WEBVTT 00:00:07.130 --> 00:00:11.670 position:50% align:middle - [Dr. Benton] Madam president and I are going to do a double act in the next session. 00:00:11.670 --> 00:00:17.800 position:50% align:middle But I would like to invite the president to come and do a presentation on the strategic initiatives and the 00:00:17.800 --> 00:00:23.400 position:50% align:middle various changes that we are proposing for Friday for adoption. 00:00:27.900 --> 00:00:32.860 position:50% align:middle - [Jay] Yes, the double act, David will fill in the blanks and the detail. 00:00:32.860 --> 00:00:39.330 position:50% align:middle So, you have heard a lot about the strategic initiatives over the last few months starting out even 00:00:39.330 --> 00:00:43.400 position:50% align:middle before midyear meeting, and I referenced it earlier today. 00:00:43.400 --> 00:00:47.560 position:50% align:middle So, if we could go to the next slide, I think they're queuing up the slides for me. 00:00:47.560 --> 00:00:49.149 position:50% align:middle Thank you. 00:00:49.149 --> 00:00:56.050 position:50% align:middle So, we wanted to start out with just giving you an overview of the process from what has been going on and 00:00:56.050 --> 00:00:57.870 position:50% align:middle where it is going in the future. 00:00:57.870 --> 00:01:05.603 position:50% align:middle So, really, we are looking at the strategic initiatives for 2023 through 2025. 00:01:05.603 --> 00:01:12.940 position:50% align:middle Starting out in September, September 2021, the board and the chiefs reviewed the current 00:01:12.940 --> 00:01:24.054 position:50% align:middle documentation and proposed changes and examined those, which led to in December, December of 2021, 00:01:24.054 --> 00:01:31.490 position:50% align:middle the board of directors considered a synthesis document and agreed on a critical path forward really 00:01:31.490 --> 00:01:34.200 position:50% align:middle looking at...well, I skipped over October. 00:01:34.200 --> 00:01:38.950 position:50% align:middle You know, I mentioned the October retreat, I skipped from September to December. 00:01:38.950 --> 00:01:44.960 position:50% align:middle And October there, the board did review individual proposals and reached some consensus 00:01:44.960 --> 00:01:49.290 position:50% align:middle on proposed changes. 00:01:49.290 --> 00:01:54.140 position:50% align:middle Moving forward from December into February, the board of directors at the board 00:01:54.140 --> 00:01:58.060 position:50% align:middle of directors meeting, we considered the information that we were going 00:01:58.060 --> 00:02:00.860 position:50% align:middle to present to you at the midyear meeting. 00:02:00.860 --> 00:02:06.880 position:50% align:middle And you probably all recall that we did have a presentation at midyear meeting. 00:02:06.880 --> 00:02:12.110 position:50% align:middle We had some breakout groups and some forums where we discussed this at midyear meeting, 00:02:12.110 --> 00:02:20.410 position:50% align:middle and we really asked very intentionally for your feedback and for your input into this process 00:02:20.410 --> 00:02:21.900 position:50% align:middle and you responded. 00:02:21.900 --> 00:02:27.110 position:50% align:middle And we really thank you for that and appreciated that. 00:02:27.110 --> 00:02:31.000 position:50% align:middle Following the midyear meeting, you received a request by email, 00:02:31.000 --> 00:02:33.380 position:50% align:middle and we know you get a lot of emails and a lot of requests. 00:02:33.380 --> 00:02:40.202 position:50% align:middle So we were thrilled when people came back with specific comments by April of 2022, 00:02:40.202 --> 00:02:48.170 position:50% align:middle which allowed then the board of directors in their meeting in May to finalize the proposed changes to the 00:02:48.170 --> 00:02:53.090 position:50% align:middle strategic initiatives, which leads to what we are going to present to you 00:02:53.090 --> 00:02:59.900 position:50% align:middle today in terms of proposed changes and things that might just stay the same. 00:02:59.900 --> 00:03:07.320 position:50% align:middle Keeping in mind that you will be voting at the Delegate Assembly on these proposed changes. 00:03:07.320 --> 00:03:14.070 position:50% align:middle And the new strategic cycle will start in October. 00:03:14.070 --> 00:03:16.170 position:50% align:middle David, is there anything else you want to add to that? 00:03:16.170 --> 00:03:18.600 position:50% align:middle Okay, we'll move on to the next. 00:03:21.350 --> 00:03:26.000 position:50% align:middle And some of this is certainly a refresh from midyear meeting. 00:03:26.000 --> 00:03:29.510 position:50% align:middle If you could move to the next slide, please. 00:03:29.510 --> 00:03:33.710 position:50% align:middle So, there's a lot of resources to consider throughout this process. 00:03:33.710 --> 00:03:42.790 position:50% align:middle And you may recall, looking at the first resource, there was a video that was produced that, you know, 00:03:42.790 --> 00:03:48.150 position:50% align:middle it's hard to make the dry business of strategic initiatives come alive, 00:03:48.150 --> 00:03:54.860 position:50% align:middle but David Benton managed to do that with a brief video that we had on the 2020 to '22 strategic plan. 00:03:54.860 --> 00:04:04.656 position:50% align:middle We can never continue with this work related to strategic initiatives without paying attention to the 00:04:04.656 --> 00:04:09.000 position:50% align:middle articles of incorporation, the NCSBN articles of incorporation, 00:04:09.000 --> 00:04:17.010 position:50% align:middle that really talk to legally how we as an organization are organized, looking at our status and gives us 00:04:17.010 --> 00:04:20.240 position:50% align:middle direction for strategy. 