 00:06:30.585 --> 00:06:36.970 position:50% align:middle that the NCLEX is psychometrically sound and that it's legally defensible. 00:06:36.970 --> 00:06:45.090 position:50% align:middle NEC has been working to develop NCLEX prototypes using technology-enhanced item types that focus 00:06:45.090 --> 00:06:47.700 position:50% align:middle on measuring clinical judgment. 00:06:51.860 --> 00:06:59.498 position:50% align:middle NEC's accomplishments this year included reviewing NCLEX policies, approving NCLEX items and case reports, 00:06:59.498 --> 00:07:07.010 position:50% align:middle and engaging in strategic discussions for the committee's future direction. 00:07:07.010 --> 00:07:15.340 position:50% align:middle NEC's accomplishments also included approval of the 2021 PN practice analysis and nursing knowledge 00:07:15.340 --> 00:07:22.860 position:50% align:middle survey reports, which also included clinical judgment relevancy related to PN practice. 00:07:22.860 --> 00:07:29.888 position:50% align:middle Approve the panel of judges who will be meeting later this month to recommend the passing PN standard. 00:07:29.888 --> 00:07:37.680 position:50% align:middle Also approved a 2023 PN test plan for proposed recommendations to the Delegate Assembly, 00:07:37.680 --> 00:07:41.330 position:50% align:middle which delegates will consider this week. 00:07:41.330 --> 00:07:44.560 position:50% align:middle And the board of directors will give their final approval. 00:07:44.560 --> 00:07:51.800 position:50% align:middle And finally, the test plan will be implemented of April 2023. 00:07:54.110 --> 00:07:55.970 position:50% align:middle Yes, that's the way I feel too. 00:07:55.970 --> 00:07:57.141 position:50% align:middle Yes. 00:07:59.322 --> 00:08:07.550 position:50% align:middle So, NEC also included approval of the 2021 RN practice analysis and nursing knowledge survey reports, 00:08:07.550 --> 00:08:14.170 position:50% align:middle which also included the clinical judgment relevancy related to the RN practice. 00:08:14.170 --> 00:08:22.800 position:50% align:middle Approved panel of judges that met this past June to make recommendations for the passing RN standard. 00:08:22.800 --> 00:08:30.398 position:50% align:middle Also, we approved the 2023 RN test plan for proposed recommendations to Dekegate Assembly, 00:08:30.398 --> 00:08:35.540 position:50% align:middle which delegates will consider this week and the board of directors will give their final approval. 00:08:35.540 --> 00:08:41.314 position:50% align:middle And then, finally, the test plan will be implemented in April '23. 00:08:44.018 --> 00:08:51.870 position:50% align:middle The practice analysis studies are used to assist in evaluating the validity of the test plan and content 00:08:51.870 --> 00:08:56.040 position:50% align:middle distribution for future NCLEX examinations. 00:08:56.040 --> 00:09:03.030 position:50% align:middle And the 2021 practice analysis surveys will first introduce clinical judgment for safe, 00:09:03.030 --> 00:09:07.500 position:50% align:middle effective nursing care at the entry level. 00:09:11.610 --> 00:09:17.760 position:50% align:middle You know, nursing is constantly evolving, and man, has it evolved in the last few years. 00:09:17.760 --> 00:09:24.270 position:50% align:middle And so, the NCLEX must keep pace with the job requirements. 00:09:24.270 --> 00:09:27.860 position:50% align:middle Nurses need critical thinking skills. 00:09:27.860 --> 00:09:34.230 position:50% align:middle They also need clinical judgment to be able to think through processes. 00:09:34.230 --> 00:09:41.920 position:50% align:middle In 2021, clinical judgment was included in the PN and RN practice analysis and will be included in the 00:09:41.920 --> 00:09:46.200 position:50% align:middle 2023 NCLEX test plans. 00:09:48.960 --> 00:09:54.060 position:50% align:middle The nursing scope of practice is the framework of allowable duties for nurses. 00:09:54.060 --> 00:10:02.966 position:50% align:middle Remember, the scope of the practice is different for the PN and the RN, but clinical judgment is the same. 00:10:06.958 --> 00:10:16.750 position:50% align:middle So, NEC will recommend adoption of the proposal for the 2023 NCLEX-PN and RN test plans. 