WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.190 - Mary, a home health nurse has been providing care to Dorothy for more than 2 00:00:06.370 --> 00:00:10.870 six months. The two of them have enjoyed pleasant conversations and discovered 3 00:00:11.050 --> 00:00:15.910 several mutual interests. Dorothy genuinely likes Mary and is grateful for 4 00:00:16.090 --> 00:00:21.030 the excellent care she's provided. Their friendly relationship has always remained 5 00:00:21.210 --> 00:00:26.690 on a professional level until today when Dorothy overhears Mary telling a friend 6 00:00:26.870 --> 00:00:32.870 about her financial problems. When Mary ends her phone call Dorothy offers to lend 7 00:00:33.050 --> 00:00:39.380 her money. Hesitant at first, Mary eventually accepts a loan and in doing so 8 00:00:39.560 --> 00:00:43.829 commits a serious violation of professional boundaries. 9 00:00:50.299 --> 00:00:53.545 Nurses inspire confidence in their patients by treating 10 00:00:53.545 --> 00:00:58.487 them professionally, objectively, and ethically. Patients and their 11 00:00:58.487 --> 00:01:01.620 families expect nurses to always act in their best 12 00:01:01.800 --> 00:01:06.700 interests and to adhere to the standards of professional conduct while maintaining 13 00:01:06.880 --> 00:01:11.370 a respectful and professional relationship, but nurses have a type of 14 00:01:11.550 --> 00:01:16.070 authority and influence that comes from their professional position. Their 15 00:01:16.250 --> 00:01:21.970 specialized knowledge and skills as well as access to private information make the 16 00:01:22.150 --> 00:01:27.150 patient vulnerable. The inherent difference in this relationship requires 17 00:01:27.330 --> 00:01:32.000 boundaries to help nurses establish and maintain limits in their professional 18 00:01:32.180 --> 00:01:37.450 interactions with patients. By using professional judgment to determine and 19 00:01:37.630 --> 00:01:43.610 stay within appropriate boundaries, nurses can meet their patients needs. On the 20 00:01:43.790 --> 00:01:49.060 other hand, nurses who put their personal needs ahead of their patients needs will 21 00:01:49.240 --> 00:01:54.400 cross over these professional boundaries. These types of behaviors violate laws and 22 00:01:54.580 --> 00:01:59.080 regulations that are designed to protect the public, as well as meet the standards 23 00:01:59.260 --> 00:02:00.660 of professional conduct. 24 00:02:07.504 --> 00:02:12.460 Every nurse/patient relationship can be depicted on a continuum of professional 25 00:02:12.640 --> 00:02:17.620 behavior. At the center of the continuum is what is commonly referred to as the 26 00:02:17.800 --> 00:02:22.650 therapeutic nurse/patient relationship. This relationship protects the patient's 27 00:02:22.830 --> 00:02:29.540 dignity, autonomy, and privacy. Under- involvement by the nurse is characterized 28 00:02:29.720 --> 00:02:34.780 by distancing, disinterest, and neglect. These types of behavior create an 29 00:02:34.960 --> 00:02:38.870 imbalance in the nurse/patient relationship. At the other end of the 30 00:02:39.050 --> 00:02:44.050 continuum is over-involvement. Almost all professional boundary crossings and 31 00:02:44.230 --> 00:02:49.880 violations occur at this end of the continuum. The continuum serves as a frame 32 00:02:50.060 --> 00:02:54.310 of reference for helping nurses evaluate their own and their colleagues 33 00:02:54.490 --> 00:03:00.230 interactions with patients. Unfortunately, while some boundaries are clear-cut, 34 00:03:00.410 --> 00:03:05.811 others may not be quite so easy to recognize at first. 35 00:03:11.016 --> 00:03:14.312 Let's take a look at the different types of over-involvement. 36 00:03:14.312 --> 00:03:18.059 We'll use a few examples to help us illustrate these behaviors. 37 00:03:18.505 --> 00:03:21.610 Boundary crossings, which are sometimes called 38 00:03:21.790 --> 00:03:27.570 boundary drifts are brief excursions across professional lines of behavior. The 39 00:03:27.750 --> 00:03:32.600 behavior is often inadvertent but sometimes the behavior can be purposeful 40 00:03:32.780 --> 00:03:38.230 and is used to meet a perceived therapeutic need. For example, Jack is 41 00:03:38.410 --> 00:03:42.590 concerned that his patient Lucy is becoming discouraged with her progress in 42 00:03:42.770 --> 00:03:48.240 physical therapy. Jack knows that Lucy is a fan of his alma mater's basketball team, 43 00:03:48.420 --> 00:03:53.650 so he gives Lucy a sweatshirt to wear during therapy. This is an example of an 44 00:03:53.830 --> 00:03:58.900 intentional boundary crossing with a specific therapeutic purpose in mind. 45 00:03:59.080 --> 00:04:03.193 Boundary crossings can sometimes occur in a therapeutic nurse/patient relationship 46 00:04:03.193 --> 00:04:09.089 but these incidents should be evaluated by the nurse for potential consequences and 47 00:04:09.089 --> 00:04:14.709 implications to a patient because boundary crossings can sometimes lead to a boundary 48 00:04:14.709 --> 00:04:20.427 violation. Boundary violations result when there is confusion between the needs