00:04:20.240 --> 00:04:26.170 position:50% align:middle In conjunction with that, another resource, the NCSBN bylaws, which you do have a copy of in your 00:04:26.170 --> 00:04:32.840 position:50% align:middle business book and have been referenced several times today, particularly want to reference in the bylaws 00:04:32.840 --> 00:04:36.790 position:50% align:middle there's the purpose and the function is outlined in the bylaws. 00:04:36.790 --> 00:04:47.030 position:50% align:middle And on page 181 of your business book in Article 4, the bylaws speak to the Delegate Assembly membership 00:04:47.030 --> 00:04:55.320 position:50% align:middle body of NCSBN providing directions through resolutions and enactments, including the adoption of the mission 00:04:55.320 --> 00:04:57.670 position:50% align:middle and strategic initiatives. 00:04:57.670 --> 00:05:03.290 position:50% align:middle So, this is where this presentation and what you're going to vote on later this week is grounded 00:05:03.290 --> 00:05:05.030 position:50% align:middle in the bylaws. 00:05:05.030 --> 00:05:15.950 position:50% align:middle The last resource I want to mention is two things, the Regulation 2030 that a lot of you participated 00:05:15.950 --> 00:05:21.590 position:50% align:middle in, the first steps on the journey, and the NCSBN annual environmental scan. 00:05:21.590 --> 00:05:27.167 position:50% align:middle And both of these were published as supplements to the "Journal of Nursing Regulation." 00:05:27.167 --> 00:05:35.110 position:50% align:middle And I offer to you that they are both very good resources to go back to and look at for many reasons. 00:05:35.110 --> 00:05:43.270 position:50% align:middle So, moving along to the drivers of change on the next slide, I think as we consider this work and we looked 00:05:43.270 --> 00:05:51.910 position:50% align:middle at the strategic initiatives, a lot of things were broad and encompassed principles 00:05:51.910 --> 00:05:56.270 position:50% align:middle that would last over time, but there were some drivers of change that needed to be 00:05:56.270 --> 00:06:01.160 position:50% align:middle considered at this point as we were preparing for the next cycle. 00:06:01.160 --> 00:06:05.500 position:50% align:middle And these were some of the questions that we asked as we looked at that. 00:06:05.500 --> 00:06:12.170 position:50% align:middle Are any of our current strategic components a barrier to progress? 00:06:12.170 --> 00:06:14.680 position:50% align:middle What has changed since the last set of revisions? 00:06:14.680 --> 00:06:20.230 position:50% align:middle You know, that's a question that we ask ourselves every cycle, but as you think about it in terms of where we 00:06:20.230 --> 00:06:24.600 position:50% align:middle are today and you think about some of the earlier presentations and the rapid change that we've 00:06:24.600 --> 00:06:28.070 position:50% align:middle all experienced, that was a very important question to ask. 00:06:28.070 --> 00:06:35.250 position:50% align:middle What can we anticipate happening in the next cycle with a degree of confidence that will impact occupational 00:06:35.250 --> 00:06:39.040 position:50% align:middle and professional licensure? 00:06:39.040 --> 00:06:45.330 position:50% align:middle And what do we know about the macro, socioeconomic, political, and health climate that will impact the 00:06:45.330 --> 00:06:48.210 position:50% align:middle pursuit of public protection? 00:06:48.210 --> 00:06:52.104 position:50% align:middle Again, you all know there was a lot going on there. 00:06:52.104 --> 00:06:59.943 position:50% align:middle So, in looking at our purpose first, we started with looking at the purpose of NCSBN, 00:06:59.943 --> 00:07:06.010 position:50% align:middle which to remind you is to provide an organization through which nurse regulatory bodies act and counsel 00:07:06.010 --> 00:07:12.580 position:50% align:middle together on matters of common interest and concern affecting public health, safety, and welfare. 00:07:12.580 --> 00:07:17.970 position:50% align:middle And most importantly, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. 00:07:17.970 --> 00:07:22.710 position:50% align:middle And that the activities of NCSBN serve to lessen the burdens of state government, 00:07:22.710 --> 00:07:25.990 position:50% align:middle to lessen the burdens of you members. 00:07:25.990 --> 00:07:31.790 position:50% align:middle So, in examining this and after looking at all the input we received from members, 00:07:31.790 --> 00:07:35.800 position:50% align:middle and the board of directors looking at this, and staff looking at this, 00:07:35.800 --> 00:07:41.220 position:50% align:middle we decided there would be no change to the purpose of this. 00:07:41.220 --> 00:07:46.050 position:50% align:middle And moving along then to the vision. 00:07:46.050 --> 00:07:50.560 position:50% align:middle Once again, a close examination, and as I stand up here and talk about this, it sounds really simple. 00:07:50.560 --> 00:07:53.240 position:50% align:middle Yes, we looked at that and decided, you know, no change. 00:07:53.240 --> 00:07:56.850 position:50% align:middle But there was quite in-depth conversations and debates. 00:07:56.850 --> 00:08:00.600 position:50% align:middle And then there was memory of, well, didn't we talk about that last time? 00:08:00.600 --> 00:08:02.040 position:50% align:middle Do you think we should change this? 00:08:02.040 --> 00:08:06.600 position:50% align:middle And then we would remind ourselves of what the rationale was at the time for no leaving it that way or 00:08:06.600 --> 00:08:10.064 position:50% align:middle having that particular word in. 00:08:10.064 --> 00:08:18.220 position:50% align:middle And I've heard the vision today stated many times by people, "Leading regulatory excellence worldwide." 00:08:18.220 --> 00:08:23.720 position:50% align:middle So, there is no change being recommended to the vision at this time. 00:08:23.720 --> 00:08:27.670 position:50% align:middle We then moved on to look at the mission. 00:08:27.670 --> 00:08:33.910 position:50% align:middle And the mission of NCSBN is NCSBN empowers and supports nursing regulators in their mandate 00:08:33.910 --> 00:08:36.330 position:50% align:middle to protect the public. 