WEBVTT 00:00:05.360 --> 00:00:12.450 position:50% align:middle Good morning members, past presidents, board of directors, special guests, and staff. 00:00:12.450 --> 00:00:20.450 position:50% align:middle As we come together on this, the 45th-anniversary meeting of the founding of NCSBN, 00:00:20.450 --> 00:00:28.320 position:50% align:middle I am appreciative of the work of our founders who had the vision and the grit to form this organization. 00:00:28.320 --> 00:00:35.883 position:50% align:middle It is with equal admiration that I reflect on the leadership of past presidents and board of directors, 00:00:35.883 --> 00:00:39.803 position:50% align:middle some of whom are here in the audience today. 00:00:39.803 --> 00:00:48.973 position:50% align:middle These strong leaders have demonstrated service and commitment to NCSBN for many years. 00:00:48.973 --> 00:00:55.303 position:50% align:middle Two of the past presidents remain serving in the capacity of executive officer for their jurisdictions. 00:00:55.303 --> 00:01:04.715 position:50% align:middle Joey Ridenour from Arizona and Kathy Thomas from Texas, who you may know retires at the end of this month. 00:01:04.715 --> 00:01:13.315 position:50% align:middle To the current board of directors, your dedication, hard work, and sound decision-making has brought us 00:01:13.315 --> 00:01:18.145 position:50% align:middle this past year through uncertainty, regulatory change challenges, 00:01:18.145 --> 00:01:21.045 position:50% align:middle and exciting accomplishments. 00:01:21.045 --> 00:01:26.495 position:50% align:middle I thank you for your individual service and your collective wisdom. 00:01:26.495 --> 00:01:34.019 position:50% align:middle Before I begin with the annual board of directors update, I would like to take some time to reflect 00:01:34.019 --> 00:01:39.369 position:50% align:middle on NCSBN beginnings 45 years ago. 00:01:39.369 --> 00:01:46.259 position:50% align:middle From the original founders to the present day, the history of National Council is full of examples 00:01:46.259 --> 00:01:56.189 position:50% align:middle of nursing regulatory bodies acting and counseling together to ensure the sound regulation of nursing. 00:01:56.189 --> 00:02:02.965 position:50% align:middle On June the 5th, 1978, in Los Angeles, the delegate assembly of the American Nurses 00:02:02.965 --> 00:02:12.915 position:50% align:middle Association Council of State Boards of Nursing voted 83 to 8 to withdraw from the American Nurses Association 00:02:12.915 --> 00:02:20.325 position:50% align:middle and establish a separate autonomous, nonprofit body to be known as the National Council 00:02:20.325 --> 00:02:23.315 position:50% align:middle State Boards of Nursing, Inc. 00:02:23.315 --> 00:02:28.115 position:50% align:middle The vote for independence did not come as a surprise. 00:02:28.115 --> 00:02:36.834 position:50% align:middle At the June 1977 meeting of the ANA Council, a task force of four members were elected and charged 00:02:36.834 --> 00:02:44.574 position:50% align:middle with proposing a specific plan for the formation of a new independent organization to be considered at the 00:02:44.574 --> 00:02:48.104 position:50% align:middle 1978 annual meeting. 00:02:48.104 --> 00:02:55.844 position:50% align:middle The initial proposal for this new entity included development of articles of incorporation, tax status, 00:02:55.844 --> 00:03:02.651 position:50% align:middle bylaws, finances, and plans for the transition from ANA. 00:03:02.651 --> 00:03:10.071 position:50% align:middle The task force members represented each of the council's four geographic areas and included Gertrude 00:03:10.071 --> 00:03:17.511 position:50% align:middle Malone from Montana, Elaine Ellaby from Wisconsin, Pat Keith from Florida, 00:03:17.511 --> 00:03:21.601 position:50% align:middle and Mildred Schmidt from New York. 00:03:21.601 --> 00:03:27.681 position:50% align:middle Barbara Nickel served as an ex officio member from the ANA board of directors and I believe Barbara will be 00:03:27.681 --> 00:03:30.383 position:50% align:middle here with us at this meeting. 00:03:30.383 --> 00:03:34.473 position:50% align:middle Welcome, Barbara, and thank you for your contributions. 00:03:34.473 --> 00:03:44.343 position:50% align:middle Today, NCSBN continues to enjoy collaboration and joint work with ANA and other national nursing organizations 00:03:44.343 --> 00:03:48.643 position:50% align:middle through NCSBN membership in the Tri-Council. 00:03:48.643 --> 00:03:56.453 position:50% align:middle That is national work focused on areas of mutual interest related to nursing practice, 00:03:56.453 --> 00:03:59.843 position:50% align:middle education, and regulation. 00:03:59.843 --> 00:04:06.322 position:50% align:middle Five years ago, we celebrated NCSBN's 40th anniversary in Minnesota. 