WEBVTT 00:00:00.990 --> 00:00:03.009 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪ 00:00:04.920 --> 00:00:10.357 position:50% align:middle In NCSBN's 45-year history, only a small number of esteemed individuals 00:00:10.357 --> 00:00:12.463 position:50% align:middle have received the Founders Award. 00:00:12.463 --> 00:00:18.719 position:50% align:middle Tonight, retiring NCSBN CEO David Benton joins that elite group. 00:00:18.719 --> 00:00:23.490 position:50% align:middle Over the last eight years, David has masterfully led NCSBN 00:00:23.490 --> 00:00:26.235 position:50% align:middle through growth, challenges, and change. 00:00:26.235 --> 00:00:30.804 position:50% align:middle Under his visionary leadership, the organization built on its rich history 00:00:30.804 --> 00:00:33.932 position:50% align:middle and reached a new level of engagement and innovation 00:00:33.932 --> 00:00:35.932 position:50% align:middle on both the national and international stages. 00:00:37.420 --> 00:00:42.777 position:50% align:middle Throughout his time at NCSBN, David strategically advanced the organization 00:00:42.777 --> 00:00:46.740 position:50% align:middle as one of the leading voices for regulation in the world. 00:00:46.740 --> 00:00:51.277 position:50% align:middle David oversaw the launch of several major projects and initiatives during his tenure. 00:00:51.277 --> 00:00:55.792 position:50% align:middle The Next Generation NCLEX was launched on April 1st of this year. 00:00:55.792 --> 00:01:00.037 position:50% align:middle NCSBN developed the groundbreaking Global Regulatory Atlas 00:01:00.037 --> 00:01:05.718 position:50% align:middle and also established the Innovative International Center for Regulatory Scholarship. 00:01:05.718 --> 00:01:10.486 position:50% align:middle He made the landmark decision to gather nurse leaders and regulators from around the world 00:01:10.486 --> 00:01:14.981 position:50% align:middle for the Regulation 2030 Conference in Chicago in 2016 00:01:14.981 --> 00:01:19.076 position:50% align:middle in an endeavor to help chart the future of nursing regulation. 00:01:19.076 --> 00:01:23.099 position:50% align:middle David shepherded the development of the Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact, 00:01:23.099 --> 00:01:26.474 position:50% align:middle which has since grown to 41 jurisdictions. 00:01:26.474 --> 00:01:32.980 position:50% align:middle Additionally, he championed the APRN Compact, which is well on its way to implementation. 00:01:32.980 --> 00:01:36.960 position:50% align:middle With David's skilled guidance at the onset and throughout the pandemic, 00:01:36.960 --> 00:01:43.350 position:50% align:middle NCSBN both led and was an active participant in a number of domestic and international initiatives 00:01:43.350 --> 00:01:49.020 position:50% align:middle designed to increase access to the NCLEX, reduce regulatory barriers for providers, 00:01:49.020 --> 00:01:55.146 position:50% align:middle open clinical experiences for nursing students, and offer innovative responses to COVID-19 00:01:55.146 --> 00:01:58.422 position:50% align:middle in an effort to support nurse regulatory boards. 00:01:58.422 --> 00:02:03.181 position:50% align:middle David was also a significant contributor to the World Health Organization's 00:02:03.181 --> 00:02:07.989 position:50% align:middle State of the World's Nursing 2020 Report, offering a regulatory perspective 00:02:07.989 --> 00:02:13.393 position:50% align:middle and providing accurate data, evidence, and suggestions for legislative change. 00:02:13.393 --> 00:02:20.250 position:50% align:middle The prestigious Founders Award is given only upon the occasion that an individual with ethics, integrity, 00:02:20.250 --> 00:02:28.070 position:50% align:middle and sincerity has demonstrated the highest regard for the ideals and beliefs upon which NCSBN was founded. 00:02:28.070 --> 00:02:33.328 position:50% align:middle David's demonstrated courage, sustained commitment to excellence in nursing regulation, 00:02:33.328 --> 00:02:38.944 position:50% align:middle and vision for innovation to enhance the health, safety, and welfare of the public 00:02:38.944 --> 00:02:43.748 position:50% align:middle are just some of the ways he has helped shape nursing regulations brilliant future 00:02:43.748 --> 00:02:46.746 position:50% align:middle and the reasons we honor him with this award. 00:02:46.746 --> 00:02:48.746 position:50% align:middle ♪ [music] ♪