WEBVTT 00:00:04.910 --> 00:00:10.730 position:50% align:middle Good morning, members, past presidents, special guests, and staff. 00:00:10.730 --> 00:00:13.810 position:50% align:middle Thank you for being with us today. 00:00:13.810 --> 00:00:18.960 position:50% align:middle As we convene our annual meeting, it's good to see you and share ideas with our members 00:00:18.960 --> 00:00:23.380 position:50% align:middle from all over the country as well as different parts of the world. 00:00:23.380 --> 00:00:27.900 position:50% align:middle On behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you for making the trip or 00:00:27.900 --> 00:00:29.496 position:50% align:middle for participating remotely. 00:00:29.496 --> 00:00:37.843 position:50% align:middle We have come together to be inspired by amazing speakers, debate policy, 00:00:37.843 --> 00:00:43.430 position:50% align:middle and positions in our delegate assembly, and finalize our next efforts toward leading 00:00:43.430 --> 00:00:48.368 position:50% align:middle public protection, and vote on some of our next leaders. 00:00:48.368 --> 00:00:53.523 position:50% align:middle It's encouraging to see people who want to rise to the challenge of leadership. 00:00:53.523 --> 00:00:59.613 position:50% align:middle And of course, it's always energizing to be around so many nursing regulators dedicated to protecting the 00:00:59.613 --> 00:01:07.942 position:50% align:middle public and who are passionate about innovation and creating positive change in the world. 00:01:07.942 --> 00:01:16.262 position:50% align:middle The NCSBN 2022 Board of Directors have been committed to the important work of this organization. 00:01:16.262 --> 00:01:23.396 position:50% align:middle I truly appreciate the contributions of the officers and directors who are currently seated, 00:01:23.396 --> 00:01:29.926 position:50% align:middle as well as the two Board members who departed during the past year. 00:01:29.926 --> 00:01:38.486 position:50% align:middle Anne Coghlan from Ontario, Director-at-Large, and Amy Fitzgerald, North Carolina, Director-at-Large. 00:01:38.486 --> 00:01:44.836 position:50% align:middle Not unlike the governing bodies of each of your nursing regulatory boards, the NCSBN Board of Directors 00:01:44.836 --> 00:01:49.539 position:50% align:middle adjusted during the past year, to convene and continue the work. 00:01:49.539 --> 00:01:56.312 position:50% align:middle It has not been easy while dealing with challenges back home during what has proven to be a couple 00:01:56.312 --> 00:01:58.419 position:50% align:middle of unusual years. 00:01:58.419 --> 00:02:04.592 position:50% align:middle So, I share with you some of the joys of the days when we were in totally virtual meetings. 00:02:04.592 --> 00:02:12.512 position:50% align:middle As you can see, some of us had to think, you know, harder and deeper than others. 00:02:12.512 --> 00:02:20.062 position:50% align:middle I would like to thank the NCSBN staff, led by our CEO, David Benton, and the chiefs who made this 00:02:20.062 --> 00:02:21.762 position:50% align:middle annual meeting possible. 00:02:21.762 --> 00:02:27.372 position:50% align:middle We appreciate the level of planning, logistics, and attention to detail that went 00:02:27.372 --> 00:02:29.792 position:50% align:middle into convening this body. 00:02:29.792 --> 00:02:34.569 position:50% align:middle Please thank staff as you see them throughout the meeting and know that there are also many people 00:02:34.569 --> 00:02:40.408 position:50% align:middle behind the scenes whose efforts and contributions made all this possible. 00:02:40.408 --> 00:02:43.399 position:50% align:middle Those staff that are in the room, if you'll please stand, 00:02:43.399 --> 00:02:45.619 position:50% align:middle and let's give staff a round of applause. 00:02:56.699 --> 00:03:01.801 position:50% align:middle Time has certainly flown since our last delegate assembly, which I'm sure you recall was 00:03:01.801 --> 00:03:02.999 position:50% align:middle a virtual meeting. 