Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • Comparison of English and Spanish Translations of a National Certification Examination

    This article describes an investigation into the comparability of a Spanish translation of an examination and the original English version.

    2014  | Publications

  • Professional Boundaries in Nursing

    Maintain professional boundaries and strengthen the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship. This video helps explain the continuum of professional behavior and the consequences of boundary crossings, boundary violations and professional sexual misconduct. Internal and external factors that contribute to professional boundary issues, including social media, are explored.

    2014  | Video

  • Center for Regulatory Excellence Commercial

    Learn about the Center for Regulatory Excellence grant program in this overview video. Get additional details about CRE.

    2014  | Video

  • NCLEX Examinations Webinar Series: DIY Reports Using Candidate Roster Data 

    This webinar demonstrates how to run a data query in Pearson VUE’s Business Intelligence (BI) platform and download the data for further analysis using Microsoft Excel’s pivot table function. After this webinar, you will be able to use this function to make customized reports specific to your operational needs.

    2014  | Recorded Webinar

  • Public Policy Agenda

    The NCSBN Public Policy Agenda delineates the organization's policy goals, highlights the organization's policy activities and outlines what you need to know about NCSBN.

    2014  | Publications

  • In Focus Fall 2014

    • Annual Meeting Notes
    • 2014 NCSBN Award Recipients
    • NCSBN Releases Findings of Landmark Simulation Study
    • 2014 Regulatory Symposium Gives Attendees a Clear View of the Big Picture
    • NCSBN Opens Registration for NCLEX in Canada
    • A Global Perspective: Nursing & Midwifery Regulation in Australia

    2014  | Magazines

  • Leader To Leader Fall 2014

    • Joyce Black, senior education consultant at the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia, gives readers a glimpse into her life as a education consultant in Canada.
    • NCSBN Opens Registration for NCLEX in Canada
    • Linda L. Kerby of Mastery Education Consultations provides expertise on Clinical Reasoning in Nursing Practice
    • Prelicensure Distance Education Recommendations
    • A Review of Entry-Level Nurse Characteristics and the NCLEX

    2014  | Magazines

  • The Tri-Regulator Collaborative Position Statement on Interprofessional, Team-based Patient Care

    Tri-Regulator Collaborative express its support for interprofessional collaboration and a team-based approach to patient care.

    2014  | Papers

  • The NCSBN Position Paper on Telehealth Nursing Practice

    In the 1990s the increasing use of telecommunication technology to provide nursing services raised the question whether nursing services delivered through broadband and electronic channels constituted the practice of nursing. NCSBN recognizes nursing practice provided through broadband and electronic channels as the practice of nursing and thus asserts that the regulation of telehealth nursing is appropriately done by boards of nursing.

    2014  | Papers

  • Commitment to Facilitating Interstate Practice

    This is the resolution describing the commitment of NCSBN in facilitating interstate practice which was adopted by the NCSBN Delegate Assembly on Aug. 15, 2014.

    2014  | Papers

  • Regulatory Implications and Recommendations for Distance Education in Prelicensure Nursing Programs

    Regulatory Implications and Recommendations for Distance Education in Prelicensure Nursing Programs." Description: This article provides the background and related literature findings for the recommendations that NCSBN's Distance Learning Education Committee made for prelicensure nursing programs. These recommendations were adopted at NCSBN's 2014 annual meeting. Further, regulator and educator issues are explored. Five regulatory guidelines are explained, and a timeline for BONs meeting these recommendations is described. Citation: Lower, B. & Spector, N. (2014). Regulatory implications and recommendations for distance education in prelicensure nursing programs. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 5(3), 24-33.

    2014  | Papers

  • Long-term Care Conference Monograph

    The Long-term Care Conference monograph includes themes from the discussions, along with brief summaries of published research on each of the major themes. A post-conference survey was sent to all participants six months following the conference to identify any steps taken or changes made as a result of attending the conference. The results of the survey are also presented. The monograph is intended for conference participants, nurses practicing in LTC, nursing home leadership, and organizations/agencies representing nursing homes and nursing home leadership.

    2014  | Papers