Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • Committee Forum: Strategic Initiatives 2023-2025

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • NGN News - Summer 2022

    Topic: Overview of the 2021 PN Practice Analysis

    2022  | Publications

  • NGN: An Enhanced Exam for the Real World of Nursing

    The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) uses new types of questions to better measure clinical judgment.

    2022  | Video

  • Report of Findings from the 2021 RN Nursing Knowledge Survey

    This study identifies the knowledge needed by newly licensed RNs. The results of this study will be used to inform item development. Because changes can occur in registered nurse (RN) practice, this study is conducted on a three-year cycle. Due to COVID-19, the RN knowledge survey was conducted in 2021.

    2022  | Exams Research

  • Report of Findings from the 2021 LPN/VN Nursing Knowledge Survey

    This study identifies the knowledge needed by newly licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPN/VNs). The results of this study (i.e., the important knowledge statements) will be used to inform item development. Because changes can occur in LPN/VN practice, this study is conducted on a three-year cycle.

    2022  | Exams Research

  • Multistate Licensure for Telephonic Practice (Telehealth) - July 2022

    July 26, 2022

    2022  | Recorded Webinar

  • 2022 NLC Legal Conference Series: Session 4 

    Attorneys wanting to obtain CLEs should email to receive a session evaluation. Please include your name, email, state of licensure, session title(s) and the date(s) viewed. All  session evaluations must be returned to NCSBN by June 28, 2024 to receive CLEs.

    Key Steps in the Joint Investigations Process for NLC Party States A complaint against a nurse practicing on a multistate privilege is filed, but what happens next?

    In this helpful session you will receive guidance on what to do if complaints are filed in both the remote and home state. You will learn which state should conduct the investigation and how to manage when a nurse moves mid-investigation. Additionally, you will learn how to respond to inquiries related to investigations from other BONs and understand how to handle requests for subpoena from other party states. 

    Sharing Information in the Interest of Public Protection, but How Much is too Much?

    This session will dive deeper into the earlier session and provide best practices about sharing investigative information with other states. You will learn what can and cannot be shared. For example, can alternative to discipline (ATD) documents be shared with other party states? What about sharing nursing inve

    Disciplined? What Happens to the PTP?

    This session will answer some of the common questions regarding a nurse’s privilege to practice (PTP). How do adverse actions or issuance of cease and desist in a remote state impact a nurse’s PTP on the multistate license issued from the home state? What actions does the remote state take in comparison to the home state, and how do each state’s actions affect a nurse’s multistate privileges? What types of disciplinary sanctions does the comp

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • 2022 NLC Legal Conference Series: Session 3 

    Attorneys wanting to obtain CLEs should email to receive a session evaluation. Please include your name, email, state of licensure, session title(s) and the date(s) viewed. All  session evaluations must be returned to NCSBN by June 28, 2024 to receive CLEs.

    Differences and Due Process

    In this brief session, you will learn about how due process applies when imposing cease and desist actions. Additionally, you will learn how cease an

    Case Examples Requiring the BON Note

    This session will provide the BON Note policy, inform you of recent policy changes, share information regarding current significant investigation, demonstrate how to utilize BON Note and provide various situational examples which necessitate the BON Note. Questions addressed include: What should a party state do if a nurse is under investigation for allegations of violations of laws and/or rules in party states? What if the allegations significantly threaten public health and safety? For example, a nurse diverted controlled substances, was impaired on duty, verbally or physically threatened or assaulted a patient. In situations like this, a party state will need to activate the BON Note within Nursys.

    Panel Discussion

    This panel of attorneys will provide responses to legal questions that were submitted in advance by attendees. 

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • 2022 NLC Legal Conference Series: Session 2 

    Attorneys wanting to obtain CLEs should email to receive a session evaluation. Please include your name, email, state of licensure, session title(s) and the date(s) viewed. All  session evaluations must be returned to NCSBN by June 28, 2024 to receive CLEs.

    U.S. Court Decisions and Trends in Nursing Regulation

    This session will provide an overview of the recent and current court cases affecting regulatory boards in the U.S. and share vital information about new legal precedents established in administrative law. You will be provided with a snapshot of the key legislation which passed in 2021 and 2022. 

    NLC Statutes and Rules: Key Terminology Refresh

    Join NLC Rules Committee co-chair Alice Henley to obtain a refresher on must-know terminology from NLC Statutes and Rules. Understanding of these terms is essential for determining eligibility for multistate licensure and becoming familiar with the effects of disciplinary action. In this essential session you will learn about adverse actions, disqualifying events, encumbrance, deactivation, alternative programs and more.

    Application of the ULRs

    There are 11 ULRs for obtaining a multistate license. This session is a deep dive into interpreting these statutory provisions when evaluating a nurse’s eligibility to obtain or retain a compact license. 

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • 2022 NLC Legal Conference Series: Session 1 

    Attorneys wanting to obtain CLEs should email to receive a session evaluation. Please include your name, email, state of licensure, session title(s) and the date(s) viewed. All  session evaluations must be returned to NCSBN by June 28, 2024 to receive CLEs.

    Interstate Compact Law and How it Impacts State Law: What They Didn’t Teach You in Law School

    With extensive research, writing, legislative testimony, and litigation experience in the area of Compact Law, Special Counsel to the NLC, Rick Masters is known as a national expert on the law and use of interstate compacts. In this can’t-miss presentation, Masters will provide a foundational understanding of Interstate Compacts, identify relevant federal laws and regulations, and share examples of when compact law prevails over existing state laws which may be conflictual. 

    Best Practices: Avoiding Antitrust Liability in Occupational Licensing

    In this informative session, Nahale Freeland Kalfas, administrative law expert, will provide you with information regarding interstate compacts as a tool for amelioration of antitrust liability, and how to better manage scope of practice conflicts with informal procedures, memorandum of understanding and potential judicial alternatives. These lessons will enable attendees to gain an understanding of best practices to preserve board member immunity and avoid antitrust liability in the occupational licensure setting.

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • Trauma Informed Interview Process: Part 1 

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • Safe Harbor for Unsafe Nursing Assignments 

    2022  | Event Presentation