00:10:16.750 --> 00:10:20.510 position:50% align:middle Recommendations and report can be found in the business book. 00:10:20.510 --> 00:10:25.400 position:50% align:middle You have one clean copy and also a strikethrough version as well. 00:10:27.570 --> 00:10:37.220 position:50% align:middle Recommendations are based on the 2021 PN and RN practice analysis, panelist expert judgment, 00:10:37.220 --> 00:10:44.400 position:50% align:middle feedback from nursing regulatory bodies, trends in nursing practices, and other historical data. 00:10:48.630 --> 00:10:52.100 position:50% align:middle So, here is the NCLEX test plan journey. 00:10:52.100 --> 00:10:58.130 position:50% align:middle The 2021 NCLEX-PN and RN practice analysis data was analyzed. 00:10:58.130 --> 00:11:04.040 position:50% align:middle The NEC recommends a draft NCLEX test plan for category structure and percentages 00:11:04.040 --> 00:11:06.200 position:50% align:middle along with activity statements. 00:11:06.200 --> 00:11:10.800 position:50% align:middle And that brings us to Delegate Assembly to vote during the annual meeting. 00:11:12.504 --> 00:11:21.210 position:50% align:middle So, the proposed 2023 NCLEX-PN test plan, client needs category percentages will be retained. 00:11:21.210 --> 00:11:27.750 position:50% align:middle So, in other words, for the NCLEX-PN, there will be no changes in the category, 00:11:27.750 --> 00:11:30.409 position:50% align:middle subcategories, or percentages. 00:11:30.409 --> 00:11:35.195 position:50% align:middle Clinical judgment will be added as a new integrated process. 00:11:35.195 --> 00:11:44.100 position:50% align:middle The administration of the NCLEX-PN will include new details with now being able to use polytomous scoring, 00:11:44.100 --> 00:11:46.810 position:50% align:middle and you say, "Well, what is polytomous scoring?" 00:11:46.810 --> 00:11:49.490 position:50% align:middle That means it's partial credit. 00:11:49.490 --> 00:11:53.880 position:50% align:middle So, before, when you would answer a question, it was either a yes, or you either got it right, 00:11:53.880 --> 00:11:55.880 position:50% align:middle or you got it wrong. 00:11:55.880 --> 00:12:02.310 position:50% align:middle So, when we started breaking down and doing the case studies, we had to figure out a way to give partial 00:12:02.310 --> 00:12:09.160 position:50% align:middle credit for multi answers to a test item. 00:12:09.160 --> 00:12:12.950 position:50% align:middle So that was huge trying to figure that out. 00:12:12.950 --> 00:12:19.100 position:50% align:middle And then the independent and unfolding case studies will be included in the NCLEX-PN. 00:12:21.790 --> 00:12:28.360 position:50% align:middle So, here, you can see a comparison, but between the 2020 test plan and the 2023. 00:12:28.360 --> 00:12:32.531 position:50% align:middle All percentages are completely the same. 00:12:37.500 --> 00:12:45.540 position:50% align:middle And the proposed 2023 NCLEX-RN test plan client needs category percentages will be modified, and why? 00:12:45.540 --> 00:12:48.220 position:50% align:middle Due to the COVID impact. 00:12:48.220 --> 00:12:53.000 position:50% align:middle Clinical judgment will be added as a new integrated process. 00:12:53.000 --> 00:13:00.410 position:50% align:middle The administration of the NCLEX-RN will include new details with now being able to use polytomous 00:13:00.410 --> 00:13:02.110 position:50% align:middle scoring as well. 00:13:02.110 --> 00:13:08.100 position:50% align:middle Independent and unfolding cases will be included in the NCLEX-RN. 00:13:10.040 --> 00:13:17.519 position:50% align:middle So, here is your comparison between the RN for 2019 and 2023. 00:13:17.519 --> 00:13:27.160 position:50% align:middle So, the subcategories of management of care will be decreased by 2%, and we never want to change anything 00:13:27.160 --> 00:13:28.814 position:50% align:middle more than 1% to 2%. 00:13:28.814 --> 00:13:30.985 position:50% align:middle We always want to keep it small. 