00:04:06.322 --> 00:04:13.302 position:50% align:middle As you know, the last five years has presented unique challenges, opportunities for growth and collaboration, 00:04:13.302 --> 00:04:21.902 position:50% align:middle and significant accomplishments during a time when NCSBN and nurse regulatory boards across the globe 00:04:21.902 --> 00:04:29.642 position:50% align:middle could easily have focused on the tasks at hand without paying attention to the future and the vision. 00:04:29.642 --> 00:04:37.310 position:50% align:middle We have seen an unprecedented turnover in leadership in our boards and therefore in NCSBN membership at a time 00:04:37.310 --> 00:04:42.680 position:50% align:middle when the guardrails of nursing regulation and the evidence to support our activities have 00:04:42.680 --> 00:04:46.100 position:50% align:middle truly been tested. 00:04:46.100 --> 00:04:53.780 position:50% align:middle Just as nursing regulation and NCSBN has pivoted and grown in the last five years, so has the world. 00:04:53.780 --> 00:04:59.670 position:50% align:middle What has not changed is the need for sound governance and strong leadership that brings a diversity 00:04:59.670 --> 00:05:06.696 position:50% align:middle of competencies to the table to lead, innovate, and take strategic action. 00:05:06.696 --> 00:05:14.226 position:50% align:middle The first board of directors of NCSBN put its energies into setting up an organization and selecting its first 00:05:14.226 --> 00:05:18.036 position:50% align:middle executive director, the title at that time. 00:05:18.036 --> 00:05:20.926 position:50% align:middle Elaine McQuaid from New York was appointed. 00:05:20.926 --> 00:05:27.526 position:50% align:middle Selection of an executive officer is one of the most important responsibilities and actions that 00:05:27.526 --> 00:05:29.146 position:50% align:middle a board takes. 00:05:29.146 --> 00:05:34.866 position:50% align:middle Your current board of directors knows that extremely well as they have been focused this year 00:05:34.866 --> 00:05:41.306 position:50% align:middle on this process, appointing a search committee, conducting an international search, 00:05:41.306 --> 00:05:46.766 position:50% align:middle and selecting a new CEO, a process that culminated in the appointment 00:05:46.766 --> 00:05:54.238 position:50% align:middle of Phil Dickison who will become chief executive officer of NCSBN October 1 of this year. 00:06:01.876 --> 00:06:08.296 position:50% align:middle Due to the solid foundation established many years ago, well-thought-out governing documents, 00:06:08.296 --> 00:06:14.336 position:50% align:middle a sound structure, and a healthy culture, this process although not expected at the beginning 00:06:14.336 --> 00:06:20.366 position:50% align:middle of a new board cycle, was able to be accomplished in an orderly fashion. 00:06:20.366 --> 00:06:26.276 position:50% align:middle The work had to begin while newly elected directors were acclimating to their roles and responsibilities 00:06:26.276 --> 00:06:28.646 position:50% align:middle associated with board service. 00:06:28.646 --> 00:06:32.310 position:50% align:middle This board of directors, like those that have come before, 00:06:32.310 --> 00:06:39.180 position:50% align:middle have exercised their duties of loyalty, care, and obedience, with integrity and diligence, 00:06:39.180 --> 00:06:42.390 position:50% align:middle and for that I am grateful. 00:06:42.390 --> 00:06:49.680 position:50% align:middle The work of the board in managing the business of the organization was expertly supported by the leadership 00:06:49.680 --> 00:06:57.250 position:50% align:middle of the CEO David Benton, who in a strategic, evidence-based visionary approach has ensured 00:06:57.250 --> 00:07:03.156 position:50% align:middle the mission, vision, and values of this organization were incorporated and 00:07:03.156 --> 00:07:06.606 position:50% align:middle lived by him and his exemplary staff. 00:07:06.606 --> 00:07:07.996 position:50% align:middle Thank you so much, David. 00:07:07.996 --> 00:07:13.466 position:50% align:middle We thank you for your eight years of stellar service and look forward to hearing from you this week 00:07:13.466 --> 00:07:19.496 position:50% align:middle about what you might imagine for us beyond your tenure, and maybe sorry, I said that. 00:07:19.496 --> 00:07:26.866 position:50% align:middle As you know, the delegate assembly adopts the strategic initiatives, and the board of directors with staff 00:07:26.866 --> 00:07:33.857 position:50% align:middle involvement develops the strategic objectives and then the real work begins. 00:07:33.857 --> 00:07:42.327 position:50% align:middle As we sit here in Chicago amid some beautiful architecture, it reminds me that the architect often 00:07:42.327 --> 00:07:47.347 position:50% align:middle gets the praise, but it's the builders that do all the demanding work. 00:07:47.347 --> 00:07:49.507 position:50% align:middle Not fair, really. 