of 49 00:04:20.427 --> 00:04:25.670 the nurse and those of the patient. These violations are characterized by excessive 50 00:04:25.670 --> 00:04:32.816 personal disclosure by the nurse, secrecy, or even a reversal of roles. Let's say 51 00:04:32.816 --> 00:04:37.304 that Jack secretively gives Lucy a sweatshirt and tells her they should go to 52 00:04:37.304 --> 00:04:42.625 a game together wearing their matching sweatshirts. In this case, Jack is putting 53 00:04:42.625 --> 00:04:49.525 his own needs and desires before the patient's. The difference is context. In 54 00:04:49.525 --> 00:04:53.930 the second case, the act of presenting the exact same gift becomes a boundary 55 00:04:53.930 --> 00:04:59.509 violation. Mary's acceptance of a loan from Dorothy is another example of a 56 00:04:59.509 --> 00:05:05.185 boundary violation. By allowing Dorothy to learn of her financial issues, Mary 57 00:05:05.185 --> 00:05:09.982 disclosed too much information about her personal life. When she accepted a loan 58 00:05:09.982 --> 00:05:14.838 from her patient, Mary placed her personal gain ahead of her patient's best 59 00:05:14.838 --> 00:05:22.038 interests. Professional sexual misconduct is an extreme form of boundary violation. 60 00:05:22.038 --> 00:05:28.179 It includes any behavior that is seductive, sexually demeaning, harassing, 61 00:05:28.179 --> 00:05:34.247 or reasonably interpreted as sexual by a patient. Professional sexual misconduct 62 00:05:34.247 --> 00:05:39.833 creates a breach of trust and this is an extremely serious violation of the nurses' 63 00:05:39.833 --> 00:05:45.616 professional responsibility to a patient. Violations of the Nurse Practice Act are 64 00:05:45.616 --> 00:05:49.932 addressed by Boards of Nursing depending on the laws and regulations of the 65 00:05:49.932 --> 00:05:54.684 jurisdiction as well as the severity and context of the boundary crossing or 66 00:05:54.684 --> 00:05:59.267 violation. Consequences may range from verbal warnings to license 67 00:05:59.267 --> 00:06:02.037 suspension or revocation. 68 00:06:08.036 --> 00:06:13.900 So, how can we identify potential boundary crossings and violations before 69 00:06:14.080 --> 00:06:19.090 they happen? Nurses who display one or more of the following behaviors should 70 00:06:19.270 --> 00:06:24.650 examine their patient relationships for possible boundary crossings or violations: 71 00:06:24.830 --> 00:06:33.250 excessive self-disclosure, secretive behavior, special treatment, flirtation, 72 00:06:33.430 --> 00:06:39.680 or overprotective behavior. Any of these behaviors may indicate a shift from the 73 00:06:39.860 --> 00:06:45.410 therapeutic nurse/patient relationship to over-involvement with the patient. Once a 74 00:06:45.590 --> 00:06:49.070 nurse becomes over-involved in the patient's world, the professional 75 00:06:49.250 --> 00:06:52.228 relationship is betrayed. 76 00:06:57.714 --> 00:06:59.783 Many of these behaviors may have a reasonable 77 00:06:59.783 --> 00:07:06.040 explanation, however, if a pattern emerges, it's time to stop and evaluate 78 00:07:06.220 --> 00:07:11.490 the behavior and possibly talk with a colleague or mentor. The earlier a nurse 79 00:07:11.670 --> 00:07:16.020 evaluates behaviors and seeks help, the greater the chances of returning to the 80 00:07:16.200 --> 00:07:22.320 therapeutic nurse/patient relationship. Take the case of Katy, a nurse caring for 81 00:07:22.500 --> 00:07:27.870 a late stage cancer patient, Cindy. Cindy's husband Joe is having trouble 82 00:07:28.050 --> 00:07:32.970 coping with his wife's illness. Wanting to comfort Joe, Katy has drifted from 83 00:07:33.150 --> 00:07:37.730 conversations with him outside his wife's room to having coffee with him in the 84 00:07:37.910 --> 00:07:44.700 hospital's cafeteria. Now, Joe is calling Katy at home and posting comments on 85 00:07:44.880 --> 00:07:49.490 social media, saying she's the only person who really understands what he's going 86 00:07:49.670 --> 00:07:55.990 through. Uncertain what to make of the situation, Katy talks to her nurse manager 87 00:07:56.170 --> 00:08:01.660 who helps Katy understand that, while her intentions are good, her actions 88 00:08:01.840 --> 00:08:05.275 constitute inappropriate over-involvement with a patient's family. 89 00:08:05.275 --> 00:08:10.820 Because she is open to assessing her professional relationships and sharing her 90 00:08:11.000 --> 00:08:16.750 concerns with her manager, Katy is able to return to patient-centered care before a 91 00:08:16.930 --> 00:08:22.120 boundary violation occurs. If Katy hadn't recognized the warning signs and talked to 92 00:08:22.300 --> 00:08:26.120 her manager, the crossing could have escalated to a boundary violation. 93 00:08:32.905 --> 00:08:37.690 Boundary crossings can happen to any nurse. The key to avoiding them is 94 00:08:37.870 --> 00:08:44.980 continual alertness, self evaluation and emphasis on the patient's best interests. 95 00:08:45.160 --> 00:08:50.880 In respecting professional boundaries, nurses protect their patients, themselves 96 00:08:51.060 --> 00:08:53.488 and the profession.