00:03:02.999 --> 00:03:08.529 position:50% align:middle Although we have progressed, innovated, and adjusted through unusual times, 00:03:08.529 --> 00:03:14.859 position:50% align:middle we find ourselves at a hybrid meeting out of necessity and to accommodate all our members. 00:03:14.859 --> 00:03:21.337 position:50% align:middle Although we are moving into a new phase, we know that COVID and other influences continue 00:03:21.337 --> 00:03:27.409 position:50% align:middle to impact travel, attendance at meetings, health, and the workforce here in the U.S. 00:03:27.409 --> 00:03:28.839 position:50% align:middle and around the world. 00:03:28.839 --> 00:03:34.496 position:50% align:middle The last two-plus years of a pandemic, as well as significant climate events, 00:03:34.496 --> 00:03:40.226 position:50% align:middle have affected the membership, and as you are aware, have required flexibility, perseverance, 00:03:40.226 --> 00:03:44.486 position:50% align:middle and resilience on personal and professional levels. 00:03:44.486 --> 00:03:50.496 position:50% align:middle The Board of Directors is grateful for your engagement in the work of the organization and is always 00:03:50.496 --> 00:03:56.586 position:50% align:middle interested in knowing how we can support you and further reduce or lessen the burdens 00:03:56.586 --> 00:03:59.376 position:50% align:middle of state government. 00:03:59.376 --> 00:04:03.123 position:50% align:middle As I provide you with comments related to the activities of the Board of Directors, 00:04:03.123 --> 00:04:09.163 position:50% align:middle it's important to note several key governance roles within NCSBN. 00:04:09.163 --> 00:04:14.863 position:50% align:middle The Delegate Assembly, here you are, as many of you heard about earlier today, 00:04:14.863 --> 00:04:20.993 position:50% align:middle is the membership body of the NCSBN composed of voting delegates. 00:04:20.993 --> 00:04:25.273 position:50% align:middle The Board of Directors, comprised of 11 elected members, 00:04:25.273 --> 00:04:32.159 position:50% align:middle includes 3 officers responsible for general supervision of the affairs of NCSBN between sessions 00:04:32.159 --> 00:04:35.106 position:50% align:middle of the Delegate Assembly. 00:04:35.106 --> 00:04:41.780 position:50% align:middle The Chief Executive Officer, David Benton, serves as the administrative officer and has the 00:04:41.780 --> 00:04:48.626 position:50% align:middle authority and responsibility for the leadership, management, and supervision of NCSBN staff. 00:04:48.626 --> 00:04:53.266 position:50% align:middle We are fortunate to have a CEO such as David. 00:04:53.266 --> 00:04:56.955 position:50% align:middle Now, on to some comments reflective of this past year. 00:04:56.955 --> 00:05:02.549 position:50% align:middle It's not possible to delve into all the specifics of the Board of Directors report that you will find 00:05:02.549 --> 00:05:05.809 position:50% align:middle beginning on page 16 of the Business Book. 00:05:05.809 --> 00:05:10.879 position:50% align:middle In the time I have with you, I will focus on some key activities in areas that 00:05:10.879 --> 00:05:16.369 position:50% align:middle influence the business of NCSBN and the work of the Board. 00:05:16.369 --> 00:05:20.969 position:50% align:middle As I regularly report to you in my post, NCSBN Board Member Communications, 00:05:20.969 --> 00:05:27.989 position:50% align:middle one of the activities that the Board undertakes is to conduct an environmental scan at each meeting. 00:05:27.989 --> 00:05:32.853 position:50% align:middle And during this process, we frequently hear about new challenges and 00:05:32.853 --> 00:05:35.153 position:50% align:middle opportunities that arise. 00:05:35.153 --> 00:05:41.773 position:50% align:middle As you know, nurse regulatory boards all over the world continue to be impacted by global health issues, 00:05:41.773 --> 00:05:47.703 position:50% align:middle political factors, environmental factors, and workforce issues. 