00:07:49.507 --> 00:07:55.677 position:50% align:middle All of you on the brilliant NCSBN staff team are builders of everything we achieve. 00:07:55.677 --> 00:08:01.392 position:50% align:middle You work together unselfishly to get results and to represent NCSBN well. 00:08:01.392 --> 00:08:04.712 position:50% align:middle On behalf of the board of directors, I thank you. 00:08:04.712 --> 00:08:13.412 position:50% align:middle Let us keep building together for the future just as those four, yes, I said four staff members did when 00:08:13.412 --> 00:08:21.102 position:50% align:middle NCSBN offices were established in Chicago and housed in the Time-Life Building. 00:08:21.102 --> 00:08:33.575 position:50% align:middle NCSBN history notes also tell an unexpected vacancy in the presidency of NCSBN in 1979 when changes and state 00:08:33.575 --> 00:08:38.585 position:50% align:middle government structure forced the first president of the council to resign as she was no longer eligible 00:08:38.585 --> 00:08:40.235 position:50% align:middle for her position. 00:08:40.235 --> 00:08:46.015 position:50% align:middle Unfortunately, in the last five years, these types of unexpected changes were experienced 00:08:46.015 --> 00:08:51.615 position:50% align:middle again and have resulted in change in the presidency and change in membership of the board of directors 00:08:51.615 --> 00:08:54.905 position:50% align:middle at times that were not expected. 00:08:54.905 --> 00:09:00.874 position:50% align:middle Back then, in the beginning, as in present day, sound governing documents, clear policies, 00:09:00.874 --> 00:09:07.114 position:50% align:middle and sound legal advice, thank you, Tom Wilde, provided a roadmap for actions to be taken 00:09:07.114 --> 00:09:12.654 position:50% align:middle in such circumstances. 00:09:12.654 --> 00:09:17.864 position:50% align:middle In early years, matters regarding the State Board test pool for registered nurses were voted 00:09:17.864 --> 00:09:20.264 position:50% align:middle on at the delegate assembly. 00:09:20.264 --> 00:09:28.844 position:50% align:middle And I have read that following the 1979 annual meeting, much of the board's attention was focused on an alleged 00:09:28.844 --> 00:09:36.837 position:50% align:middle break in security of the July administration of the State Board test pool exam, a paper and pencil test. 00:09:36.837 --> 00:09:42.847 position:50% align:middle Their response to this alleged breach as you can imagine was costly and time-consuming endeavor for the 00:09:42.847 --> 00:09:45.927 position:50% align:middle board of that day. 00:09:45.927 --> 00:09:53.247 position:50% align:middle Although security threats may be in a different form than 45 years ago or 5 years ago for that matter, 00:09:53.247 --> 00:09:59.187 position:50% align:middle a governing body has a real responsibility to ensure ongoing risk assessment and responsiveness 00:09:59.187 --> 00:10:01.292 position:50% align:middle to these issues. 00:10:01.292 --> 00:10:06.252 position:50% align:middle Some of our members have been challenged with cybersecurity threats and actions, 00:10:06.252 --> 00:10:12.712 position:50% align:middle and NCSBN has risen to the challenge to support those boards and to be vigilant regarding similar 00:10:12.712 --> 00:10:14.052 position:50% align:middle issues for NCSBN. 00:10:14.052 --> 00:10:23.552 position:50% align:middle In your business book is the report of the board of directors brought to you, our members, annually. 00:10:23.552 --> 00:10:30.082 position:50% align:middle This report includes progress on strategic work, activities of the board, 00:10:30.082 --> 00:10:34.728 position:50% align:middle the status of several business areas, as well as the board of directors' recommendations 00:10:34.728 --> 00:10:37.208 position:50% align:middle to the delegate assembly. 00:10:37.208 --> 00:10:45.308 position:50% align:middle These recommendations represent the extensive work and expertise of the committees and the staff 00:10:45.308 --> 00:10:47.098 position:50% align:middle that support them. 00:10:47.098 --> 00:10:53.528 position:50% align:middle Thank you for this particularly important work. 00:10:53.528 --> 00:10:57.668 position:50% align:middle Forty-five years ago, we did not have exam user members 00:10:57.668 --> 00:10:59.778 position:50% align:middle from across the globe. 00:10:59.778 --> 00:11:05.936 position:50% align:middle This week, the delegate assembly will consider acting on two exam user members' additions to the current 00:11:05.936 --> 00:11:09.326 position:50% align:middle membership of five exam user members. 