The NCSBN Midyear Meeting includes the business of NCSBN, leadership and education. Members gather to discuss and decide NCSBN’s future initiatives regarding licensure, regulation and issues facing nursing.
Event Presentations
The Impact of Competency-based Education
- Presented by
- Joan Stanley, PhD, NP, FAAN, FAANP, Chief Academic Officer, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- Length
- 58:55
Competency-based Education Panel
- Presented by
- Moderator: Nancy Spector, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director of Nursing Education, National Council of State Boards of Nursing Panelists: Joan Stanley, PhD, NP, FAAN, FAANP, Chief Academic Officer, American Association of Colleges of Nursing; Carrie McDermott, PhD, RN, APRN, ACNS-BC, Corporate Director Professional Nursing Practice, Emory Healthcare; Lacey Gentry, MSN, RN, Board Member, University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Nursing; Deena Rouch, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, CENP, FACHE, EBP, Board Member, Idaho Board of Nursing; Toni Herron, Indiana State Board of Nursing, Education Compliance Officer
- Length
- 58:27
President’s Welcome & Board of Directors Update
- Presented by
- Jay Douglas, MSM, RN, CSAC, FRE, President, NCSBN Board of Directors; Executive Director, Virginia Board of Nursing
- Length
- 21:35
Leadership Succession Committee (LSC) Forum
- Presented by
- Tammy Buchholz, DNP, RN, CNE, FRE, Chair, NCSBN Leadership Succession Committee; Associate Director for Education, North Dakota Board of Nursing
- Length
- 16:42
Regulation of Supportive Nursing Personnel
- Presented by
- Peggy Benson, MSN, MSHA, NE-BC, Executive Officer, Alabama Board of Nursing
- Length
- 45:00
Model Act and Rules Discussion
- Presented by
- Maryann Alexander, PhD, RN, FAAN, Chief Officer, Nursing Regulation, NCSBN
- Length
- 43:35
Operation Nightingale Overview
- Presented by
- Jim Cleghorn, MA, Director, Member Engagement & Government Affairs, NCSBN
- Length
- 46:03
Legislative Update
- Presented by
- Jim Cleghorn, MA, Director, Member Engagement & Government Affairs, NCSBN; Nicole Livanos, JD, Director, State Affairs; NCSBN, Robert Krebs, Associate, State Affairs, NCSBN
- Length
- 46:42
Using Evidence to Impact Regulatory Policy
- Presented by
- Brendan Martin, PhD, Director, Research, NCSBN; Nicole Kaminski-Ozturk, PhD, Research Scientist 1, NCSBN; Nancy Spector, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director, Nursing Education, NCSBN
- Length
- 57:01
NCLEX Candidate & Member Experience Update
- Presented by
- Steve Viger, PhD, MS, Deputy Chief Officer, Examinations, NCSBN
- Length
- 27:37