00:08:36.330 --> 00:08:43.960 position:50% align:middle And this seemed to us and we didn't get any feedback otherwise that this was certainly in keeping with where 00:08:43.960 --> 00:08:45.040 position:50% align:middle we needed to be. 00:08:45.040 --> 00:08:51.580 position:50% align:middle And there was not any need for change in regards to our mission. 00:08:51.580 --> 00:08:59.500 position:50% align:middle We did, however, in talking about the values, we did receive some really good comments, 00:08:59.500 --> 00:09:03.660 position:50% align:middle some very thoughtful comments with rationale. 00:09:03.660 --> 00:09:15.750 position:50% align:middle And the board of directors had some real discussion about a lot of these values stand up today very well. 00:09:15.750 --> 00:09:23.450 position:50% align:middle And we felt like a lot of the values needed to stay, but they just needed to be some enrichment, being 00:09:23.450 --> 00:09:26.610 position:50% align:middle mindful of the rapid pace of change. 00:09:26.610 --> 00:09:30.460 position:50% align:middle The need for some increased agility. 00:09:30.460 --> 00:09:37.192 position:50% align:middle Also looking at an increased emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion. 00:09:37.192 --> 00:09:44.470 position:50% align:middle So, at the end of the day, we felt like the current values needed to be strengthened. 00:09:44.470 --> 00:09:51.510 position:50% align:middle And so you will see in blue the items that were changed or the words that we changed as we went through. 00:09:51.510 --> 00:09:56.730 position:50% align:middle Under collaboration, adding the word inclusion. 00:09:56.730 --> 00:10:02.193 position:50% align:middle And in excellence, expanding on that a little to striving to be and do our best in a 00:10:02.193 --> 00:10:04.390 position:50% align:middle rapidly changing environment. 00:10:04.390 --> 00:10:10.450 position:50% align:middle We felt like in the current circumstance we were in, that needed to be emphasized. 00:10:10.450 --> 00:10:15.680 position:50% align:middle Innovation has always been a value of NCSBN that's held very important. 00:10:15.680 --> 00:10:19.870 position:50% align:middle And I think, you know, as we've talked today and over the last few months, 00:10:19.870 --> 00:10:23.310 position:50% align:middle certainly, there's been a lot of innovation going on. 00:10:23.310 --> 00:10:31.560 position:50% align:middle And a change to that being the embracing change is an opportunity to better organize endeavors for all and 00:10:31.560 --> 00:10:34.670 position:50% align:middle turn new ideas into action. 00:10:34.670 --> 00:10:41.120 position:50% align:middle So, there was reference to action, but we wanted that to be a fluid process and an active process. 00:10:41.120 --> 00:10:44.440 position:50% align:middle So, turning new ideas into action. 00:10:44.440 --> 00:10:49.770 position:50% align:middle There was no change made to integrity, doing the right thing for the right reasons 00:10:49.770 --> 00:10:52.580 position:50% align:middle through honest, open, and ethical dialogue. 00:10:52.580 --> 00:10:57.170 position:50% align:middle And that is very important to me and I think is very important to the discussions 00:10:57.170 --> 00:11:00.810 position:50% align:middle that the board of directors has. 00:11:00.810 --> 00:11:07.220 position:50% align:middle Under the transparency value, once again, felt like this just needed to be strengthened. 00:11:07.220 --> 00:11:11.530 position:50% align:middle And in blue, you'll see we added the words, and equity. 00:11:11.530 --> 00:11:16.620 position:50% align:middle So it ends up being demonstrating and expecting openness, clear communication, 00:11:16.620 --> 00:11:23.120 position:50% align:middle and equity and accountability of process and outcomes. 00:11:23.120 --> 00:11:27.270 position:50% align:middle So, now I want to move to the strategic initiatives. 00:11:27.270 --> 00:11:30.800 position:50% align:middle We've talked about the mission and the vision and the values. 00:11:30.800 --> 00:11:36.940 position:50% align:middle And moving to the strategic initiatives, there was no change recommended and no comments 00:11:36.940 --> 00:11:42.710 position:50% align:middle received that resulted in us thinking this needed to be changed. 00:11:42.710 --> 00:11:48.820 position:50% align:middle So, promoting agile regulatory systems for relevance and responsiveness to change. 00:11:48.820 --> 00:11:55.780 position:50% align:middle We are not proposing any new changes to you for that strategic initiative. 00:11:55.780 --> 00:11:57.766 position:50% align:middle Next slide, please. 00:11:57.766 --> 00:12:01.898 position:50% align:middle I think it's probably important to talk about the rationale. 00:12:01.898 --> 00:12:06.320 position:50% align:middle You do have this language all in your business book. 00:12:06.320 --> 00:12:14.468 position:50% align:middle I just want to highlight some of the rationale though for this initiative. 00:12:14.468 --> 00:12:21.220 position:50% align:middle And certainly, we talked about the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of change. 00:12:21.220 --> 00:12:27.370 position:50% align:middle Increased demands for occupational licensure modernization, so we are responsive. 00:12:27.370 --> 00:12:35.870 position:50% align:middle NCSBN did produce and built upon the Regulation 2030 roadmap, which offered clarity over trends 00:12:35.870 --> 00:12:37.820 position:50% align:middle to be addressed. 