00:05:47.703 --> 00:05:54.403 position:50% align:middle As I listen to the descriptions we've used in the past couple of years, we have moved from returning to normal 00:05:54.403 --> 00:06:00.074 position:50% align:middle to when we are through this pandemic, to references to the new normal. 00:06:00.074 --> 00:06:07.653 position:50% align:middle Now, today, I offer to you that the future is now, and the new normal can best be described as fluid 00:06:07.653 --> 00:06:09.330 position:50% align:middle and largely unknown. 00:06:09.330 --> 00:06:15.314 position:50% align:middle We have learned over the last couple of years that the typical predictors and guideposts we've relied 00:06:15.314 --> 00:06:19.254 position:50% align:middle upon have to be viewed differently. 00:06:19.254 --> 00:06:23.134 position:50% align:middle We cannot rely on business as usual. 00:06:23.134 --> 00:06:27.084 position:50% align:middle Do any of us know what that really means anymore? 00:06:27.084 --> 00:06:34.156 position:50% align:middle I believe we must accept that the regulatory environment, policy issues, public health challenges, 00:06:34.156 --> 00:06:41.698 position:50% align:middle and public expectations will remain ever-changing at a pace that we have not experienced before. 00:06:41.698 --> 00:06:51.894 position:50% align:middle There will be no returning to back in the day or before the pandemic other than to learn from our history and 00:06:51.894 --> 00:06:58.748 position:50% align:middle to acknowledge the innovations and progress since that earlier point in time. 00:06:58.748 --> 00:07:06.669 position:50% align:middle The fact remains that our hospitals in many areas are still challenged with providing care and workforce 00:07:06.669 --> 00:07:12.372 position:50% align:middle preparation and distribution is a major concern. 00:07:12.372 --> 00:07:16.422 position:50% align:middle As nursing regulators, with public protection as our mandate, 00:07:16.422 --> 00:07:24.732 position:50% align:middle we are challenged to take strategic action that will lead to quantum change. 00:07:24.732 --> 00:07:31.083 position:50% align:middle The NCSBN bylaws, in part, state that the purpose of NCSBN is to provide 00:07:31.083 --> 00:07:39.015 position:50% align:middle an organization through which jurisdictional boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common 00:07:39.015 --> 00:07:46.556 position:50% align:middle interest and concern affecting public health, safety, and welfare. 00:07:46.556 --> 00:07:51.100 position:50% align:middle The Delegate Assembly recommendations and the sessions offered during the annual meeting agenda is one of the 00:07:51.100 --> 00:07:53.768 position:50% align:middle significant ways that we do that. 00:07:53.768 --> 00:08:01.351 position:50% align:middle The pandemic has certainly accelerated the pace of change and the need to move forward to ensure more 00:08:01.351 --> 00:08:08.523 position:50% align:middle consistent and more agile systems that are based on requirements that are relevant today and address 00:08:08.523 --> 00:08:13.999 position:50% align:middle cross-jurisdictional and international needs. 00:08:13.999 --> 00:08:17.232 position:50% align:middle We have made huge strides in the last decade. 00:08:17.232 --> 00:08:23.812 position:50% align:middle However, there is more work to be done through a refreshed lens that takes into consideration the gaps 00:08:23.812 --> 00:08:25.411 position:50% align:middle that we have become aware of. 00:08:25.411 --> 00:08:32.455 position:50% align:middle The new normal is not a defined phase, an event, or a mark in time. 00:08:32.455 --> 00:08:42.205 position:50% align:middle It is often a day-to-day adjustment to the elements disease, climate, the economy, legislation, and policy. 00:08:42.205 --> 00:08:50.475 position:50% align:middle Those influences do not recognize borders and nursing regulation challenges are shared by regulators all 00:08:50.475 --> 00:08:52.365 position:50% align:middle over the world. 