00:11:09.326 --> 00:11:14.406 position:50% align:middle A slate of candidates, as you know, is also presented for consideration for both service 00:11:14.406 --> 00:11:19.396 position:50% align:middle on the board of directors and the leadership succession committee. 00:11:19.396 --> 00:11:26.316 position:50% align:middle The final recommendation which aligns with the NCSBN licensure reform objective aims to bring increased 00:11:26.316 --> 00:11:34.499 position:50% align:middle efficiencies to examination processes using digital technology, quite different from the paper and pencil 00:11:34.499 --> 00:11:38.049 position:50% align:middle tests of 45 years ago. 00:11:38.049 --> 00:11:46.159 position:50% align:middle I do recall many years ago taking that paper and pencil State Board test pool exam in Los Angeles 00:11:46.159 --> 00:11:50.119 position:50% align:middle along with several hundred other people when I came to the U.S. 00:11:50.119 --> 00:11:51.279 position:50% align:middle from Australia. 00:11:51.279 --> 00:11:59.509 position:50% align:middle That multiple-choice shade-the-bubble format was quite different from the handwritten essay responses I had 00:11:59.509 --> 00:12:05.441 position:50% align:middle to provide to case scenarios when I took my first examination as a registered nurse 00:12:05.441 --> 00:12:07.911 position:50% align:middle in Perth, Western Australia. 00:12:07.911 --> 00:12:15.541 position:50% align:middle Testing methods have certainly progressed since our beginnings, and we at NCSBN are fortunate to have many 00:12:15.541 --> 00:12:22.721 position:50% align:middle brilliant minds continuing to move testing and access to testing forward. 00:12:22.721 --> 00:12:31.574 position:50% align:middle To put these things into historical perspective, just from a technological perspective, 45 years ago, 00:12:31.574 --> 00:12:35.614 position:50% align:middle the first PET computer was released. 00:12:35.614 --> 00:12:44.524 position:50% align:middle An all-in-one personal computer, a Personal Electronic Transactor. 00:12:44.524 --> 00:12:50.144 position:50% align:middle And that same year, the first spam email was sent. 00:12:50.144 --> 00:12:53.124 position:50% align:middle Just think about that. 00:12:53.124 --> 00:12:58.744 position:50% align:middle We certainly know that today, NCSBN must continue to move forward ensuring that we 00:12:58.744 --> 00:13:03.716 position:50% align:middle are relevant and prepared for an ever-changing environment. 00:13:03.716 --> 00:13:09.136 position:50% align:middle In addition to the delegate assembly recommendations and report on business activities is the annual 00:13:09.136 --> 00:13:17.036 position:50% align:middle strategic plan progress report which puts into context the committee reports and focus group work 00:13:17.036 --> 00:13:18.426 position:50% align:middle of this week. 00:13:18.426 --> 00:13:22.256 position:50% align:middle In my remaining time with you, I will touch on some highlights 00:13:22.256 --> 00:13:25.256 position:50% align:middle of the business activities. 00:13:25.256 --> 00:13:30.878 position:50% align:middle Creating a compact nation. 00:13:30.878 --> 00:13:36.568 position:50% align:middle Progress continues to be made with the adoption of the Nurse Licensure Compact and the Advanced Practice 00:13:36.568 --> 00:13:38.638 position:50% align:middle Registered Nurse Compact. 00:13:38.638 --> 00:13:44.398 position:50% align:middle The Nurse Licensure Compact with the assistance of the NCSBN compact team and the challenging work of our 00:13:44.398 --> 00:13:51.328 position:50% align:middle members was introduced in 11 state legislatures in the 2023 session, and the number of participating 00:13:51.328 --> 00:13:55.073 position:50% align:middle jurisdictions has grown to 41. 00:13:55.073 --> 00:14:01.354 position:50% align:middle NCSBN continues to support efforts in states exploring entry into the Nurse Licensure Compact, 00:14:01.354 --> 00:14:07.994 position:50% align:middle and we are seeing significant movement in additional jurisdictions through the efforts of NCSBN staff 00:14:07.994 --> 00:14:12.334 position:50% align:middle collaborating with our member boards and the NLC Commission. 00:14:12.334 --> 00:14:19.824 position:50% align:middle The APRN Compact was introduced in a record-breaking seven states this session and successfully passed 00:14:19.824 --> 00:14:23.094 position:50% align:middle out of three legislative chambers. 00:14:23.094 --> 00:14:27.274 position:50% align:middle Positive progress continues in many areas of the U.S. 00:14:27.274 --> 00:14:33.478 position:50% align:middle as legislators and policymakers see the value of compacts from a workforce and 00:14:33.478 --> 00:14:37.458 position:50% align:middle healthcare access perspective. 00:14:37.458 --> 00:14:40.108 position:50% align:middle Now, on to the Next Generation NCLEX. 