00:12:37.820 --> 00:12:42.710 position:50% align:middle And then importantly, I think the changing population, demographics, healthcare needs, 00:12:42.710 --> 00:12:52.160 position:50% align:middle artificial intelligence, technology, diversity, equity, inclusion, as well as increasing numbers of severe and 00:12:52.160 --> 00:12:57.920 position:50% align:middle of chaotic events all demands that we work together as regulators in new ways. 00:12:57.920 --> 00:13:05.280 position:50% align:middle So, there was some work done around the narrative and the rationale, but no change overall recommended 00:13:05.280 --> 00:13:07.600 position:50% align:middle to initiative A. 00:13:09.700 --> 00:13:21.250 position:50% align:middle So then moving to initiative B, champion regulatory solutions to address borderless healthcare delivery. 00:13:21.250 --> 00:13:30.070 position:50% align:middle Once again, no change being recommended to strategic initiative B, but I do want to speak to the rationale. 00:13:30.070 --> 00:13:36.470 position:50% align:middle We have given you the narrative explanation for that, both in your book and on the next slide. 00:13:36.470 --> 00:13:38.802 position:50% align:middle There is the narrative. 00:13:38.802 --> 00:13:45.720 position:50% align:middle But just speaking to some of the rationale related to that, the maldistribution and shortage of workers 00:13:45.720 --> 00:13:52.910 position:50% align:middle alongside increased frequency of unpredicted demands due to natural and manmade disasters. 00:13:52.910 --> 00:13:59.589 position:50% align:middle An increased interest in trade agreements and the use of remote healthcare delivery, 00:13:59.589 --> 00:14:03.810 position:50% align:middle we can all certainly speak to that having experienced that even more in the last couple of years 00:14:03.810 --> 00:14:05.710 position:50% align:middle than we have before. 00:14:05.710 --> 00:14:14.710 position:50% align:middle The need for agreed principles or global standards for articulated nursing licensure and telehealth practice. 00:14:14.710 --> 00:14:23.190 position:50% align:middle We certainly know that we have the mobility issues cross-jurisdictions and cross-countries. 00:14:23.190 --> 00:14:29.700 position:50% align:middle And telehealth practice has been a necessity for many across borders. 00:14:29.700 --> 00:14:36.920 position:50% align:middle Increased demands for access to equitable, affordable, safe services within and across disciplines. 00:14:36.920 --> 00:14:40.840 position:50% align:middle And you heard mentioned earlier today, as I think in David's address, 00:14:40.840 --> 00:14:47.070 position:50% align:middle he was addressing working with other disciplines and how valuable that has become. 00:14:47.070 --> 00:14:53.170 position:50% align:middle An increased mobility of nurses and new models of nurse-led services. 00:14:53.170 --> 00:14:58.920 position:50% align:middle They were all examples of the rationale to support the strategic initiative B, 00:14:58.920 --> 00:15:02.370 position:50% align:middle but we are not recommending any change at this time. 00:15:02.370 --> 00:15:06.000 position:50% align:middle If you could move to the slide on strategic initiative C. 00:15:08.594 --> 00:15:10.458 position:50% align:middle Thanks. 00:15:10.458 --> 00:15:18.000 position:50% align:middle So, this is an initiative that actually all the language was changed. 00:15:18.000 --> 00:15:24.380 position:50% align:middle The past strategic initiative talked about expanding the active engagement and leadership potential 00:15:24.380 --> 00:15:26.530 position:50% align:middle of all members. 00:15:26.530 --> 00:15:36.640 position:50% align:middle We received some very good comments from members in this area and the board and the chiefs and the CEO had 00:15:36.640 --> 00:15:45.430 position:50% align:middle some very intentional discussions in recognizing the needs of the membership, and therefore, 00:15:45.430 --> 00:15:51.260 position:50% align:middle refreshed and more intentional efforts on the part of the organization to address the membership. 00:15:51.260 --> 00:15:57.941 position:50% align:middle And so strategic initiative C, what we are proposing is to strengthen the capacity, 00:15:57.941 --> 00:16:04.140 position:50% align:middle capability, and diversity of regulatory leadership and its engagement. 00:16:04.140 --> 00:16:09.480 position:50% align:middle So, strengthen the capacity, capability, and diversity of regulatory leadership 00:16:09.480 --> 00:16:11.333 position:50% align:middle and its engagement. 00:16:11.333 --> 00:16:17.520 position:50% align:middle And you have already heard throughout this meeting, even though we've still got a couple of days to go, 00:16:17.520 --> 00:16:28.040 position:50% align:middle where examples of engagement and examples of through the ICRS program, that we are working on building the 00:16:28.040 --> 00:16:33.860 position:50% align:middle capacity and capability and the engagement of the membership. 00:16:33.860 --> 00:16:42.290 position:50% align:middle So, as we talked about this one and thought we really need to look at that initiative again, 00:16:42.290 --> 00:16:48.160 position:50% align:middle some of the rationale had to do with the rapid turnover of leadership in regulatory boards, 00:16:48.160 --> 00:16:51.820 position:50% align:middle which really has resulted in a loss of corporate memory. 00:16:51.820 --> 00:16:58.340 position:50% align:middle And a lot of, "You know that," the need to equip members with skills necessary, 00:16:58.340 --> 00:17:07.810 position:50% align:middle you know, to provide information about regulatory reform and optimize the contribution of regulators. 00:17:07.810 --> 00:17:13.780 position:50% align:middle The other rationale for this was to increase the pipeline of potential candidates for staff 00:17:13.780 --> 00:17:15.530 position:50% align:middle and governance roles. 00:17:15.530 --> 00:17:21.500 position:50% align:middle So, we had quite a bit of discussion about, you know, with the activities around leadership 00:17:21.500 --> 00:17:25.280 position:50% align:middle succession committee, we talk about increasing the pipeline of candidates 00:17:25.280 --> 00:17:32.100 position:50% align:middle for governance roles for NCSBN, but we also talked about staff roles and potential 00:17:32.100 --> 00:17:38.180 position:50% align:middle candidates and looking at the skillset, you know, looking at what is needed to take 00:17:38.180 --> 00:17:39.810 position:50% align:middle the organization forward. 