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PowerPoint Presentation
Link: port.pdf Reference Original NLC v. eNLC eNLC Nurses applying for a MSL must report participation in ATD programs BONs must perform CBCs on all initial licensure and license by endorsement applications for MSL Original NLC Nurses must meet ULRs Had no Uniform Licensure Requirements Reference: ULR Factsheet: The Grandfathering Date Is… Answer: ...
Part three, can you talk about when we make the decision to use bolding within the context of an NCLEX item? - That is a very common question. So you will see bolding throughout the stems of the, some of the different items. So usually, and this is also featured in the FAQs and in the test plan, which, which words are actually bolded, but usually it's what we would call or refer to as a qualifier. So something ©2024 National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 that the nurse would do first or what the client is most, things like that.
Importantly, the difficulty of the exams will remain the same. Further good news is we do not expect the exams to change again until the launch of NGN, which is still at least two and a half years away. Finally, as always, we will keep you informed through our website, our FAQs, and educator webinars to ensure that you always have the best available information about the exams. Thank you very much.
Digital Letterhead (plain)
One last resource on the website that Education Consultants find valuable is the Web Survey tool (link when you log into Passport). This tool can be used to send surveys to education consultants at other boards of nursing. There is a Help icon on the top of web survey with some FAQs; or you can call me and I’ll introduce you to this tool. Be sure to read Leader to Leader . This biannual publication is electronically sent out in the spring and the fall to educators who subscribe , as well as all boards of nursing, updating the educators on our initiatives and the role of regulation in nursing education.
One last resource on the Website that Education Consultants find valuable is the Web Survey tool (link when you log into Passport). This tool can be used to send surveys to the Education Consultants in the other Boards of Nursing. There is a Help icon on the top of Web Survey with some FAQs or call me, and I’ll introduce you to this tool. Please let me know if you have questions. I am looking forward to working with you and to your participation on our Education calls each month. Those Education calls are a great way to network with other Education Consultants, so I strongly recommend your participation whenever possible.
. — 8 — Overview of Committee Work Rules Committee The NLC Rules Committee was led by co-Chairs Joey Ridenour, RN, MN, FAAN, executive director, Arizona State Board of Nursing, and Brett Thompson-May, JD, general counsel, Mississippi Board of Nursing. Highlights of Rules Committee work include: • Development of survey process for commissioners and BON legal staff to review existing regulatory FAQs and provide commentary regarding areas needing clarity. • Review and revision of regulator ...
After the Exam After the Exam • How to Receive Results ü Official Results ü Quick Results • Candidate Performance Report (CPR) • Retake Policy How to Receive Results Provided by the NRBs Official Results Quick Results Service – 2 Business Days Unoffici al Results Candidate Performance Report (CPR) Retake Policy Contact the NRB, notify that you wish to retake the exam Re-register with Pearson VUE and pay the exam fee Receive new ATT Schedule a new exam appointmen t NCLEX® Resources NCLEX Examinat ...
Webinars | NCSBN
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. We have compiled these questions and answers, and invite you to join us as we uncover the NCLEX FAQs 2016 | Recorded Webinar NCLEX Examinations Webinar Series: Education Program Pass Rate Report in Pearson VUE’s BI Platform This webinar introduces a new, dynamic report (Education Program Pass Rate) that will be launched in January 2016 through Pearson VUE’S Business Intelligence platform.
This avoids the 90-day window limit to schedule an exam. Page 2 of 2
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