The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is pleased to present its annual NCLEX Conference as a virtual event. This oneday educational conference on Sept. 22 provides nursing educators with Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) updates along with helpful tips and techniques for applying the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (NCJMM) in the classroom. Live question and answer sessions will be available throughout the event. The conference will also feature a variety of video resources about the NCLEX.
Event Presentations
2021 Practice Analyses and the 2023 NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN Test Plans
- Presented by
- Nicole Williams, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC, Associate Director, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 23:48
Standard Setting
- Presented by
- Hong Qian, PhD, Manager, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 26:58
Q&A Session One
- Presented by
- Q&A Moderator: Jason A. Schwartz, MS, Director, Outreach, Marketing & Advocacy; Hong Qian, PhD, Manager, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN; Nicole Williams, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC, Associate Director, Examinations, NCSBN; Emily Petersen, MS, MJ, RN, APRN, CPNP-PC, Manager, Content Development, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 26:50
Testing Operations: Exam Administration and Accommodations
- Presented by
- Thy Cao, Manager, Consolidated Services, NCSBN; Jenn Keating, Consolidated Services Specialist III, Consolidated Services, NCSBN
- Length
- 22:25
Testing Operations: Exam Administration and Accommodations Q&A
- Presented by
- Q&A Moderator: Jason A. Schwartz, MS, Director, Outreach, Marketing & Advocacy; Thy Cao, Manager, Consolidated Services, NCSBN; Jenn Keating, Consolidated Services Specialist III, Consolidated Services, NCSBN
- Length
- 19:05
Next Generation NCLEX (NGN): Test Scoring
- Presented by
- William Muntean, PhD, Manager, Psychometrics, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 15:13
Next Generation NCLEX (NGN): Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) and Stopping Rules
- Presented by
- Shu-chuan Kao, PhD, Senior Manager, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 22:08
Final Q&A and Closing
- Presented by
- Q&A Moderator: Jason A. Schwartz, MS, Director, Outreach, Marketing & Advocacy; William Muntean, PhD, Manager, Psychometrics, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN; Emily Petersen, MS, MJ, RN, APRN, CPNP-PC, Manager, Content Development, Examinations, NCSBN; Shu-chuan Kao, PhD, Senior Manager, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN; Thy Cao, Manager, Consolidated Services, NCSBN; Joe Betts, PhD, EdS, MMIS, Director, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN; Hong Qian, PhD, Manager, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN; Nicole Williams, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC, Associate Director, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 27:53
NCLEX Test Scoring
- Presented by
- William Muntean, PhD, Manager, Psychometrics, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 19:10
NCLEX Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) and Stopping Rules
- Presented by
- Shu-chuan Kao, PhD, Senior Manager, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 18:25
Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) Stand-alone Items
- Presented by
- Emily Petersen, MS, MJ, RN, APRN, CPNP-PC, Manager, Content Development, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 31:37
The NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (NCJMM)
- Presented by
- Joe Betts, PhD, EdS, MMIS, Director, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 19:40
Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) Case Studies and Item
- Presented by
- Anne Buttolph, MS, RN, RN Content Development Associate I, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 20:25
The NCLEX Item Development Process
- Presented by
- Aly Brenton, MSN, RN, CNL, RN Test Development Associate II, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 17:29
Sensitivity and Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
- Presented by
- Aly Brenton, MSN, RN, CNL, RN Test Development Associate II, Examinations, NCSBN; Hong Qian, PhD, Manager, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 20:24
Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) Test Design
- Presented by
- Joe Betts, PhD, EdS, MMIS, Director, Measurement & Testing, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 18:03
NCLEX Candidate Registration Process
- Presented by
- NCSBN Examinations Department
- Length
- 12:01