00:17:39.810 --> 00:17:46.070 position:50% align:middle Specific and targeted education towards competencies required to be an efficient, effective, 00:17:46.070 --> 00:17:49.490 position:50% align:middle and progressive regulator. 00:17:49.490 --> 00:17:54.620 position:50% align:middle And to deal with increased scrutiny and the consequences of the financially challenging and 00:17:54.620 --> 00:17:58.430 position:50% align:middle publicly accountable governance environment. 00:17:58.430 --> 00:18:04.500 position:50% align:middle And I think there's many of you in this room who are experiencing, have experienced, 00:18:04.500 --> 00:18:11.360 position:50% align:middle how we certainly are much more publicly challenged to be accountable for the services we provide and for the 00:18:11.360 --> 00:18:13.700 position:50% align:middle activities that we undertake. 00:18:13.700 --> 00:18:20.818 position:50% align:middle And so this was our rationale for the changes in strategic initiative C. 00:18:20.818 --> 00:18:25.590 position:50% align:middle We'll then move to strategic initiative D. 00:18:25.590 --> 00:18:28.040 position:50% align:middle Once again, no change. 00:18:28.040 --> 00:18:31.860 position:50% align:middle No change, but that doesn't mean absent great discussion. 00:18:31.860 --> 00:18:38.000 position:50% align:middle And the comments, again, from the membership helped us discern the membership 00:18:38.000 --> 00:18:43.080 position:50% align:middle comments on the survey, as well as the in-person conversations that occurred at midyear meeting. 00:18:43.080 --> 00:18:49.790 position:50% align:middle So this initiative we are proposing stays the same, pioneer competency assessments to support the future 00:18:49.790 --> 00:18:53.900 position:50% align:middle of healthcare and the advancement of regulatory excellence. 00:18:56.450 --> 00:19:05.300 position:50% align:middle You know, I think it speaks to the fact that you all did a lot of work during the last cycle and some of the 00:19:05.300 --> 00:19:16.400 position:50% align:middle language used and the themes and looking at the future directions really, things run the test of time. 00:19:16.400 --> 00:19:20.450 position:50% align:middle So, there was not a lot of specific changes. 00:19:20.450 --> 00:19:29.620 position:50% align:middle And on that rationale for no change for the initiative D, I just do want to mention that the things that we 00:19:29.620 --> 00:19:36.620 position:50% align:middle talked about as to this initiative needing to remain in place and remaining relevant is that technology will 00:19:36.620 --> 00:19:42.040 position:50% align:middle continue to increase in power, capability, connectivity, and fidelity. 00:19:42.040 --> 00:19:47.810 position:50% align:middle That interoperability, data security, and big data analytics will feature more prominently 00:19:47.810 --> 00:19:54.750 position:50% align:middle in proportionate risk-based regulatory systems that will have to draw on an interface 00:19:54.750 --> 00:19:58.590 position:50% align:middle with real-time service delivery. 00:19:58.590 --> 00:20:04.520 position:50% align:middle And that initial and continuing competence requirements to facilitate redesign of services and support 00:20:04.520 --> 00:20:09.480 position:50% align:middle equitable public safety will remain a priority. 00:20:09.480 --> 00:20:14.223 position:50% align:middle And we believe there'll be an increased need for mechanisms to calibrate the differentiated and 00:20:14.223 --> 00:20:20.770 position:50% align:middle overlapping competence of nursing across and within jurisdictions, as well as really needing to look 00:20:20.770 --> 00:20:25.090 position:50% align:middle at in relation to the shared competencies with other disciplines. 00:20:25.090 --> 00:20:33.490 position:50% align:middle So that was the rationale for believing that that was relevant initiatives to stay in place, but no changes. 00:20:33.490 --> 00:20:43.630 position:50% align:middle Now, earlier today, I talked to you all about the board of directors' strategic retreat. 00:20:43.630 --> 00:20:51.040 position:50% align:middle In the first slide here when I opened up today, we did some very serious work 00:20:51.040 --> 00:20:53.530 position:50% align:middle around these strategic initiatives. 00:20:53.530 --> 00:21:01.535 position:50% align:middle But I want to now move to the objectives because out of the strategic initiatives come the objectives. 00:21:01.535 --> 00:21:09.380 position:50% align:middle And, you know, there, the objectives become how we operationalize the strategy, the how-to, 00:21:09.380 --> 00:21:11.755 position:50% align:middle how are we going to get there? 00:21:11.755 --> 00:21:19.650 position:50% align:middle And so I want to show you how it played out with some of our discussions pre-retreat and looking 00:21:19.650 --> 00:21:22.000 position:50% align:middle at the various objectives. 00:21:22.000 --> 00:21:30.700 position:50% align:middle And a synopsis that was done in terms of what were the important objectives that came to light are 00:21:30.700 --> 00:21:36.260 position:50% align:middle certainly agile, borderless, leadership, and competence. 00:21:36.260 --> 00:21:40.960 position:50% align:middle We think that those four definitely stood out. 00:21:40.960 --> 00:21:48.910 position:50% align:middle And these objectives relate to how the strategic initiatives have been implemented in the last strategic 00:21:48.910 --> 00:21:53.840 position:50% align:middle cycle and looking at the impact going forward. 00:21:53.840 --> 00:22:03.450 position:50% align:middle So, on the next slide, you know, through the retreat, there was a lot of gathering of, as I said, 00:22:03.450 --> 00:22:08.330 position:50% align:middle individual board members and chiefs provided information and ideas. 