00:13:30.985 --> 00:13:40.070 position:50% align:middle So, with it coming down 2%, we will add 1% to safety infection control and to the 00:13:40.070 --> 00:13:46.863 position:50% align:middle pharmacological therapies, increasing it by 1% as well. 00:13:46.863 --> 00:13:50.890 position:50% align:middle And this will be in the 2023 test plan. 00:13:55.900 --> 00:14:03.240 position:50% align:middle So here is a timeline for those who like to see in a chart format of the implementation of the 2023 00:14:03.240 --> 00:14:06.110 position:50% align:middle NCLEX-PN and RN test plans. 00:14:06.110 --> 00:14:14.150 position:50% align:middle June of this year, the panel of judges met to recommend the '23-RN passing standard. 00:14:14.150 --> 00:14:21.120 position:50% align:middle August, the panel of judges meets in '23 to discuss the PN passing standard. 00:14:21.120 --> 00:14:28.820 position:50% align:middle And then the proposed 2023 NCLEX PN and RN test plans will be submitted to Delegate Assembly, 00:14:28.820 --> 00:14:34.930 position:50% align:middle and then in December, to the board of directors, for final approval. 00:14:34.930 --> 00:14:35.460 position:50% align:middle Let's see. 00:14:35.460 --> 00:14:41.420 position:50% align:middle And what the nursing programs have really been waiting on is for this to appear on the website in January. 00:14:41.420 --> 00:14:44.440 position:50% align:middle So, if approved, it will move forward. 00:14:44.440 --> 00:14:52.570 position:50% align:middle And then January, it appears on NCSNB's website so that the nursing educators can see what changes 00:14:52.570 --> 00:14:54.770 position:50% align:middle have been made. 00:14:54.770 --> 00:15:03.340 position:50% align:middle And then finally, April 1st, 2023, the approved 2023 NCLEX PN and RN test plans passing 00:15:03.340 --> 00:15:06.100 position:50% align:middle standards will become effective. 00:15:06.100 --> 00:15:11.250 position:50% align:middle And this has been years in the making and this is just a phenomenal year. 00:15:11.250 --> 00:15:17.440 position:50% align:middle So, I will tell you, I am just honored to be on this committee. 00:15:17.440 --> 00:15:20.810 position:50% align:middle I've learned so much, and it's been a highlight of my career. 00:15:20.810 --> 00:15:28.320 position:50% align:middle But to start off with the beginnings of NGN and to see all the great work that board staff, 00:15:28.320 --> 00:15:29.877 position:50% align:middle you know, it's just... 00:15:29.877 --> 00:15:36.680 position:50% align:middle And that the psychometricians are able to break it down for us who do not understand at such a deep level. 00:15:36.680 --> 00:15:40.800 position:50% align:middle They just do an excellent job, so we really appreciate that. 00:15:43.700 --> 00:15:52.010 position:50% align:middle And future activities include monitoring and evaluating all aspects of the NCLEX program, 00:15:52.010 --> 00:15:59.800 position:50% align:middle and communicate updates on clinical judgment research for the NCLEX to the NRBs and the public. 00:16:02.430 --> 00:16:05.950 position:50% align:middle The annual NCLEX conference will now remain virtual. 00:16:05.950 --> 00:16:12.730 position:50% align:middle So more people can attend and it will remain occurring in September. 00:16:12.730 --> 00:16:20.900 position:50% align:middle NEC will conduct NCLEX-PN and RN standard settings, which continue to occur every three years. 00:16:20.900 --> 00:16:25.450 position:50% align:middle And that historically is how it's been every three years. 00:16:25.450 --> 00:16:36.850 position:50% align:middle And then, finally, on one of our future activities, the keyword is exploring remote proctoring. 00:16:36.850 --> 00:16:40.060 position:50% align:middle I just love Phil's passion and energy. 00:16:40.060 --> 00:16:44.610 position:50% align:middle And so I know when he came out at midyear and said, "We are exploring," 00:16:44.610 --> 00:16:47.220 position:50% align:middle it doesn't mean it's a done deal yet, right? 