00:08:52.365 --> 00:08:59.545 position:50% align:middle Global issues quickly become local issues, and if we harness our collective strengths, 00:08:59.545 --> 00:09:05.331 position:50% align:middle global solutions can inform local solutions and vice versa. 00:09:05.331 --> 00:09:12.481 position:50% align:middle The Board of Directors' charge, along with our CEO, is to ensure we are fit for the future. 00:09:12.481 --> 00:09:18.131 position:50% align:middle That requires paying attention, being vigilant, and developing sound strategy. 00:09:18.131 --> 00:09:23.591 position:50% align:middle The Board's work is informed and enriched by the vision of our CEO, David Benton, 00:09:23.591 --> 00:09:30.685 position:50% align:middle and the leadership of the chiefs and directors who are expertly supported by the NCSBN staff who do an amazing 00:09:30.685 --> 00:09:34.106 position:50% align:middle job for this organization. 00:09:34.106 --> 00:09:40.320 position:50% align:middle Reflecting on this past year and one of the ongoing processes, the Board of Directors has monitored the 00:09:40.320 --> 00:09:50.416 position:50% align:middle progress of fiscal year 2020 to 2022 strategic plan, not the one you're voting on, the one we're in now. 00:09:50.416 --> 00:09:57.739 position:50% align:middle The annual progress report is on Page 1 of the Business Book and outlines both the fiscal year accomplishments 00:09:57.739 --> 00:10:04.361 position:50% align:middle as well as future activities, giving you a sense of how this plan guides the work and 00:10:04.361 --> 00:10:10.071 position:50% align:middle offers opportunities for involvement by the Board, the membership, and the staff. 00:10:10.071 --> 00:10:16.821 position:50% align:middle You will hear during the forums how the outcome of the Board Strategy Retreat held in October last year, 00:10:16.821 --> 00:10:21.212 position:50% align:middle began with the process for developing the 2022... 00:10:21.212 --> 00:10:25.138 position:50% align:middle '23, I'm sorry, to 2025 strategic initiatives. 00:10:25.138 --> 00:10:27.301 position:50% align:middle This is a key meeting. 00:10:27.301 --> 00:10:35.619 position:50% align:middle That's the future direction and is held shortly after the new Board of Directors is seated. 00:10:35.619 --> 00:10:40.689 position:50% align:middle Usually, held in a location outside of Chicago, this meeting is a time for the Board of Directors, 00:10:40.689 --> 00:10:45.619 position:50% align:middle the CEO, and the Chiefs to come together for generative discussions, planning, 00:10:45.619 --> 00:10:52.169 position:50% align:middle and team building necessary to set a firm foundation for the coming year. 00:10:52.169 --> 00:10:58.269 position:50% align:middle To harness diversity of thought, competencies, and experience, all attendees are asked to complete 00:10:58.269 --> 00:11:04.232 position:50% align:middle preparatory work, submit ideas and responses to topics that are the basis for discussion. 00:11:04.232 --> 00:11:09.432 position:50% align:middle This can be a little intimidating when you are a newly appointed board member. 00:11:09.432 --> 00:11:14.762 position:50% align:middle However, over the years, this has proved to be a very effective process. 00:11:14.762 --> 00:11:17.742 position:50% align:middle And I share with you here, a picture of the Board of Directors, 00:11:17.742 --> 00:11:25.572 position:50% align:middle after a hard day's work participating in some team building during last year's retreat. 00:11:25.572 --> 00:11:29.242 position:50% align:middle Throughout the year, at regularly scheduled meetings, the Board of Directors, 00:11:29.242 --> 00:11:37.094 position:50% align:middle as they contemplate the business of the organization in the areas of governance, finance, testing, IT, 00:11:37.094 --> 00:11:43.834 position:50% align:middle nursing regulation, and research, ask themselves, "Are we fit for the future? 00:11:43.834 --> 00:11:47.934 position:50% align:middle Are we prepared to what the future holds? 