WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.020 ♪ [music] ♪ 2 00:00:02.090 --> 00:00:06.073 - [voice over] Emily was a nursing student in a pediatric rotation. She cared for 3 00:00:06.073 --> 00:00:11.240 Tommy, a five-year old patient who was recently diagnosed with type one diabetes. 4 00:00:11.420 --> 00:00:15.050 Tommy was going home soon so she took a cellphone picture of him to remember him 5 00:00:15.230 --> 00:00:19.480 by. That evening, she posted his picture on her Facebook page commenting how brave 6 00:00:19.660 --> 00:00:24.320 he was when he got his insulin injections. Two days later, Emily was called into her 7 00:00:24.500 --> 00:00:28.350 dean's office. A nurse from the hospital had seen the photo and caption and 8 00:00:28.530 --> 00:00:32.460 reported them to hospital officials. Emily was informed that her actions were a 9 00:00:32.640 --> 00:00:37.140 breach of her patient's confidentiality and a violation of federal privacy laws. 10 00:00:37.320 --> 00:00:40.840 Even though Emily had an excellent record as a student nurse, and had only had the 11 00:00:41.020 --> 00:00:45.200 best intentions in her post, she was expelled from her nursing program and the 12 00:00:45.380 --> 00:00:49.290 program has barred from using the pediatrics unit for their students. 13 00:00:49.891 --> 00:00:54.690 - Hi. I'm Kelly, a staff nurse here at the hospital. If you use social media 14 00:00:54.870 --> 00:00:59.480 properly, what happened to Emily will never happen to you. Nurses are 15 00:00:59.660 --> 00:01:03.910 increasingly utilizing social media not only for personal use but also as a way to 16 00:01:04.090 --> 00:01:08.400 foster professional connections and timely communications with patients and their 17 00:01:08.580 --> 00:01:12.090 families. But social media used inappropriately can result in disclosing 18 00:01:12.270 --> 00:01:16.790 too much patient information and violating their rights to privacy and 19 00:01:16.970 --> 00:01:20.840 confidentiality of information. This is what happened to Emily. Healthcare 20 00:01:21.020 --> 00:01:24.760 organizations typically have clear policies governing employee use of 21 00:01:24.940 --> 00:01:29.530 electronic and social in the workplace. It is out side the workplace however, where 22 00:01:29.710 --> 00:01:33.780 policies are often less clear and the potential for inappropriate use of social 23 00:01:33.960 --> 00:01:38.150 media is greatly increased. Effective nurse-patient relationships are built on 24 00:01:38.330 --> 00:01:42.610 trust. A cornerstone of that trust is patient privacy. Which is a key part of a 25 00:01:42.790 --> 00:01:46.850 patient's expectation to being treated with dignity and respect. Any patient 26 00:01:47.030 --> 00:01:50.470 information that a nurse has access to during the course of treatment must be 27 00:01:50.650 --> 00:01:55.620 safeguarded. With very limited exceptions, such information may only be disclosed to 28 00:01:55.800 --> 00:01:59.060 other members of the healthcare team for the purpose of providing care for the 29 00:01:59.240 --> 00:02:02.300 patient. Improper use of social media by nurses may 30 00:02:02.480 --> 00:02:06.300 violate state and federal laws. Including the health insurance portability and 31 00:02:06.480 --> 00:02:10.690 accountability act or HIPA. Which was enacted to further protect the patient 32 00:02:10.870 --> 00:02:15.480 privacy. Additionally, inappropriate uses of electronic and social media maybe 33 00:02:15.660 --> 00:02:19.620 reported to the Board of Nursing resulting in possible disciplinary action for 34 00:02:19.800 --> 00:02:23.720 unprofessional or unethical conduct, breach of confidentiality, or other 35 00:02:23.900 --> 00:02:27.570 infractions. Well, it's true that some intentional or malicious misuses of 36 00:02:27.750 --> 00:02:32.500 social media do occur, the majority of inappropriate disclosures or postings are 37 00:02:32.680 --> 00:02:36.980 unintentional. Usually they're the result of the mistaken belief that the 38 00:02:37.160 --> 00:02:40.730 communication or posting is private and accessible only by the intended recipient. 