00:16:47.220 --> 00:16:51.170 position:50% align:middle But there's a lot of research that needs to go into it. 00:16:51.170 --> 00:16:55.760 position:50% align:middle But the NEC's always moving forward and we're grateful for that. 00:16:55.760 --> 00:16:59.390 position:50% align:middle And I served with some great committee members. 00:16:59.390 --> 00:17:05.520 position:50% align:middle So, we have a short video that we would like to share with you. 00:17:05.520 --> 00:17:09.500 position:50% align:middle And then I will entertain questions. 00:17:09.500 --> 00:17:12.500 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪ 00:17:24.040 --> 00:17:27.090 position:50% align:middle - [Dr. Dickison] Clinical judgment. 00:17:27.090 --> 00:17:33.640 position:50% align:middle Clinical judgment is actually a fundamental component of nursing. 00:17:33.640 --> 00:17:36.240 position:50% align:middle What nurses do, who they are. 00:17:36.240 --> 00:17:41.490 position:50% align:middle Documentation, the interaction between the client and the nurse. 00:17:41.490 --> 00:17:45.230 position:50% align:middle The interaction between the nurse and the physician. 00:17:45.230 --> 00:17:51.740 position:50% align:middle It is fundamentally the underpinning of all things that nurses do. 00:17:51.740 --> 00:17:54.620 position:50% align:middle We were, in fact, measuring clinical judgment. 00:17:54.620 --> 00:17:57.300 position:50% align:middle The idea was, could we make it better? 00:17:59.570 --> 00:18:06.140 position:50% align:middle What we tried to do was build a model in its simplicity that no matter how you make your decisions, 00:18:06.140 --> 00:18:11.970 position:50% align:middle we could actually measure the outcomes of those decisions and the process. 00:18:11.970 --> 00:18:20.230 position:50% align:middle So, if I am a nurse taking care of a patient, I need to focus my decision-making in that moment, 00:18:20.230 --> 00:18:25.800 position:50% align:middle taking that from the bedside and making new item types. 00:18:25.800 --> 00:18:28.800 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪ 00:18:30.894 --> 00:18:35.600 position:50% align:middle The item types and the tests look like real life. 00:18:35.600 --> 00:18:38.600 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪ 00:18:49.007 --> 00:18:54.510 position:50% align:middle Focus on that education because it will prepare you to pass the test. 00:18:54.510 --> 00:19:00.185 position:50% align:middle It is merely built to validate the knowledge, skills, and abilities you gain from your education so that you 00:19:00.185 --> 00:19:03.200 position:50% align:middle are ready to practice on the first day. 00:19:03.200 --> 00:19:06.200 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪ 00:19:21.050 --> 00:19:23.480 position:50% align:middle - I love the NCSBN videos. 00:19:23.480 --> 00:19:24.980 position:50% align:middle They are so well done. 00:19:24.980 --> 00:19:27.850 position:50% align:middle So thank you to the IT folks. 00:19:27.850 --> 00:19:33.350 position:50% align:middle So, does anyone have questions about what we discussed? 00:19:33.350 --> 00:19:38.890 position:50% align:middle I know I'm the last presenter of the day, and everyone's ready to go take a boat cruise or enjoy 00:19:38.890 --> 00:19:46.150 position:50% align:middle the Chicago weather, but I do want to answer any questions that you may have. 00:19:46.150 --> 00:19:47.820 position:50% align:middle Four? 00:19:47.820 --> 00:19:51.011 position:50% align:middle - [Brittany] Hi, Brittany Dawson from the Virgin Islands. 00:19:51.011 --> 00:19:54.380 position:50% align:middle My question would be, have we been partnering with some of the educational 00:19:54.380 --> 00:19:59.020 position:50% align:middle institutions to make sure that these students graduating that will be taking this version of the exam 00:19:59.020 --> 00:20:03.211 position:50% align:middle are better prepared to answer these kind of questions? 00:20:03.211 --> 00:20:03.880 position:50% align:middle - Yes. 00:20:03.880 --> 00:20:08.360 position:50% align:middle From the beginning, Phil Dickison, and now Jason Schwartz, they have been going out, 00:20:08.360 --> 00:20:13.260 position:50% align:middle they've been meeting with the educational organizations. 