00:22:08.330 --> 00:22:13.450 position:50% align:middle And then we really had to distill it down and found that there were certainly some common themes and some 00:22:13.450 --> 00:22:18.020 position:50% align:middle overlap in our thinking, which I guess was good in that we ended up, you know, 00:22:18.020 --> 00:22:22.130 position:50% align:middle being able to really synthesize these objectives. 00:22:22.130 --> 00:22:30.290 position:50% align:middle And you can see the scores for how this played out when we looked at the agile, borderless, leadership, 00:22:30.290 --> 00:22:34.950 position:50% align:middle and competence objectives where we focus. 00:22:34.950 --> 00:22:38.100 position:50% align:middle We did some further synthesis of the objectives. 00:22:38.100 --> 00:22:43.110 position:50% align:middle And in looking at that realized that, you know, some of these objectives are ongoing. 00:22:43.110 --> 00:22:47.180 position:50% align:middle They're things that we have been doing, but they're not things that are just done because we 00:22:47.180 --> 00:22:50.250 position:50% align:middle are done with that cycle of strategic initiatives. 00:22:50.250 --> 00:22:56.870 position:50% align:middle You know, some will need to be ongoing and some things that emerged are new proposals. 00:22:56.870 --> 00:22:59.480 position:50% align:middle And just want to talk with you about that a little bit. 00:22:59.480 --> 00:23:04.350 position:50% align:middle So, let's talk about the ongoing objectives because I know that, you know, 00:23:04.350 --> 00:23:09.790 position:50% align:middle it is important for us to remember that although we're identifying this new body of work and we're going 00:23:09.790 --> 00:23:14.180 position:50% align:middle to move forward with a new charge and we may be reaching out to you all after the Delegate Assembly, 00:23:14.180 --> 00:23:18.780 position:50% align:middle certainly votes and saying we've got these work groups, so we want you to help with these things, 00:23:18.780 --> 00:23:24.570 position:50% align:middle there's also that body of work that goes on that's ongoing and will not be done, 00:23:24.570 --> 00:23:29.200 position:50% align:middle and is some heavy lifting and important work to continue. 00:23:29.200 --> 00:23:36.310 position:50% align:middle So ongoing, we will be completing the development of the performance accreditation system, 00:23:36.310 --> 00:23:43.310 position:50% align:middle increasing the uptake of the Nurse Licensure Compact and the APRN compacts, 00:23:43.310 --> 00:23:48.030 position:50% align:middle continue to implement the work on the International Center for Regulatory Scholarship. 00:23:48.030 --> 00:23:56.552 position:50% align:middle And you saw in the incredible video we saw earlier, announcing the fellowship program put in place in 2023. 00:23:56.552 --> 00:23:59.400 position:50% align:middle So there's been a lot of ongoing work. 00:23:59.400 --> 00:24:05.050 position:50% align:middle I've talked to many of you who've said how enriched you've been by, you know, doing the ICRS courses. 00:24:05.050 --> 00:24:08.590 position:50% align:middle And David referenced the first inaugural class. 00:24:08.590 --> 00:24:12.990 position:50% align:middle And so we continue to implement the work on ICRS. 00:24:12.990 --> 00:24:19.310 position:50% align:middle And then implement proposals for the use of retired and unused exam items. 00:24:19.310 --> 00:24:24.140 position:50% align:middle You know, Phil Dickerson, who gets very excited about talking about all of this, 00:24:24.140 --> 00:24:30.000 position:50% align:middle anything to do with NCLEX, and looking at all these exam items that we have that 00:24:30.000 --> 00:24:35.810 position:50% align:middle there are some potential good use for some of these retired and unused exam items. 00:24:35.810 --> 00:24:40.480 position:50% align:middle So, we'll continue to look into that. 00:24:40.480 --> 00:24:45.490 position:50% align:middle Big on everybody's mind, certainly the exam team's mind, Phil's mind, 00:24:45.490 --> 00:24:51.240 position:50% align:middle and nurse educators, I probably should say nursing students because my experience is that nursing students 00:24:51.240 --> 00:24:55.950 position:50% align:middle have been scared to death about the thought of this new exam and everybody's going, "Oh, there's a new..." 00:24:55.950 --> 00:25:00.920 position:50% align:middle You know, students can probably tell you more about the NGN than some of the educators can because they're 00:25:00.920 --> 00:25:04.790 position:50% align:middle looking at some of the wonderful resources that we have out there. 00:25:04.790 --> 00:25:13.370 position:50% align:middle But in 2023, we will launch NGN and explore further usage of the model and we'll continue the work 00:25:13.370 --> 00:25:17.110 position:50% align:middle on development of a remote proctoring system. 00:25:17.110 --> 00:25:20.130 position:50% align:middle So, that is the ongoing work. 00:25:20.130 --> 00:25:23.180 position:50% align:middle And that work right there is not for the faint-hearted. 00:25:23.180 --> 00:25:25.490 position:50% align:middle And that is no small things. 00:25:25.490 --> 00:25:33.490 position:50% align:middle So, know that both the board of directors, the staff, and those of you that are engaged in some of this work, 00:25:33.490 --> 00:25:35.830 position:50% align:middle that will continue. 00:25:35.830 --> 00:25:41.700 position:50% align:middle The new proposals that emerged throughout the process of the strategic initiative process, 00:25:41.700 --> 00:25:50.720 position:50% align:middle and we talked about this at midyear meeting and some of you are participating in focus groups at this meeting, 00:25:50.720 --> 00:26:00.820 position:50% align:middle new proposals include licensure process reform, workforce modeling, and data exchange, 00:26:00.820 --> 00:26:08.860 position:50% align:middle governance review and modernization, and a support worker regulatory model. 