00:14:40.108 --> 00:14:45.758 position:50% align:middle After more than a decade in development and countless hours of research and analysis, as you know, 00:14:45.758 --> 00:14:50.678 position:50% align:middle the NGN was launched on April 1st, 2023. 00:14:50.678 --> 00:15:02.449 position:50% align:middle And based on recently released results, the implementation has been very successful. 00:15:02.449 --> 00:15:10.774 position:50% align:middle NGN is the biggest change in the NCLEX since being the first exam to use computerized adaptive 00:15:10.774 --> 00:15:13.895 position:50% align:middle testing in 1994. 00:15:13.895 --> 00:15:19.979 position:50% align:middle The NGN is the first major exam using polytomous CAT algorithms as well as the 00:15:19.979 --> 00:15:25.019 position:50% align:middle first major exam to incorporate clinical judgment. 00:15:25.019 --> 00:15:30.725 position:50% align:middle Please note when I say first, I mean among all professions. 00:15:30.725 --> 00:15:37.265 position:50% align:middle The exam team stayed up during the night of March the 31st to verify and validate all the early exams taken 00:15:37.265 --> 00:15:40.385 position:50% align:middle overseas in Asia as the results were coming in. 00:15:40.385 --> 00:15:47.835 position:50% align:middle David and Phil were relieved and excited to receive those early morning messages on April 1st. 00:15:47.835 --> 00:15:56.655 position:50% align:middle I must say that in my role as president, it may be the best text I ever received from the CEO. 00:15:56.655 --> 00:16:01.713 position:50% align:middle This is groundbreaking work and we should be immensely proud of it. 00:16:01.713 --> 00:16:05.479 position:50% align:middle Something else I want to touch on is the NCSBN ID. 00:16:11.292 --> 00:16:18.762 position:50% align:middle The NCSBN ID unique identifier is a unique number assigned to every U.S. nurse. 00:16:18.762 --> 00:16:26.352 position:50% align:middle A key benefit of using the unique identifier is its value in enabling interoperability. 00:16:26.352 --> 00:16:32.760 position:50% align:middle The possibilities of use by health systems for documentation, education measurement, 00:16:32.760 --> 00:16:38.110 position:50% align:middle and training purposes and for quantifying and tracking resources are many. 00:16:38.110 --> 00:16:46.570 position:50% align:middle NCSBN has been working this past year also with CMS, Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services, HRSA, 00:16:46.570 --> 00:16:51.900 position:50% align:middle the Health and Human Services Administration, and the National Practitioner Data Bank related to the 00:16:51.900 --> 00:16:58.390 position:50% align:middle use of this unique nurse identifier to decrease duplication, increase fraud protection, 00:16:58.390 --> 00:17:02.900 position:50% align:middle and improve data integrity. 00:17:02.900 --> 00:17:04.258 position:50% align:middle Cybersecurity. 00:17:04.258 --> 00:17:10.370 position:50% align:middle NCSBN continues to mature its cybersecurity program with the implementation of key activities that are 00:17:10.370 --> 00:17:16.170 position:50% align:middle in step with the business world and in response to the threats that are becoming more sophisticated and 00:17:16.170 --> 00:17:24.620 position:50% align:middle persistent and have the potential for impacting the entire organization and data in its custody. 00:17:24.620 --> 00:17:33.362 position:50% align:middle As I reflected earlier, it is a vastly different time than even five years ago. 00:17:33.362 --> 00:17:35.452 position:50% align:middle Research and data. 00:17:35.452 --> 00:17:41.602 position:50% align:middle I have to just mention that a highlight of this past year, Phyllis and I were enormously proud to be present 00:17:41.602 --> 00:17:47.932 position:50% align:middle at the National Press Club event when the 2023 National Nursing Workforce Study and other 00:17:47.932 --> 00:17:49.712 position:50% align:middle research was released. 00:17:49.712 --> 00:17:56.072 position:50% align:middle This generated a national dialogue regarding workforce issues and solutions. 00:17:56.072 --> 00:18:00.689 position:50% align:middle National and international partners as citing this body of work. 00:18:00.689 --> 00:18:07.189 position:50% align:middle The release of this and other research focused on the impact of the pandemic was carefully planned 00:18:07.189 --> 00:18:11.839 position:50% align:middle through collaboration between the research and communications department. 00:18:11.839 --> 00:18:18.949 position:50% align:middle Media coverage was maximized and utilized in manners that we have never used before. 00:18:18.949 --> 00:18:25.779 position:50% align:middle And the result of that was millions of hits in various areas. 