00:11:47.934 --> 00:11:51.804 position:50% align:middle Are we doing the right things for the right reason? 00:11:51.804 --> 00:11:55.914 position:50% align:middle Are we spending our resources wisely? 00:11:55.914 --> 00:12:00.102 position:50% align:middle Are we providing value to the membership? 00:12:00.102 --> 00:12:07.844 position:50% align:middle Are our actions aligned to the vision, mission, and values and to the results we desire? 00:12:07.844 --> 00:12:12.622 position:50% align:middle Are we making a difference?" 00:12:12.622 --> 00:12:16.652 position:50% align:middle In terms of board governance, one of the activities that the Board undertakes is 00:12:16.652 --> 00:12:22.662 position:50% align:middle an assessment of the Board as a corporate body, and on alternate years, which occurred this year, 00:12:22.662 --> 00:12:27.882 position:50% align:middle NCSBN conducted a review of individual Board of Directors' performance. 00:12:27.882 --> 00:12:33.873 position:50% align:middle This process offers an opportunity to look at individual board member contributions in more detail 00:12:33.873 --> 00:12:38.415 position:50% align:middle and allows members to discuss strategies for overall Board of Director development, 00:12:38.415 --> 00:12:42.763 position:50% align:middle including member orientation and ongoing board education activities. 00:12:42.763 --> 00:12:49.963 position:50% align:middle Many of the tools available for such an assessment are designed for nonprofit organizations that work in very 00:12:49.963 --> 00:12:52.063 position:50% align:middle different spaces than we do. 00:12:52.063 --> 00:12:58.156 position:50% align:middle This year, recognizing the unique nature of our business, we revised the assessment tool for it to be 00:12:58.156 --> 00:13:03.688 position:50% align:middle more aligned with this organization's structure and responsibilities. 00:13:03.688 --> 00:13:09.008 position:50% align:middle The process for board member performance assessment involved the completion by each director of a 00:13:09.008 --> 00:13:14.327 position:50% align:middle self-assessment survey instrument that consisted of questions focused on board member competencies, 00:13:14.327 --> 00:13:19.888 position:50% align:middle and each member also completed a survey related to each of their colleagues. 00:13:19.888 --> 00:13:26.200 position:50% align:middle The consultant then met individually with each director to discuss their individual results and report, 00:13:26.200 --> 00:13:31.309 position:50% align:middle and the overall survey findings were presented to the Board of Directors and the CEO in a closed session 00:13:31.309 --> 00:13:34.181 position:50% align:middle to determine strategies going forward. 00:13:34.181 --> 00:13:40.042 position:50% align:middle The level of trust, risk-taking, and willingness to have crucial conversations 00:13:40.042 --> 00:13:43.581 position:50% align:middle throughout this process was impressive. 00:13:43.581 --> 00:13:50.961 position:50% align:middle I share this with you as an example of the lengths to which we go to ensure sound governance and to ensure 00:13:50.961 --> 00:13:56.070 position:50% align:middle that we, as your Board of Directors is performing at the highest possible level to discharge our duties 00:13:56.070 --> 00:13:59.121 position:50% align:middle for the good of NCSBN. 00:13:59.121 --> 00:14:03.377 position:50% align:middle You will note in the Board of Directors report that to continue to look up and out, 00:14:03.377 --> 00:14:08.878 position:50% align:middle the board has been engaged with strategic partnerships, attending external meetings, 00:14:08.878 --> 00:14:15.028 position:50% align:middle and undertaking intentional joint work that ensures that regulation is at the table on a national level and 00:14:15.028 --> 00:14:21.485 position:50% align:middle that we collaborate on areas of mutual concern, ever mindful of our mission and strategic plan. 00:14:21.485 --> 00:14:27.568 position:50% align:middle And you see here on the screen just some of the organizations that reflect also some of the meetings 00:14:27.568 --> 00:14:30.742 position:50% align:middle that we've attended over the years in our joint work. 00:14:30.742 --> 00:14:37.536 position:50% align:middle In addition to the highlights of business activities such as the strategic plan, creating a compact nation, 00:14:37.536 --> 00:14:43.175 position:50% align:middle and Next Generation NCLEX, NCSBN has been engaged with our regulatory colleagues 00:14:43.175 --> 00:14:48.722 position:50% align:middle from other disciplines and professional associations. 