Showing 6 results for "tri regulator collaborative position statement"
The Tri-Regulator Collaborative Position Statement on Electronic Health Records
2017 | Papers
The Tri-Regulator Collaborative is urging that steps be taken by all stakeholders to bring uniformity and interoperability to EHRs across all practice settings.
The Tri-Regulator Collaborative Position Statement on Practitioner Wellness
2017 | Papers
Practitioner wellness is a patient safety issue impacting an increasing number of practitioners each year. It is a complex problem that demands a comprehensive and transparent approach in identifying, treating, and preventing burnout and other stress-related conditions.
The Tri-Regulator Collaborative Position Statement on Practice Location for Consumer Protection
2014 | Papers
The Tri-Regulator Collaborative affirms that in a consumer protection model, health care practice occurs where the recipient of health care services is located.
The Tri-Regulator Collaborative Position Statement on Interprofessional, Team-based Patient Care
2014 | Papers
Tri-Regulator Collaborative express its support for interprofessional collaboration and a team-based approach to patient care.
The NCSBN Position Paper on Telehealth Nursing Practice
2014 | Papers
In the 1990s the increasing use of telecommunication technology to provide nursing services raised the question whether nursing services delivered through broadband and electronic channels constituted the practice of nursing. NCSBN recognizes nursing practice provided through broadband and electronic channels as the practice of nursing and thus asserts that the regulation of telehealth nursing is appropriately done by boards of nursing.
2010 Policy Position Statement
2010 | Papers
Position statement on the advancement of Nursing Education. NCSBN's Board of Directors endorses continued learning at all levels of nursing and supports the Tri-Council consensus policy on the advancement of Nursing Education.