00:20:13.260 --> 00:20:15.220 position:50% align:middle We have been talking about this for years. 00:20:15.220 --> 00:20:19.710 position:50% align:middle We've been talking about it at the NCLEX conference annually. 00:20:19.710 --> 00:20:22.900 position:50% align:middle So, people are becoming aware. 00:20:22.900 --> 00:20:27.650 position:50% align:middle And certainly, the publishers are aware as well and have been included in their texts. 00:20:27.650 --> 00:20:35.700 position:50% align:middle And also education programs are looking into using more NGN-type questions. 00:20:39.000 --> 00:20:39.811 position:50% align:middle - Crystal? 00:20:39.811 --> 00:20:42.510 position:50% align:middle Crystal, you've got a remote question. 00:20:42.510 --> 00:20:44.354 position:50% align:middle - Oh, a remote question, okay. 00:20:44.354 --> 00:20:47.969 position:50% align:middle - [Man] We have a question from Diane Mancho. 00:20:47.969 --> 00:20:54.001 position:50% align:middle Will the new test plan require changes in nursing curriculum? 00:20:54.001 --> 00:20:56.950 position:50% align:middle - Will they change in nursing curriculum? 00:20:56.950 --> 00:20:58.053 position:50% align:middle - Yes. 00:20:59.786 --> 00:21:01.280 position:50% align:middle - I don't know, Phil, you want to answer that? 00:21:01.280 --> 00:21:05.900 position:50% align:middle Because all we have are the percentages for the provided. 00:21:08.100 --> 00:21:09.575 position:50% align:middle - Is this good? - Yep. 00:21:09.575 --> 00:21:11.100 position:50% align:middle - Good. 00:21:11.100 --> 00:21:14.700 position:50% align:middle So the answer is no, there's no requirement to change curriculum. 00:21:14.700 --> 00:21:17.520 position:50% align:middle Now, let me be really clear about this. 00:21:17.520 --> 00:21:21.232 position:50% align:middle We have looked at the actual change in practice. 00:21:21.232 --> 00:21:27.140 position:50% align:middle And what we found out in early research is that educators had been teaching clinical judgment long 00:21:27.140 --> 00:21:29.540 position:50% align:middle before we got to this level. 00:21:29.540 --> 00:21:36.270 position:50% align:middle That being said, I think it's very important for everyone here to know that we still have 00:21:36.270 --> 00:21:37.930 position:50% align:middle to set the standard. 00:21:37.930 --> 00:21:43.480 position:50% align:middle That's unknown that the board does that in December, but the actual process of teaching doesn't 00:21:43.480 --> 00:21:45.690 position:50% align:middle have to change. 00:21:45.690 --> 00:21:50.700 position:50% align:middle If, in fact, your education program is not, has not adopted, is one that's sort of sticking 00:21:50.700 --> 00:21:55.050 position:50% align:middle out there and doing anything, I would suggest they relook at that. 00:21:55.050 --> 00:21:59.970 position:50% align:middle But generally, the literature suggests that the majority of education programs in nursing have already 00:21:59.970 --> 00:22:01.640 position:50% align:middle adopted this approach. 00:22:01.640 --> 00:22:06.720 position:50% align:middle And so whether they're using the Tanner model, or humanistic, or intuition models where the variety 00:22:06.720 --> 00:22:10.480 position:50% align:middle models are used, paradigms to teach this, doesn't matter. 00:22:10.480 --> 00:22:15.750 position:50% align:middle Sort of where we were getting that, we wanted to build something simplistic enough that any education program 00:22:15.750 --> 00:22:22.690 position:50% align:middle could use a paradigm to teach clinical judgment, and we would be able to measure it anyway. 00:22:22.690 --> 00:22:27.970 position:50% align:middle So, my answer is, if you haven't been doing it, I would suggest you do it. 00:22:27.970 --> 00:22:32.346 position:50% align:middle If you have been doing it and you're doing it well, you should be okay. 00:22:32.346 --> 00:22:34.800 position:50% align:middle - Great, thank you. 00:22:36.740 --> 00:22:40.700 position:50% align:middle And Madam President, I will let you close it out.