00:18:25.779 --> 00:18:33.122 position:50% align:middle An example of how NCSBN research continues to be the wider regulatory environment is a meeting held just 00:18:33.122 --> 00:18:34.622 position:50% align:middle this past week. 00:18:34.622 --> 00:18:39.972 position:50% align:middle You may heard it referenced in some of our focus groups earlier this week where David, Phil, 00:18:39.972 --> 00:18:45.912 position:50% align:middle and I met with the chief nursing officer for the World Health Organization to offer NCSBN's continued support 00:18:45.912 --> 00:18:54.202 position:50% align:middle and collaboration as we look forward to the writing of the 2025 World's Nursing report as it's developed. 00:18:54.202 --> 00:19:01.303 position:50% align:middle By sharing with external entities the National Workforce study, additional NCSBN data, 00:19:01.303 --> 00:19:09.693 position:50% align:middle timely research, and information collected through the global regulatory atlas, excuse me, 00:19:09.693 --> 00:19:18.073 position:50% align:middle NCSBN will contribute in a meaningful and lasting way to the future of nursing regulation worldwide. 00:19:18.073 --> 00:19:26.403 position:50% align:middle The ICRS program continues to expand with new course offerings and increased participation from a wider, 00:19:26.403 --> 00:19:28.813 position:50% align:middle more diverse audience. 00:19:28.813 --> 00:19:35.318 position:50% align:middle Addition of courses and modifications to courses are undertaken in response to member feedback, 00:19:35.318 --> 00:19:41.468 position:50% align:middle relevancy to current regulatory matters, alignment with strategic initiatives, 00:19:41.468 --> 00:19:49.188 position:50% align:middle and to provide support and development of nursing regulators at all levels worldwide. 00:19:49.188 --> 00:19:52.068 position:50% align:middle A word about governance and policy. 00:19:52.068 --> 00:19:56.848 position:50% align:middle In keeping with best practices, a regular review and update of NCSBN's governing 00:19:56.848 --> 00:20:00.905 position:50% align:middle structure and bylaws should be undertaken. 00:20:00.905 --> 00:20:07.635 position:50% align:middle The board as part of our strategic objectives has begun preparations for work on governance reform. 00:20:07.635 --> 00:20:16.255 position:50% align:middle You may recall mid-year leadership day was devoted to the topic of contemporary strategies and governance. 00:20:16.255 --> 00:20:24.485 position:50% align:middle The board has directed a thorough examination of the NCSBN governing documents for any potential revisions 00:20:24.485 --> 00:20:31.515 position:50% align:middle and updates to ensure that they are in alignment with contemporary governing practices and are fully 00:20:31.515 --> 00:20:36.055 position:50% align:middle applicable to all our member nurse regulatory boards. 00:20:36.055 --> 00:20:43.345 position:50% align:middle The board voted at its last meeting to appoint a governance review committee comprised of volunteers 00:20:43.345 --> 00:20:46.055 position:50% align:middle with expertise in this area. 00:20:46.055 --> 00:20:52.255 position:50% align:middle So, be on the lookout for a call for volunteers, we welcome your involvement. 00:20:52.255 --> 00:20:57.535 position:50% align:middle As I referenced earlier, selection of the CEO as outlined in the NCSBN bylaws is 00:20:57.535 --> 00:21:01.749 position:50% align:middle the sole responsibility of the board of directors. 00:21:01.749 --> 00:21:08.449 position:50% align:middle The ongoing mutual regard for distinct roles between the board of directors and the CEO ensures a 00:21:08.449 --> 00:21:11.279 position:50% align:middle healthy functioning organization. 00:21:11.279 --> 00:21:17.589 position:50% align:middle The CEO serves as the agent and chief administrative officer and possesses the authority to perform the 00:21:17.589 --> 00:21:24.389 position:50% align:middle duties incident to the office to include management and supervision of staff, office, programs, 00:21:24.389 --> 00:21:30.257 position:50% align:middle and services of NCSBN. 00:21:30.257 --> 00:21:35.787 position:50% align:middle This past year, an orderly transition of responsibilities has been underway and the board will 00:21:35.787 --> 00:21:41.777 position:50% align:middle continue to offer support and guidance in the year to come and will appoint a transition team 00:21:41.777 --> 00:21:46.417 position:50% align:middle to further assist. 00:21:46.417 --> 00:21:49.927 position:50% align:middle Strategic partnership is another area that the board is focused. 00:21:49.927 --> 00:21:54.647 position:50% align:middle Particularly in today's environment, assessing and maintaining strategic partnerships is 00:21:54.647 --> 00:21:59.727 position:50% align:middle essential for the delivery of health care, public protection, and accomplishing the vision and 00:21:59.727 --> 00:22:01.959 position:50% align:middle mission of NCSBN. 