00:14:48.722 --> 00:14:58.282 position:50% align:middle Three areas of mutual concern that impact regulation and led to engagement with our strategic partners are 00:14:58.282 --> 00:15:02.217 position:50% align:middle mental health, the opioid crisis, and workforce. 00:15:02.217 --> 00:15:07.642 position:50% align:middle And I just took a sample of some of the issues to discuss. 00:15:07.642 --> 00:15:11.341 position:50% align:middle The pandemic has taken a significant toll on nurses worldwide. 00:15:11.341 --> 00:15:17.751 position:50% align:middle Sickness, burnout, intention to leave or move away from acute care and retirement are climbing, 00:15:17.751 --> 00:15:22.005 position:50% align:middle as are reports of abuse and violence against nurses. 00:15:22.005 --> 00:15:29.891 position:50% align:middle The stress on the profession has left an unprepared workforce, and nurses have faced care situations more 00:15:29.891 --> 00:15:33.773 position:50% align:middle challenging than they have ever been exposed to. 00:15:33.773 --> 00:15:41.273 position:50% align:middle Preparations were not in place to support and educate related to the patient population nurses have to serve, 00:15:41.273 --> 00:15:46.203 position:50% align:middle and the profession has long overlooked self-care. 00:15:46.203 --> 00:15:51.343 position:50% align:middle From a nurse regulatory standpoint, a close examination of reports to boards related 00:15:51.343 --> 00:15:57.943 position:50% align:middle to safety to practice is necessary to ensure a balance between public protection and retention 00:15:57.943 --> 00:15:59.583 position:50% align:middle of a professional. 00:15:59.583 --> 00:16:06.565 position:50% align:middle Alternative programs are playing an important role in regulatory boards are under greatest scrutiny to ensure 00:16:06.565 --> 00:16:15.055 position:50% align:middle that the license processes and the decisions provide adequate protection for nurses with conditions that may 00:16:15.055 --> 00:16:17.505 position:50% align:middle need to be accommodated. 00:16:17.505 --> 00:16:25.215 position:50% align:middle Prevention, self-care, resilience, and retention are top of mind. 00:16:25.215 --> 00:16:32.136 position:50% align:middle Likewise, the opioid crisis is a significant challenge that, along with NCSBN's Regulatory and Professional 00:16:32.136 --> 00:16:35.881 position:50% align:middle Association colleagues, we have worked to address. 00:16:35.881 --> 00:16:40.905 position:50% align:middle At a meeting of the Opioid Regulatory Collaborative attended by the Board of Directors, 00:16:40.905 --> 00:16:47.890 position:50% align:middle we heard the stark reality of the current crisis, the current opioid crisis. 00:16:47.890 --> 00:16:54.331 position:50% align:middle We came together with our regulatory colleagues in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, physical therapy, 00:16:54.331 --> 00:16:59.381 position:50% align:middle and social work to discuss strategies and opportunities for mutual work. 00:16:59.381 --> 00:17:05.309 position:50% align:middle To put this in perspective as to the importance of this work, provisional data from the CDC indicates there 00:17:05.309 --> 00:17:14.200 position:50% align:middle were an estimated 107,000 drug overdose deaths in 2021, a 15% increase from 2020. 00:17:14.200 --> 00:17:22.722 position:50% align:middle As you know, the approach to the solutions is complex and must be multi-faceted, and we must ask ourselves, 00:17:22.722 --> 00:17:27.555 position:50% align:middle "Are we taking actions as regulators that are within our control? 