00:26:08.860 --> 00:26:14.910 position:50% align:middle So, those are four new proposals that you will be hearing more about. 00:26:14.910 --> 00:26:16.760 position:50% align:middle You've already given us some feedback. 00:26:16.760 --> 00:26:21.130 position:50% align:middle And we are looking forward to getting additional information from you all, 00:26:21.130 --> 00:26:26.600 position:50% align:middle additional thoughts from you all the rest of this week. 00:26:26.600 --> 00:26:38.230 position:50% align:middle There will be focus groups going on to generate ideas, identify outputs, and prioritize actions. 00:26:38.230 --> 00:26:47.130 position:50% align:middle So, we have really strived to involve you and engage you as much as you want to be in these processes. 00:26:47.130 --> 00:26:57.280 position:50% align:middle And really, I think the decisions on the board and the examination of all of this was really enriched 00:26:57.280 --> 00:26:59.067 position:50% align:middle by participation of the membership. 00:26:59.067 --> 00:27:04.740 position:50% align:middle So, we hope we are bringing to you recommendations that you think are helpful. 00:27:04.740 --> 00:27:12.300 position:50% align:middle And if you could just move to the map to the future, the last slide, and you will know that...you know, 00:27:12.300 --> 00:27:15.260 position:50% align:middle David said we're doing this presentation as a partnership. 00:27:15.260 --> 00:27:17.490 position:50% align:middle Well, you know that Jay Douglas didn't do this slide. 00:27:17.490 --> 00:27:19.990 position:50% align:middle David Benton did this. 00:27:19.990 --> 00:27:22.630 position:50% align:middle We all know David's famous for the mapping out the... 00:27:22.630 --> 00:27:25.100 position:50% align:middle But, you know, this gives you an overview. 00:27:25.100 --> 00:27:29.400 position:50% align:middle It's probably a little difficult for you to look at up there. 00:27:29.400 --> 00:27:34.330 position:50% align:middle But to give you a sense of, you know, this is not a one-and-done, 00:27:34.330 --> 00:27:41.980 position:50% align:middle this is not an activity that's over in a short period of time, you know, strategic planning and mapping 00:27:41.980 --> 00:27:46.690 position:50% align:middle for the future takes deliberate discussion involvement. 00:27:46.690 --> 00:27:53.130 position:50% align:middle And you will see on this slide, it's spanning, you know, four years really as we move forward 00:27:53.130 --> 00:27:55.270 position:50% align:middle into the future. 00:27:55.270 --> 00:28:00.090 position:50% align:middle So, before I entertain questions, I just want to see if David has anything he would 00:28:00.090 --> 00:28:04.100 position:50% align:middle like to add or emphasize anything that I have said. 00:28:04.100 --> 00:28:06.586 position:50% align:middle David? 00:28:06.586 --> 00:28:14.740 position:50% align:middle - So, the only thing that I would add is that really, the purposes of the forums tomorrow on Friday are 00:28:14.740 --> 00:28:21.510 position:50% align:middle to really identify the building blocks in terms of particularly in relation to licensure reforms. 00:28:21.510 --> 00:28:28.710 position:50% align:middle So, what are the things that would be most helpful to you in terms of how we can support you 00:28:28.710 --> 00:28:30.830 position:50% align:middle in your licensing efforts? 00:28:30.830 --> 00:28:33.320 position:50% align:middle And, of course, in relation to support worker as well. 00:28:33.320 --> 00:28:39.040 position:50% align:middle It's a huge agenda and we recognize that there are many component parts. 00:28:39.040 --> 00:28:45.680 position:50% align:middle But by identifying those parts and then putting them into sequence, we will then have a plan for moving 00:28:45.680 --> 00:28:50.330 position:50% align:middle forward because these are critical elements in supporting yourselves. 00:28:50.330 --> 00:28:55.269 position:50% align:middle So, with that, I will pause and hand back to you, Madam President. 00:28:55.269 --> 00:28:56.720 position:50% align:middle - Thank you, David. 00:28:56.720 --> 00:28:59.540 position:50% align:middle So, are there any questions, thoughts? 00:28:59.540 --> 00:29:01.270 position:50% align:middle You know, did we hit the mark? 00:29:01.270 --> 00:29:03.130 position:50% align:middle Is there something that you...? 00:29:03.130 --> 00:29:06.620 position:50% align:middle Now's the time to have some discussion about that. 00:29:06.620 --> 00:29:11.390 position:50% align:middle Okay, looks like we've got a couple of questions virtually or remotely. 00:29:11.390 --> 00:29:14.107 position:50% align:middle If somebody's going to let me know what they are. 00:29:14.107 --> 00:29:20.768 position:50% align:middle - [Man] Yes, we have a question from Laura Lynn Jackson, "Will the workforce modeling be a template 00:29:20.768 --> 00:29:23.800 position:50% align:middle which others can use and adapt?" 00:29:23.800 --> 00:29:29.100 position:50% align:middle - Can you repeat that because I had a little bit of a hard time hearing that? 00:29:29.100 --> 00:29:29.650 position:50% align:middle - Sure. 00:29:29.650 --> 00:29:36.320 position:50% align:middle Will workforce modeling be a template for which others can use and adapt? 00:29:36.320 --> 00:29:41.800 position:50% align:middle - Will workforce modeling be a template for which others can use and adapt, I think is what you said. 00:29:41.800 --> 00:29:43.200 position:50% align:middle Yes, David. 00:29:43.200 --> 00:29:49.600 position:50% align:middle - So, we know from the work that I've been doing with WHO that one of the issues that we're going to have 00:29:49.600 --> 00:29:52.190 position:50% align:middle to look at is the whole workforce model. 00:29:52.190 --> 00:29:58.090 position:50% align:middle The current workforce model, which is basically an input-output model is predicated 00:29:58.090 --> 00:30:03.050 position:50% align:middle on physical location rather than new ways of working. 