00:22:01.959 --> 00:22:08.399 position:50% align:middle The board of directors attends meetings of other disciplines and regulatory partners in organizations 00:22:08.399 --> 00:22:15.629 position:50% align:middle that align with our core business and those whose core business may be focused in other directions but however 00:22:15.629 --> 00:22:18.129 position:50% align:middle intersect with NCSBN's work. 00:22:18.129 --> 00:22:24.279 position:50% align:middle Without this cross-collaboration, we cannot grow and do the best for nursing regulation. 00:22:24.279 --> 00:22:30.239 position:50% align:middle I agree with a statement that David Benton frequently makes that we need to do a better job of telling the 00:22:30.239 --> 00:22:38.009 position:50% align:middle story of regulation and NCSBN has worked more diligently this past year to enhance our storytelling. 00:22:38.009 --> 00:22:46.259 position:50% align:middle Engaging with our partners is one of the ways we do that, with those whose business is similar to ours and 00:22:46.259 --> 00:22:48.719 position:50% align:middle with those whose business is different. 00:22:48.719 --> 00:22:58.549 position:50% align:middle It enriches NCSBN's decision-making and advances our vision to lead regulatory excellence worldwide. 00:22:58.549 --> 00:23:07.833 position:50% align:middle To this point, I was struck by a statement that I heard by, actually, an Australian conference presenter at the 00:23:07.833 --> 00:23:12.993 position:50% align:middle recent ICN conference who said, "If you are only speaking to your herd, 00:23:12.993 --> 00:23:18.313 position:50% align:middle then you are only heard by your herd." 00:23:18.313 --> 00:23:24.733 position:50% align:middle And so, we are mindful of that as we engage with our other partners, the Tri-Council, 00:23:24.733 --> 00:23:30.799 position:50% align:middle the tri-regulator group, the international nurse regulatory collaborative, 00:23:30.799 --> 00:23:37.969 position:50% align:middle and many other organizations, nursing and non-nursing that come together. 00:23:37.969 --> 00:23:48.239 position:50% align:middle We enjoy the interactions and always look to see what we can take away from that that is relevant to NCSBN. 00:23:48.239 --> 00:23:55.009 position:50% align:middle You will see in the business book included in the board of directors report various external meetings attended 00:23:55.009 --> 00:23:58.659 position:50% align:middle by the board of directors, I hope you will take a look at that. 00:23:58.659 --> 00:24:04.271 position:50% align:middle What is important to know is that following attendance at meetings, the board evaluates the alignment of these 00:24:04.271 --> 00:24:14.011 position:50% align:middle organizations with our work, identifies key takeaways, and examines the relevancy for continued involvement. 00:24:14.011 --> 00:24:21.081 position:50% align:middle Topics at meetings that the board of directors attended include nursing regulation, technology, examinations, 00:24:21.081 --> 00:24:26.951 position:50% align:middle business practices, security in the domestic and the global space. 00:24:26.951 --> 00:24:32.828 position:50% align:middle A highlight this year of one of the meetings that some of the board of directors attended and several staff 00:24:32.828 --> 00:24:38.588 position:50% align:middle was the ICN Congress in Montreal, where nurses from education practice and regulation 00:24:38.588 --> 00:24:42.288 position:50% align:middle from 133 countries came together. 00:24:42.288 --> 00:24:48.798 position:50% align:middle This meeting not only afforded an opportunity for gaining a deeper understanding of our global partners 00:24:48.798 --> 00:24:54.248 position:50% align:middle in practice and regulatory issues, but it really highlighted the significance of NCSBN 00:24:54.248 --> 00:24:58.348 position:50% align:middle work and a potential for deeper engagement. 00:24:58.348 --> 00:25:05.568 position:50% align:middle I'd be remiss if I did not mention that both board members and staff, in addition to being great 00:25:05.568 --> 00:25:10.208 position:50% align:middle ambassadors at that meeting, represented NCSBN well through the acceptance and 00:25:10.208 --> 00:25:18.378 position:50% align:middle presentation of regulatory-focused papers that were submitted. 00:25:18.378 --> 00:25:21.638 position:50% align:middle And this just...I have to give photo credit to Adrian Guerrero here, 00:25:21.638 --> 00:25:30.408 position:50% align:middle but this just gives you a sense of, you know, the board in action in different places of the world, 00:25:30.408 --> 00:25:33.628 position:50% align:middle domestically and abroad sometimes. 00:25:33.628 --> 00:25:42.388 position:50% align:middle At this particular meeting, it was a highlight to hear...you see Prime 00:25:42.388 --> 00:25:51.368 position:50% align:middle Minister Trudeau, who actually in his comments referenced the nurses and Canada's involvement 00:25:51.368 --> 00:25:52.448 position:50% align:middle with us around that. 00:25:52.448 --> 00:25:55.991 position:50% align:middle So, that was quite a highlight. 