00:17:27.555 --> 00:17:30.253 position:50% align:middle What resources are available to educate? 00:17:30.253 --> 00:17:38.027 position:50% align:middle What is the state of access to evidence-based treatment for licensees for opioid use disorder and mental 00:17:38.027 --> 00:17:42.069 position:50% align:middle health conditions, and the impact of the associated stigma? 00:17:42.069 --> 00:17:45.978 position:50% align:middle Have we considered updating policies related to opioid prescribing? 00:17:45.978 --> 00:17:54.105 position:50% align:middle Have we examined the effectiveness of required CE for prescribers and non-prescribers? 00:17:54.105 --> 00:18:00.100 position:50% align:middle What are the practice and patient safety implications?" 00:18:00.100 --> 00:18:06.560 position:50% align:middle I think we can all agree more than ever, the workforce issues necessitate intentional 00:18:06.560 --> 00:18:11.920 position:50% align:middle collaboration between regulation, practice, and education. 00:18:11.920 --> 00:18:16.950 position:50% align:middle Through research committees, position statements, strategic objective work groups, 00:18:16.950 --> 00:18:24.210 position:50% align:middle and external stakeholder engagement, NCSBN remains focused on the many influences impacting 00:18:24.210 --> 00:18:35.216 position:50% align:middle our workforce, scope of practice, innovation, licensure mobility, licensure reform, migration, 00:18:35.216 --> 00:18:46.207 position:50% align:middle international recruitment, support workers, federal legislation, data analysis, care delivery, 00:18:46.207 --> 00:18:54.458 position:50% align:middle and nursing education redesign are component parts under which consideration is necessary to influence 00:18:54.458 --> 00:18:57.243 position:50% align:middle the workforce solutions. 00:18:57.243 --> 00:19:04.129 position:50% align:middle As you participate in forums, this meeting, and focus groups, presentations, and deliberations, 00:19:04.129 --> 00:19:10.423 position:50% align:middle I want you to know that the Board of Directors values and considers vital your feedback, involvement, 00:19:10.423 --> 00:19:14.859 position:50% align:middle and questions to inform activities and decision-making. 00:19:14.859 --> 00:19:22.849 position:50% align:middle If we are to lead public protection and implement strategic action towards quantum change, 00:19:22.849 --> 00:19:26.099 position:50% align:middle it will take all of us. 00:19:26.099 --> 00:19:31.015 position:50% align:middle Thank you again to the Board of Directors for taking on this leadership role and for their service, 00:19:31.015 --> 00:19:37.088 position:50% align:middle and expert contributions, and perseverance during the past year. 00:19:37.088 --> 00:19:42.448 position:50% align:middle Mark Majek and Cathy Borris-Hale, as you complete your terms on the board this week, 00:19:42.448 --> 00:19:49.538 position:50% align:middle know that your perspectives, your voices, and your energy will be missed. 00:19:49.538 --> 00:19:54.904 position:50% align:middle It has been my honor to serve as the President of Board of Directors of this premier organization this 00:19:54.904 --> 00:20:00.078 position:50% align:middle past year and I look forward to what we will accomplish together in the coming year. 00:20:00.078 --> 00:20:04.718 position:50% align:middle Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to participate in this meeting. 00:20:04.718 --> 00:20:09.154 position:50% align:middle Whether you are here in person, in Chicago, or joining us virtually, 00:20:09.154 --> 00:20:15.444 position:50% align:middle I hope you benefit from the content, dialogue networking opportunities offered around this 00:20:15.444 --> 00:20:22.648 position:50% align:middle year's theme "Leading Public Protection: Strategic Action Towards Quantum Change." 00:20:22.648 --> 00:20:25.533 position:50% align:middle Thank you and let's make it a great week.