00:30:03.050 --> 00:30:09.040 position:50% align:middle So, there's new thinking that needs to come into how we plan a workforce for the future, etc., etc. 00:30:09.040 --> 00:30:14.795 position:50% align:middle So, the idea would be that we would develop that, but we would develop it in partnership with our 00:30:14.795 --> 00:30:21.866 position:50% align:middle membership so that we can then support you in fulfilling the new mandates that will be coming 00:30:21.866 --> 00:30:33.000 position:50% align:middle your way probably in a couple of years' time in terms of how you help your health systems to address 00:30:33.000 --> 00:30:34.830 position:50% align:middle the future needs of the workforce. 00:30:34.830 --> 00:30:41.250 position:50% align:middle So, yes, we will be developing something that you will be able to use, but we will do it in partnership, 00:30:41.250 --> 00:30:46.700 position:50% align:middle not just with yourselves, but with the wider nursing community as well because 00:30:46.700 --> 00:30:51.800 position:50% align:middle it's going to take a village to fix this one, I can tell you that. 00:30:51.800 --> 00:30:55.710 position:50% align:middle - I think there was a second question, wasn't there? 00:30:55.710 --> 00:30:57.230 position:50% align:middle No, just two lights. 00:30:57.230 --> 00:30:58.230 position:50% align:middle Okay, thank you. 00:30:58.230 --> 00:31:00.020 position:50% align:middle Appreciate the heads back there. 00:31:00.020 --> 00:31:06.486 position:50% align:middle Is there anybody else in the room or anybody remotely that has a comment or a question? 00:31:11.570 --> 00:31:15.301 position:50% align:middle Yes, I think there's somebody coming to the mic. 00:31:15.301 --> 00:31:16.650 position:50% align:middle - [Cynthia] Hi, Jay. 00:31:16.650 --> 00:31:17.200 position:50% align:middle Hi. 00:31:17.200 --> 00:31:18.810 position:50% align:middle Cynthia Johansen from British Columbia. 00:31:18.810 --> 00:31:24.750 position:50% align:middle I'm very curious about the support worker licensing. 00:31:24.750 --> 00:31:29.620 position:50% align:middle I didn't catch the last word, so I apologize if I've misquoted exactly the point on the slide. 00:31:29.620 --> 00:31:37.350 position:50% align:middle But I'm very curious what problem was identified that that will help solve just so that I can understand 00:31:37.350 --> 00:31:40.330 position:50% align:middle better what that solution will likely look like. 00:31:40.330 --> 00:31:45.690 position:50% align:middle Is it about creating a framework for how support workers might be licensed or regulated 00:31:45.690 --> 00:31:46.896 position:50% align:middle in a jurisdiction? 00:31:46.896 --> 00:31:51.150 position:50% align:middle Do you see that translating beyond the borders of the United States, for example? 00:31:51.150 --> 00:31:53.040 position:50% align:middle Just a little bit more information would be great. 00:31:53.040 --> 00:31:54.980 position:50% align:middle - David, do you want to speak to that? - Sure. 00:31:54.980 --> 00:32:01.810 position:50% align:middle So, I mean, part of what will be happening over the next couple of days is actually getting some more input 00:32:01.810 --> 00:32:04.480 position:50% align:middle into that exact process. 00:32:04.480 --> 00:32:09.530 position:50% align:middle But the factors that really put this on the agenda were multiple. 00:32:09.530 --> 00:32:13.770 position:50% align:middle The changing demographics of societies, not just in the U.S. 00:32:13.770 --> 00:32:23.780 position:50% align:middle and Canada but around the world in terms of the workforce, the fact that in terms of how we diversify 00:32:23.780 --> 00:32:30.000 position:50% align:middle the workforce as we have increased academic qualification levels, 00:32:30.000 --> 00:32:32.970 position:50% align:middle the workforce has become less diverse. 00:32:32.970 --> 00:32:42.010 position:50% align:middle And therefore, we've got to build a pathway from support worker, practical nurse, registered nurse, 00:32:42.010 --> 00:32:47.375 position:50% align:middle APRN, etc., and then moving potentially sideways as well as all of that. 00:32:47.375 --> 00:32:58.430 position:50% align:middle So, the issue of how we protect the public where support workers are increasingly playing a role 00:32:58.430 --> 00:33:02.830 position:50% align:middle with some of the most vulnerable groups is an important component. 00:33:02.830 --> 00:33:10.510 position:50% align:middle The current testing system for that is highly fragmented and lacks coordination and 00:33:10.510 --> 00:33:12.870 position:50% align:middle isn't transferable either. 00:33:12.870 --> 00:33:20.300 position:50% align:middle So, the idea of this is that we would be developing an overarching framework that would enable that to happen. 00:33:20.300 --> 00:33:26.940 position:50% align:middle And yes, the intention is that we'd have wider utility than just the United States. 00:33:26.940 --> 00:33:31.150 position:50% align:middle - And Cynthia, just one aspect of that. 00:33:31.150 --> 00:33:34.940 position:50% align:middle You know, when we talk about support workers, of course, we have a large number 00:33:34.940 --> 00:33:36.330 position:50% align:middle of certified nurse aides. 00:33:36.330 --> 00:33:41.320 position:50% align:middle It's a requirement to work in long-term care, but there's certainly other roles of support workers. 00:33:41.320 --> 00:33:50.460 position:50% align:middle But as an example of one of the things that, you know, we hope to be able to help modernize is that the 00:33:50.460 --> 00:33:57.380 position:50% align:middle federal regulations that were set forth to regulate nurse aides and nurse aide education programs were put 00:33:57.380 --> 00:34:03.300 position:50% align:middle in place in 1989 and they have not been updated since then at the federal level. 00:34:03.300 --> 00:34:06.800 position:50% align:middle So, just one little tidbit. 00:34:06.800 --> 00:34:09.200 position:50% align:middle You know, I feel I had to say it, okay?