00:25:58.478 --> 00:26:05.795 position:50% align:middle So, on a regular basis, the board makes decisions regarding NCSBN's core 00:26:05.795 --> 00:26:12.605 position:50% align:middle activities in the areas of finance, testing, information technology, nursing regulation, 00:26:12.605 --> 00:26:14.825 position:50% align:middle governance, and policy. 00:26:14.825 --> 00:26:20.525 position:50% align:middle You can see from the board report that in addition to considering routine matters, 00:26:20.525 --> 00:26:26.415 position:50% align:middle decisions are necessary regarding innovation and the monitoring of progress on the strategic initiatives 00:26:26.415 --> 00:26:29.515 position:50% align:middle and objective work. 00:26:29.515 --> 00:26:35.803 position:50% align:middle As you know from your jurisdictional boards, board members bring a variety of skills and it takes 00:26:35.803 --> 00:26:43.423 position:50% align:middle preparation and work and a shift to a new perspective for board members to look at things through a different 00:26:43.423 --> 00:26:48.053 position:50% align:middle lens than their full-time jobs at home. 00:26:48.053 --> 00:26:51.863 position:50% align:middle I thank the board of directors very much for this work this past year. 00:26:51.863 --> 00:26:58.723 position:50% align:middle And as we celebrate the rich history of NCSBN, reflecting on the last five years, 00:26:58.723 --> 00:27:05.270 position:50% align:middle while celebrating individuals and nurse regulatory boards who have made significant contributions 00:27:05.270 --> 00:27:07.920 position:50% align:middle to NCSBN nursing. 00:27:07.920 --> 00:27:12.060 position:50% align:middle You will see the release...I want you to be on the lookout, you will see the release. 00:27:12.060 --> 00:27:18.830 position:50% align:middle Actually, I think Michael told me it's already up there on the website, the history timeline added 00:27:18.830 --> 00:27:20.760 position:50% align:middle to the milestone. 00:27:20.760 --> 00:27:26.210 position:50% align:middle So, the history timeline on the website, which will give you additional information of the 00:27:26.210 --> 00:27:31.456 position:50% align:middle things that you have all been involved in and contributed to the accomplishments of NCSBN 00:27:31.456 --> 00:27:33.766 position:50% align:middle in this past year. 00:27:33.766 --> 00:27:37.396 position:50% align:middle As you think about the milestones, I asked you to remember how impressive it is that 00:27:37.396 --> 00:27:45.576 position:50% align:middle boards have counseled together through NCSBN and accomplished so much in a five-year period that spanned 00:27:45.576 --> 00:27:54.196 position:50% align:middle catastrophic weather events, a pandemic, economic and political instability in many parts 00:27:54.196 --> 00:27:55.736 position:50% align:middle of the world. 00:27:55.736 --> 00:27:57.916 position:50% align:middle Well done, everyone. 00:27:57.916 --> 00:28:06.602 position:50% align:middle And in closing, I would like to recognize the efforts of all the staff that made this meeting possible. 00:28:06.602 --> 00:28:08.825 position:50% align:middle You've done an incredible job. 00:28:15.362 --> 00:28:20.342 position:50% align:middle Please pass on our appreciation to those that are behind the scenes and not in the room today. 00:28:20.342 --> 00:28:26.452 position:50% align:middle And to the 45th Anniversary Committee, we appreciate your creativity and efforts to make this 00:28:26.452 --> 00:28:28.172 position:50% align:middle a special meeting. 00:28:28.172 --> 00:28:28.912 position:50% align:middle Thank you. 00:28:28.912 --> 00:28:34.435 position:50% align:middle We all know that the past five years has flown by, so it will not be long before planning for the 00:28:34.435 --> 00:28:39.275 position:50% align:middle major milestone, the 50th anniversary, will begin. 00:28:39.275 --> 00:28:44.565 position:50% align:middle As I reflect on this past year, a time of contemplating transition while carrying 00:28:44.565 --> 00:28:48.865 position:50% align:middle on the business of NCSBN, I am confident that the rich history, 00:28:48.865 --> 00:28:54.835 position:50% align:middle the engagement and leadership of members, and a sound strategic plan will carry this 00:28:54.835 --> 00:28:58.895 position:50% align:middle organization forward, remaining committed to public protection 00:28:58.895 --> 00:29:01.373 position:50% align:middle in the ever-changing environment. 00:29:01.373 --> 00:29:06.623 position:50% align:middle Thank you for your time and the opportunity to serve as the president of the board of directors 00:29:06.623 --> 00:29:08.776 position:50% align:middle for this excellent organization.