39 00:02:40.910 --> 00:02:45.830 That content deleted from the site is no longer accessible, for that it is 40 00:02:46.010 --> 00:02:48.790 acceptable to discuss or refer to a patient in a posting if they're not 41 00:02:48.970 --> 00:02:53.180 identified by name. By being cautious and alert to potential or improper uses of 42 00:02:53.360 --> 00:02:57.700 social media, you can avoid inadvertantly disclosing confidential information 43 00:02:57.880 --> 00:03:02.710 concerning your patients. Remember, you have an ethical and legal obligation to 44 00:03:02.890 --> 00:03:07.030 maintain patient privacy at all times. This means that you should never take photos or 45 00:03:07.210 --> 00:03:11.510 videos of patients using your cellphones or other personal devices. Be sure to 46 00:03:11.690 --> 00:03:16.080 follow employer policies for taking photos or videos of patients for treatments or 47 00:03:16.260 --> 00:03:20.950 other permissible purposes by using an employer provided devices. Even 48 00:03:21.040 --> 00:03:24.646 experienced nurses should be vigilant about avoiding serious violations of 49 00:03:24.646 --> 00:03:27.440 patient confidentiality as Jason learned. 50 00:03:29.047 --> 00:03:33.270 - [voice over] Jason has been a nurse for 12 years and is working in hospice care. 51 00:03:33.450 --> 00:03:37.270 One of his current patients, Maria, maintains a hospital sponsored online page 52 00:03:37.450 --> 00:03:41.930 to keep her family and friends updated on her battle of cancer. One day, she posted 53 00:03:42.110 --> 00:03:45.850 something about her depression and the difficulty of finding effective treatments 54 00:03:46.030 --> 00:03:50.490 for her physical pain. Jason saw the post and responded by writing a comment to 55 00:03:50.670 --> 00:03:54.400 Maria. He wrote that he understood her last few days have been difficult and he 56 00:03:54.580 --> 00:03:58.350 was hopeful that the new medication along with the increase dose of morphine will 57 00:03:58.530 --> 00:04:02.790 provide some needed relief. The next day, Jason ran into a friend who said she saw 58 00:04:02.970 --> 00:04:07.950 his post. She said Maria was an old family friend, was sad to hear of her condition 59 00:04:08.130 --> 00:04:12.120 and asked Jason how long he thought Maria had left. Now, fully realizing the 60 00:04:12.300 --> 00:04:15.460 implications on what he had done, immediately went home and tried to remove 61 00:04:15.640 --> 00:04:20.280 his post but was unable to do so. Besides, even if he had been successful in 62 00:04:20.460 --> 00:04:24.750 removing it. It may have already been copied by others and posted elsewhere. At 63 00:04:24.930 --> 00:04:29.290 his next visit with Maria, Jason told her what had happened and apologized. Jason 64 00:04:29.470 --> 00:04:33.630 then self-reported his breach of patient confidentiality to his Board of Nursing 65 00:04:33.810 --> 00:04:37.650 and is awaiting the board's decision concerning any disciplinary action. 66 00:04:38.299 --> 00:04:41.000 - Jason learned the importance of carefully considering the full 67 00:04:41.180 --> 00:04:45.440 implications of posting any information about patients on any website, including 68 00:04:45.620 --> 00:04:49.190 hospital sponsored sites. It may at times be appropriate for nurses to express 69 00:04:49.370 --> 00:04:53.660 empathy and support for patients on a website but they must be careful not to 70 00:04:53.840 --> 00:04:58.460 disclose private patient information. Inappropriate use of social media can 71 00:04:58.640 --> 00:05:02.270 derail someone's dream to be a nurse as it did for Emily. 72 00:05:02.450 --> 00:05:05.910 But even for experienced nurses like Jason, who have exceptional work 73 00:05:06.090 --> 00:05:11.060 histories, inappropriate use of social media can and does happen. Remember, 74 00:05:11.240 --> 00:05:14.380 increased access to communication through social media does not change the 75 00:05:14.560 --> 00:05:19.230 healthcare professional's responsibility to protect patient information. In fact it 76 00:05:19.410 --> 00:05:23.150 actually makes it easier to inappropriately share information. By 77 00:05:23.330 --> 00:05:26.680 carefully following standardized guidelines, healthcare professionals can 78 00:05:26.860 --> 00:05:31.490 responsibly use social media to improve the coordination of patient care. For more 79 00:05:31.670 --> 00:05:35.130 information, please visit the website of the National Council of State Boards of 80 00:05:35.310 --> 00:05:36.862 Nursing. 81 00:05:36.862 --> 00:05:44.424 ♪ [music] ♪