Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • Summary of Next Steps and Closing Remarks 

    2019  | Event Presentation

  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Regulatory Boards 

    2019  | Event Presentation

  • Panel Discussion: Reactor Panel on Artificial Intelligence 

    The use of artificial intelligence is growing rapidly across healthcare with emerging solutions potentially offering earlier diagnoses and improved patient outcomes. However, the governance and regulation of AI in healthcare poses significant challenges. During this session, panelists will react to Dr. Anthony Chang’s presentation and share their thoughts on how AI will impact the practice of medicine, nursing and pharmacy.

    2019  | Event Presentation

  • Panel Discussion: Effective Acquisition and Use of Licensing and Disciplinary Data 

    Panelists will describe how and how often the organizations acquire information from our state boards about licensure and discipline and how we make that available to the general public.

    2019  | Event Presentation

  • Plenary Presentation: Federal Legislative Update 

    During this session, staff from the FSMB, NABP and NCSBN will discuss legislative and policy highlights and priorities from each organization.

    2019  | Event Presentation

  • Panel Discussion: Things I Didn’t Think About 

    For years, medical, nursing and pharmacy students have characterized their knowledge of licensing and regulation as “inadequate.” During this session, panelists will describe the common reasons that lead to disciplinary action. They will also share their thoughts on how to better educate doctors, nurses and pharmacists about how to stay out of trouble.

    2019  | Event Presentation

  • REx-PN Practice Analysis

    The periodic performance of practice analysis (i.e., job analysis) studies assists BCCNM and CNO in evaluating the validity of the test plan that guides content distribution of the licensure examination for Licensed Practical/Registered Practical Nurses (LPN/RPNs). Because the Canadian health care industry is rapidly changing, practice analysis studies will be conducted by BCCNM and CNO on a five-year cycle. This practice analysis was conducted with the assistance of National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). 

    2019  | Publications

  • NGN Talks: The Clinical Judgment Measurement Model and Action Model

    In order to close the gap between what is measured on the NCLEX and what is taught in nursing programs, NCSBN created an action model that incorporates specific concepts of the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model. This NGN Talk looks at the how the action model helps measure the individual steps of clinical judgment while creating realistic and complex clinical scenarios.

    2019  | Video

  • Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) Update 

    NCSBN has been conducting research to determine whether clinical judgment and decision making in nursing practice can be reliably assessed through the use of innovative item types. This session will give an update on the NGN project.

    2019  | Event Presentation

  • Standard Setting 

    Standard setting is a process used by testing professionals to determine the passing score on a test. It is an important step in establishing the validity and legal-defensibility of an exam program. The NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN exams re-evaluate their respective passing standards triennially. In this session, NCSBN staff will discuss the steps involved in setting NCLEX passing standards.

    2019  | Event Presentation

  • NCLEX Operations: Overview 

    In addition to developing the NCLEX, the NCSBN Examinations Department provides daily operational, security and customer service support for NCLEX candidates, educators, and Nursing Regulatory Bodies (NRBs). During this session, we will explore the NCLEX registration process, online resources, and exam security measures, highlighting what candidates can expect before, during and after the NCLEX. The session will conclude with a summary of the NCLEX testing accommodation process, including the roles of candidates, NCSBN, Pearson VUE, and NRBs.

    2019  | Event Presentation

  • International Center for Regulatory Scholarship (ICRS)

    Introducing NCSBN's new International Center for Regulatory Scholarship (ICRS). This video provides an overview of the two-year program that offers NCSBN members, Exam User members and Associate Members the opportunity to gain advanced knowledge, enhance their leadership skills and build a network of colleagues. You can learn more at

    2019  | Video